Park, Recreation and Tree Advisory Board
Date: 7/26/11 Time: 5:05pm Location: Mountain View Commons Scribe: Lys Burden
Members Present: Matthew Berberich,Forest Shomer, Rosemary Sikes and Dan Milholland
Staff Present: Jeremy Bubnick,Parks & Recreation Manager and Ken Clow, Public Works Director
Visitors Present: Margaret Lee,Jim Todd,Julie Jaman, Rick and Debbie Jahnke
Topic Recommendation/Action Follow-up (if needed)
Approval of agenda Agenda approved 5-0
Approval of Minutes May and June Minutes approved
Announcements -Matt announced that new
arborist, Connor Haggerty, is
working in Port Angeles and may
be available for assessments in
- Matt shared the proclamation
from the City declaring July
Parks &Rec month.
Public Comment Margaret Lee reported that Ken Clow to follow up with
veterans who use Kah Tai have possible pipe maintenance,but
planted trees. She is concerned present flow allows salt water
about the condition of the pipe into the lagoon to prevent algae
between lagoon and bay and growth
maintenance needs of picnic
shelter and tables
Discussion/Recommendation on Forest Shomer moved, Dan Ken Clow will bring the
old Poplar tree removal on Walker Mulholland seconded,a recommendation to the City
Street recommendation to the City Council for approval and action.
Council that the four old and
dying Poplar trees on Walker Jeremy to check on type of Maple
Street near the courthouse be trees planned to replace the
removed and replaced with trees Poplars.
of appropriate scale; approved:
Discussion on Autumn Arbor Day Suggested tree planting sites: Subcommittee to meet and plan
along golf course and on Walker tree walk and tour
where Poplars removed. Board
members wanted: more
community participation in
official planting events,plan a
tree walk this year and a tour of
landmark trees in the future.
Park, Recreation and Tree Advisory Board
July, 2011
Topic Recommendation/Action Follow-up (if needed)
Update Goals and Objectives Short review of board goals
sparked some discussion amongst
board members and ideas from
-promoting better education/
awareness of trees in town
- festival centered around parks
during Rhody Fest in May
-develop a better volunteer list
for parks
-progressive food event at parks
ark focus during Pedal alooza
Manager's Report -McGarraugh Park stairs to
lower playground complete
-Pool—fixed temperature
regulator, so showers warm again
-Functional Plan Process
adoption postponed to coincide
with Comp Plan updates,
community feedback still
possible,must adopt by March to
prevent jeopardizing grant apps
- 35th St Park size to increase
with adjacent city property
-rezoning land at Bishop Park
from R1 to park land
Additional Public Comment Julie Jaman and Jahnkes wanted Jeremy to send copy of Jaman's
to be sure board members letter to board members
received copies of their
comments on the functional plan
Future Meeting Agenda Items tabled Matt to draft
Meeting Adjourned at 6:35 pm