DATE: 4-2-13
TIME: 3 P.M.
SCRIBE: Pam Adams
I.Members Present:
Charles Paul, Chair
Pamela Adams
Jim Manier
Cate Comerford
Richard Berg
Marsha Morattti
2.Approval of Minutes, March 19, 2013
Amended to delete the last line; Approved as amended 6-0.
Charlie updated us on the items in the Minutes:
UPC 13-007: The cost of putting the unit on the roof was deemed prohibitive by the installer.
Richard asked that it be installed in the back of the building. Ultimately, the unit will be installed
on the rear wall. An older unit was discovered to have been installed improperly. Richard
suggested UPC advocate for no pumps be visible from the pedestrian areas. Marsha stated that
UPC cannot consider costs as we advocate for the historic building. Marsha agreed to draft a
statement to that effect.
UPC 13-011: With the Director for appraisal.
UPC 13-008: Was signed off on.
UPC 13-010: Taken under advisement.
This proposal led to a discussion about enforcement of codes. How is it done presently? How
should it be done? Who should do it?
3. Approval of Agenda: Approved with the deletion of 42 under Old Business.
4. Correspondence: None
5. Appearance of Fairness: No unfairness
6. Old Business: Update/Discussion of Wayfinding Project
Charlie presented the 5 new directional signs which will be placed in Uptown by the end of
April. There will be 1 at the Community Center, 2 on Kearney Street, 1 at the top and bottom of
the stairs. It is unclear what or where the interpretive signs will be.
7. Discussion of 2013/2014 work plan:
Preliminary ideas include:
1.Enforcement: What are our constraints? What can UPC do?
2. Education: Meet with Realtors. Have a letter or pamphlet which will lead people who are
applying for permits or business license renewal to the UPC website.
3. Finish and publish the windows and skylights guidelines.
4. Have a link to the Survey of Historic Strictures on UPC website.
8. Announcements: Next unstaffed meeting is May 7 at 3 p.m.
9. Adjournment: 4:40 p.m.