Park, Recreation and Tree Advisory Board
Date: 8/23/11 Time: 5:30pm Location: Mountain View Commons Scribe: Lys Burden
Members Present: Matthew Berberich and Forest Shomer
Staff Present: Anji Scalf, Aquatics Director
Visitors Present: Jim Todd and Debbie Jahnke
Topic Recommendation/Action Follow-up (if needed)
Approval of agenda Agenda approved 3-0
Approval of Minutes July Minutes approved 3-0 Send .pdf file to Jeremy
Announcements -Matt announced that he will be
away during the next meeting, so
Rosemary will have to preside
-Matt relayed information about
the Elwa Dam Removal
celebration event to be held on
September 17th near Port
Angeles. The Plant-a-Wish
Foundation will be planting some
ceremonial trees.
Public Comment No public comments, except that
Debbie Jahnke announced that
she has applied for the PRT
Advisory Board
Discussion on old Poplar tree Lys announced that she still Lys will organize some type of
removal on Walker Street intends to pull together some type informal gathering and will make
of short ceremony to honor the sure it is announced using as
old trees before they are many media avenues as possible.
removed. Very little time Laurence Cole of PT Songlines is
remains, so a fairly impromptu interested in helping the group
event may happen. John who gathers sing an appropriate
Merchant favors replanting, and song.
Matt wanted to make sure
Norway Maples were NOT on
the list, as they are nuisance trees.
Replanting will probably be done
between the sites where the old
trees grew.
Park, Recreation and Tree Advisory Board
Topic Recommendation/Action Follow-up (if needed)
Discussion on Autumn Arbor Day Board members favored Subcommittee(Matt, Lys,
replanting on Walker Street. With Rosemary(?) and Danny(?)to
the very busy fall community meet and plan tree walk at
calendar, Forest suggested we Chetzemoka Park after the tree
plan for a weekday event at noon planting.
or 12:30pm in October. It should
be well announced with press Staff to coordinate with PW.
releases and a photo op after Forest wanted to make sure City
planting. spoke with adjacent homeowners
before new trees were planted as
to type of tree and care needs.
Discussion on Absenteeism Board members would like a Jeremy to review policy at
review of policy on missing upcoming meeting
Manager's Report Since Jeremy was away at a
conference, Anji gave a pool
report. It is now peak season for
pool use. The pool will be closed
in December for two or three
weeks for repairs and
maintenance. A polar bear swim
will be scheduled when the pool
is refilled.
Future Meeting Agenda Items Next meeting to be postponed a Next meeting date coordination
couple of days to September 27 by e-mail
or preferably 29, so more can
Agenda items:
-Autumn Arbor Day
-Update on Comp Plan and
Functional Plan process
-Review policy on absenteeism
Meeting Adjourned at 6:15pm