Date: 3-19-13 Location: City Hall, 3rd Floor Conference Room
Time: 3:00 p.m. - (time) Scribe: John McDonagh
Members Present: X❑ Charles Paul; Chair X❑ Richard Berg X❑ Cate Comerford
X❑ Pamela Adams X❑ Jim Manier X❑ Marsha Moratti X❑ Rosalind Russell
Staff Present: John McDonagh Other Attendees: See attached Sign Up Sht.
Agenda Item Recommendation /Action Follow-up
(If Needed)
Role Call All Present
Approval of Minutes Minutes of the last meeting unavailable Check with City Clerk
Agenda Approved 7-0: Later amended to allow Item D to precede item C
Additions or Corrections
Correspondence Alliance Review sent electronically
Other Marsha recused herself from HPC13-011
Richard recused himself from HPC13-010 & 13-008
New Business A. HPC13-007 1. , B. 13-013, D. 13-008, & 13-010 See attached dialog sheet
Note 1 pertains to HPC13-007
Old Business None
Other Business None
Announcements Next unstaffed meeting is 4-2-13, 3:00 PM
' Note to HPC members. Per follow up discussion with the City Attorney, members who are not recused because of a fairness conflict are expected to vote,yea or nay.
Abstention is not an option. As the abstention in this case did not affect the majority's recommendation, staff has included the vote as it occurred. Future efforts to abstain
will be recorded as per Robert's Rules,which staff believes record an abstention as an*'aye" vote.
3PM, MARCH 19, 2013
A. HPC13-007, Beverly Malagon
New ductless heat pump placed atop canopy at 1046 Water Street
Sub-Committee: Charlie and Jim
Richard moved (Marsha 2nd) to require the applicant to provide cost
Estimates of putting the unit on the roof versus the cost of the proposed
Location before HPC makes a formal recommendation.
Motion approved 6 ayes, 1 nay
B. HPC13-011, Jefferson County Historic Society
Placement of historic anchor into the streetscape
Sub-Committee: Rosalind and Pamela
Richard moved (Pam A. 2nd) to approve installation of the anchor as
proposed (in the vicinity of the JCHS entrance)
Cate offered a friendly amendment (agree to by all) to have a review of
safety and structural support measures in the final anchor location brought
back to the full HPC for additional review and recommendation. In addition,
City staff will review and affirm that the sidewalk space isn't adversely
affected by the selected location.
Motion as amended approved 5 ayes, 1 abstention, 1 recusal
D. HPC13-008, Longridge and Burch
New detached garage at 1428 Monroe St
Sub-Committee: Cate and Marsha
Cate moved (Rosalind 2nd) that the proposed two (2) car garage and requested
departures be accepted as proposed. Charlie offered a friendly amendment
(agreed to unanimously) that staff be authorized to review final details for the
Garage (materials, colors, windows/doors and lighting).
Motion as amended approved 6 ayes, 1 recusal.
C. HPC13-010, Doc's Restaurant
New Addition
Sub-Committee: Marsha and Rosalind
Submittal was not for formal recommendation at this time. Request was for
Pre-Application level comments/feedback on a proposed addition to the former
Single Attendants Quarters at Port Hudson Marina. Applicant's representative
described what type of efforts could be used to "differentiae" an addition at this
location but to make sure it was "compatible".
Committee comments/questions ranged and included (summarized, not quoted):
" Is the area where the addition is proposed some form of access roadway that
needs to be left open? Apparent answer is "no" but applicant will verify.
"Stepping the addition back from both the east and west could be one possible
way to have a new addition read as different but similar"
"Is an addition to the building in any form appropriate?" There is no real "back" to
building and the spatial "T" relationship of the structure would be compromised.
No addition should be approved" Some thought this approach was unfounded
and not supported by the Secretary's guidelines.
" The landowner isn't taking care of the overall Pt. Hudson property now"