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City of Port TownsendwA
Meeting Minutes
Parks, Recreation and Trees Advisory Board
Tuesday, March 26, 2013, 4:30 pra - 6:00 pra
City Hall Meeting Room 41
L Meeting called to order at 4:35 pm by President, Rosemary Sikes.
Members in Attendance: Daniel Milholland, Ron Sikes, Rosemary Sikes, Lys Burden and Debbie Jahnke. Sally
Robbins is excused.
Staff: none
Visitors: none
II. Approval of Agenda —Agenda Nvas amended to include discussions of the Parkside Park project and Bulbfest.
Approved as amended.
III. Approval of Minutes—Minutes for February 26 Nvere amended to include comment from visitor. Minutes from
January meetings Nvere amended to make'south'trail read'loop'trail and to state that no park functional plan meetings are
scheduled until MPD is done. Minutes for Jan 10, Jan 22 and Feb 26, 2013 minutes approved as amended.
IV. PRT 2013 Work Plan
A. Tree City USA—
1. 'Significant Tree Brochure' Update: Nve have been allowed to consider trees for the brochure that have may
be rooted in private property but extend their canopies over public space and are viewable Nvithout incursion on private
ovmers. No oN-,ner names or addresses are included. Draft brochure includes four proposed'tree Nvalks' -Fort Worden,
Morgan Hill area(to include Sather and Chetzemoka), uptoN-,n historic district, and Castle Hill area to include Gateway,
Kali Tai and Bishop parks. Draft brochure is being evaluated by city staff now. A copy of the draft Neill be sent out to the
board for comments and changes. Discussion included a debate about whether coordinates Nvere helpful, and perhaps
replacing the brief park descriptions Nvith a nomination form so other trees could be nominated by citizens. Street names
Nvill be added to the maps once decisions are made about what trees Neill be on them. Staff idea to expand each of the four
tree Nvalks to make web pdfs (color photos and more complete information about locations, etc.)Nvas discussed. It Nvas
noted that one of the bird photographers at Admiralty Audubon has volunteered to take photos of the trees that end up on
the list.
2. Tree Walks for National Arbor Day: (Apr 26): using the DRAFT Significant Trees of PT brochure(if Nve get
staff approval to use the brochure). Ron and Rosemary volunteered to lead two of the Nvalks (Fort Worden and Bishop
Park area,respectively). We may have volunteers for the other two Nvalks; Lys Nvill inquire. David Bise has suggested a
Tour du Trees. Daniel Nvill check Nvith the Reevelery about how insurance Nvorks for that sort of event. We should
advertise events Nvith garden club, schools,master gardeners. The Board set an April 15 deadline for decisions about
tours,times, dates and leaders so Nve could get it in the paper. Rosemary Nvill draft a press release, Debbie Nvill assist.
3. Progress Report on Haines Street Cottages and Parkside Park Planting: Staff Nvere unable to arrange the
meetings necessary for our very short time window before a grant deadline. HoNvever, it Nvas announced at Council on 18
March that some money Nvas available for berms and irrigation for the park planned at Parkside. Since plans Nvere already
draN-,n up for this park and since a tree and plant list Nvas available, Board members received staff permission to go
forward Nvith a grant proposal for trees for Parkside. Draft narrative text Nvas submitted by email to Park Board members.
Text Nvas discussed and approved by the Board. Submission Nvill occur before Thursday, March 28 at 4 pm. The Haines
cottage effort Neill go forward Nvith planning so Nve Nvill be ready the next time an opportunity arises for funding.
C. Volunteers for our Parks
1. Volunteers for our Parks: Bonnie Corra organized raking of the Rhody beds at Haller Fountain/Terrace Steps Mar
16. Six volunteers participated. Announcements included notification of Je ff: Judy Surber Neill not to attend PRT meeting
until April 23. Rosemary handed out a budget summary and comparison from the City budget for 2012 Nvith some
discussion. Board Nvould like to see what 2013 looks like.
Co. Leader and PDN by Rosemary and the city Nvebsite by Debbie. Work party at Kali Tai Park from 9am—
noon, March 24,had 12 volunteers.
2. April Work Parties: April 21 at Kali Tai. Emphasis Nvill be pulling Scot's broom and garbage pick-up. Plans
to advertise include a press releases of the event by Rosemary and notice to the city Nvebsite by Debbie. Steve Wright
asked if Nve could get some Nveeldy volunteers lined up for the floNver beds at Chetzemoka. We Nvill get these events put
together for the city Nvebsite and posted. Some discussion occurred Nvith regard to getting an electronic volunteer signup
capacity on the city Nvebsite. It Nvas suggest that WSU might have software to consider.
3. Bulbfest - Danny Milholland will put together a"production outline" for the event and said Matt
Berberich would be supportive by sending a list of bulbs, i.e. short ones appropriate for planting in grass and
natives for stips in beds. If we pay by June for autumn delivery, prices are cheaper. Danny recommended
scheduling the event for the Sunday after Thanksgiving, rain or shine. The event would help celebrate Bobby
McGarragh's long service for the parks department
V. Metropolitan Park District—Rosemary reported on the first MPD meeting 21 March. There are eleven members
Nvith county-Nvide representation. Because she is the only representative from the City Parks Board, she asked to select an
alternate, given the expected busy MPD schedule. MPD staff indicated that alternate recommendations should be
forNvarded to them and that a concern Nvas that alternates needed to stay Nvell-informed about the process. Rosemary asked
that Debbie Jahnke be her alternate as Debbie planned to attend all the MPD meetings.
Board discussed the issue of continuity of PRT representation(i.e. chair) on the MPD steering committee. Rosemary
indicated she Nvould be Nvilling to serve for the duration of the MPD but Nvould ask to take the seat vacated by a recent
resignation so her term Nvould end in 2015. Board voted unanimously to keep Rosemary as Chair. Board voted to have
Debbie serve as interim vice chair until Sallv returns to the Board.
VI. Parks & Rec Budget: Judy Surber Neill not to attend a PRT meeting until April 23. Rosemary handed out a budget
summary and comparison from the City budget for 2012, Nvith some discussion. Board Nvould like to see what 2013 looks
VII. Board and Visitor Comment-
-Update from Candice Gohn: Lys reported receiving e-mail correspondence from Candice Gohn about the tree signage
project at Chetzemoka Park, and all selected trees should be labeled by now. A map Neill follow sometime this spring.
- Touring Our Parks: Lys pointed out that July is National Parks &Rec month and probably a good time to schedule a
tour of our parks. She noted that PT Pedalpalooza Nvill be taking place from July 12 to 21,and this might be an
excellent time to schedule a park to park ride.
VIII. Future Meeting Agenda Items-to be determined
IX. Adjournment-Meeting adjourned at 5:40pm.
Action Steps Needed:
I. Finish draft Significant Tree Brochure (Debbie); City to send letters to tree owners (?) of trees in brochure
for public tree viewing only from public property
2. Complete plans for National Arbor Day activities (Rosemary, Lys &Debbie) and promote
3. Submit tree planting grant (Debbie)
4. Call Barbara Pasteur to see if she can help organize weekly weeding parties at Chetzemoka and promote on
the City's website
5. Lys will check with Sally Chapin about the WSU Extension software for logging in volunteer hours.
6. Check to see if Bonnie Cora's Group, Friends of Steve Cora, would adopt Haller Fountain Steps Park
7. Danny Millholand to draft"production outline" for Bulbfest in November; board members to think about a
fundraising plan to pay for bulbs