Park, Recreation and Tree Advisory Board
Date: 6/28/11 Time: 5:03pm Location: Mountain View Commons Scribe: Rosemary Sikes
Members Present: Matthew Berberich, Forest Shomer, Rosemary Sikes and Lys Burden
Staff Present: Jeremy Bubnick—Parks &Recreation Manager, Ken Clow—Director Public Works
Public Present: Margaret Lee
Topic Recommendation/Action Follow-up (if needed)
Approval of agenda Agenda approved 4-0
Approval of Minutes Tabled until July meeting Email Lys Burden copy of May
Discussion/presentation about Recommendation will be delayed PRT members will read Arborist
Poplar trees across from court until July meeting report and view the site of the
house: Presentation by Ken Clow Poplar trees near the court house
Finalize nominations for Lys Burden—Secretary Lys Burden will begin taking
Secretary and Vice Chair approved 4-0 minutes for the July meeting
Rosemary Sikes—Vice Chair
approved 4-0
Discuss July Parks and Jeremy will have a press release Add to Feb or Mar agenda July
Recreation Month about the reopening of the Rec Parks and Rec Month for 2012.
Center and will mention July is Jeremy suggested a clean-up at
Park and Rec month major PT parks with a Parks staff
member in charge of each park
Discuss August meeting without Tabled until July meeting Add to July agenda
Jeremy present
Discuss and review work plan Consult Street Dept. if there is a Add to July agenda
and objectives of PRT board neighborhood that needs trees Matt will contact staff member of
Street Dept.
PRT members will review 2011-
2012 Board Goals and Objectives
to offer amendments at the July
Managers Report of June No action taken Jeremy and Forest will attend the
Exploratory Committee meeting next meeting July 25
Visitor comment: Margaret Lee No action taken Matt will send the agenda to
Would like agenda&minutes Jeremy the Tues before the
available sooner meeting
Oct Arbor day should involve
school children
Suggest sidewalk where Poplar
trees are on Walker St
Park, Recreation and Tree Advisory Board
Date: 6/28/11 Time: 5:03pm Location: Mountain View Commons Scribe: Rosemary Sikes
Members Present: Matthew Berberich,Forest Shomer, Rosemary Sikes and Lys Burden
Staff Present: Jeremy Bubnick—Parks&Recreation Manager,Ken Clow—Director Public Works
Public Present: Margaret Lee
Topic Recommendation/Action Follow-up (if needed)
Future Meeting Agenda Items Approval of May minutes Send May minutes to Lys
Add to July agenda
Recommendation on action to be Add to July agenda
taken on 4 large Poplar trees on
Walker street.
Matt, Forest, Lys, and Danny will Add to July agenda
decide if they will have an
August meeting
Further discuss 2011 PRT goals Add to July agenda
and objectives as approved by Bring copy of 2011 PRT goals
City Council and make and objectives to July meeting
appropriate amendments