Date: June 7, 2011 Location: City Hall, 3rd Floor Conference Room
Time: 3:05 p.m. - 4:50 p.m. Scribe: John McDonagh
Members Present: ® Charles Paul; Chair ® Richard Berg ❑ Michael Colbert
® Gee Heckscher ® Jim Manier ® Marsha Moratti ® Rosalind Russell
Staff Present: John McDonagh; DSD Senior Planner
Other Attendees: Jim Graf; Rep for Golden Ocean Restaurant /Xinhui Su, Golden Ocean Restaurant
Ilana Smith; Room To Move Yoga Studio / Margaret Lee; Citizen
Agenda Item Recommendation /Action Follow-up
(If Needed)
Role Call Michael Colbert: Absent Excused None
Approval of Minutes Motion to approve minutes as presented. None
05-03-2011 Unanimously approved as presented. Gee Heckscher abstained from the vote.
Agenda None None
Additions or Corrections
Correspondence The Alliance Review None
March —April 2011
Appearance of Fairness N/A None
New Business
Golden Ocean Restaurant; Motion unanimously approved to allow neon sign over 2 square feet in size and
Over-sized Neon Sign administrative review of new wall mounted sign using pre-approved fonts and None
HPC11-011 colors.
Room To Move Yoga Motion unanimously approved to allow two new painted aluminum wall mounted
Studio; New Signage signs and new valance mounted sign with "Room to Move" logo (which is exempt None
HPC11-012 from review).
Old Business None None
City of Port Townsend After discussion, it was the Committee's unanimous recommendation to the DSD
Madison Street Director to not use powder coated aluminum benches and find a more durable None
Streetscape; Benches product. Use wood for benches and seat backs. Consider using a maritime
HPC10-003 themed bench.
Other Business None None
Announcements None None