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City of Port Townsend
Meeting Minutes
Parks, Recreation and Trees Advisory Board
Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 4:30 pra - 6:00 pra
City Hall Meeting Room 41
L Meeting called to order at 4:35 pm by President, Rosemary Sikes.
Members in Attendance: Lys Burden, Debbie Jahnke, Daniel Milholland, Sally
Robbins and Ron Sikes
Staff: none
Visitors: none
11. Approval of Agenda — approved as amended by voice vote.
III. Approval of Minutes—meeting minutes approval from November 27, 2012, tabled for
further review
IV. PRT 2013 Work Plan
A. Tree City USA—
1. Rosemary will accept a proclamation from the Mayor at a City Council meeting on
FebruanT 18th. (Joanna sent the previous wording and Rosemary Neill send a draft
before 1-18-2013.)
2. The planting at Kali Tai Park is timed in conjunction with Jefferson County
Conservation District plant sale Feb 23, 2013. Forty native trees and 90 native shrubs
(all approved by Rick Sepler and Steve Wright)have been ordered and paid for by
Admiralty Audubon. The trees are to be planted as an enhanced buffer to Sims Way
and along the main and south trails. A press release for the event will be distributed.
3. The Board would like to plan a tree wallc/bike ride for Arbor Day on April 10"'
(Wednesday), Washington State Arbor Day or April 26"'(Friday),National Arbor Day.
Suggestions to involve the Recyclery,NMTAB,master gardeners and the Native Plant
Society were made. We may be able to use the Significant Trees of PT brochure we are
4. The Haines Street Cottages planting project is still in the planning stages. A
permimeter planting has been discussed, and Ron and Roseman-will meet N-6th Kathy
Morgan of the PT Police Department and Judy Surber next week.
B. Create Significant Trees Brochure—PRT is working on a brochure to identify the
significant trees on PT city property, including parks. Right-of-ways will be reviewed
on a case by case basis, i.e. if an identified tree is in developed ROW that is unlikely to
change vs. one that has the potential to be privately acquired and developed, etc. The
steps to develop this brochure include:
1. Decide on significant trees on city property with nominations from the PRT board.
Select a working group to choose which nominated trees Neill be included in the
2. Debbie has created a brochure template from a similar brochure from Kitsap County
and is N-611ing to craft a camera-ready draft when trees are selected.
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3. Cost estimate for printing is $74+tax for 500, 8.5x11"double sided, colored paper, tri-
fold brochure for AAS 1-7-2013. Funding source is in question, but donations may be
C. Volunteers for our Parks -
1. Rosemary contacted Steve Wright before PRT board meeting to assess
volunteer need and learned help is not needed until Nveeding time in the
2. Debbie reported that the City does have a volunteer handbook and
registration process and promotes volunteer events on the Nvebsite.
3. Ideas regarding organized volunteerism for Parks and Recreation
included painting at the pool as volunteers in December. Board members had
some useful and positive discussions Nvith the pool manager about the prospect
of more organized and regular volunteerism to help at the pool.
D. Complete Park Functional Plan - Rosemary Sikes and Debbie Jahnke serve on the
subcommittee with two members of Planning Commission. No meetings are
planned until Kah Tai documents are all in place from the Washington State RCO
and National Park Service.
E. Danny Milholland gave some history about the idea of sponsoring a bulbfest in the
autumn after Thanksgiving to plant low growing spring-blooming bulbs and would
like the board to reconsider this idea. It was noted that Mary Robson is a specialist
in daffodils.
V. 2013 Parks & Rec Operating Budget—The board would like more information on the
2013 operating budget for parks and recreation to better understand funding
constraints under which our parks and recreation departments are operating for
maintenance, etc. We also need to know if any trees are available for Arbor Day
tree plantings (spring and autumn) this year... or if we should solicit donations.
Steve Wright to be contacted for more information about parks.
VI. City Tree Nursery— A volunteer is needed to talk to the City Parks staff about their
plant/tree nursery stock to see what might be available to us to plant for Arbor Day.
Debbie wondered if there might be a way for volunteers to help with the nursery effort
to stock young plants and trees for future efforts.
VII. Metropolitan Park District— The board discussed the special PRT workshop held on
January 10th and did not want any official votes on the parks to be included in the
Metropolitan Park District until establishment and management details are determined.
The City Council workshop on January 14th dealt with the nature of the agreement
needed to establish this new agency between the City and County. As recommended
after the January 10 meeting, Board members present took a voice vote to clarify
positions about Kah Tai and 35th Street Park being included in the MPD and the vote
for both was 4 to exclude from the MPD and 2 to include in the MPD.
VIII. Pope Marine Park- Marion Huxtable contacted Lys Burden about the area between
the Cotton Building and Wave Viewing Gallery which has a bare patch of ground that
looked like it is waiting for landscaping. Rick Sepler wrote, "City has secured fiinding
from County's Public Infrastructure Fund to complete this area from Pope Marine to
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Quincy Street(between Cotton Building and Wave Gazing area. Project has been
designed and is going to bid."
IX. Future Meeting Agenda Items— to be determined
IX. BoardNisitor Comment—
Board members received a letter from citizen Nancy Dorgan about the establishment of
a metropolitan parks district and she noted that the City and County may not have the
same agendas about parks. She also thought the City should seek legal advice about the
potential impacts of state laws exempting special districts from following the Growth
Management Act and local comprehensive plans.
The two Board members who voted to include Kah Tai and 35th Street indicated that
their votes were due to the regional nature of the two parks. However, after the letter
from Nancy Dorgan was read and the implications were discussed, both members
voting to include the two parks indicated that if MPDs were exempt from following
GMA and Comprehensive Plans, their votes would also be to exclude Kah Tai and 35th
Street Parks from an MPD.
XV. Adjournment—Meeting adjourned at 6:00pm.