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City of Port Townsend
Meeting Minutes
Non-Motorized Transportation Advisory Board
Thursday, August 8, 2012, 4:30 pra - 6:00 pra
City Hall, Conference Rm 41
L Meeting called to order at 4:35 pm by acting President Scott Walker
II. Members in attendance: Lys Burden, Sally Chapin, Tim Eaton, Pat Teal, and Jolly
III. Staff present: Judy Surber
Visitors: Owen Fairbank, Peter Lauritzen
II Approval of agenda —voice approval
III. Approval of Minutes —Voice approval of minutes for the June and July meetings was
IV. Business
1. Grant Street School Access— Scott noted that walking and bicycling access to Grant
Street Elementary School is incomplete and inadequate. There are no speed tables, only
paint. There is no sidewalk on the west side of Sheridan, north of Discovery Road. No
school-related roadway enhancements are included in either the Discovery Road or
Sheridan Street upgrades. Board members had been encouraged to evaluate the school
access prior to the meeting, but members felt they needed a group field trip to the site to
examine and discuss the situation. It was decided to gather at Grant Street School on
October _3 at approximately 2pm to watch the travel patterns of students going home
from school. (It will be National Walk— and Bike—to School Day.)
2. Trail through Wetlands—Judy Surber introduced the subject by noting that she is a
multipurpose trail user, as she uses PT Trails for running, mountain biking and horseback riding.
Prior to the meeting Judy had sent several information documents to Board members.
Eight basic trail designs are outlined in the USDOT/US Forest Service Wetland Trail
Guidelines. Some of the facility designs are fairly old. Several would be fine to address
muddy areas. And in fact, the Back Country Horseman have used the geotextiles at
Anderson Lake (Judy shared photos from Jeff Chapman of BCH). The problem is that
most of these designs involve fill and when you place fill in a regulated wetland, you
must obtain the appropriate permits, assess impacts and provide mitigation. However,
impacts may be avoided and federal and state permits may be waived if you use pin-pile
boardwalks which could be allowed in Class II, III or IV wetlands. There is a process for
approval of boardwalk designs over wetlands (JARPA Application). Any project would
also need a local critical area permit.
In order to build a boardwalk, grant fiinds must be sought. Site reviews would be
required, and it may require structural engineering to make sure the boardwalk could
support desired users (which may include horseback riders/emergency vehicles).
Jolly noted that most of the low trail spots that become muddy with use are not in
designated wetlands, except a small section on the 39th Street Trail, near the
Richardson/Lynn property.
Judy noted that Jeff Chapman from the Backcountry Horsemen Buckhorn Range Chapter
checked with Clallam County Public Works, who suggested reinforcing treadway with
geotextile and geocell material for muddy low spots. Jeff would like to be included in any
planning for improvements along Cappys Trails. According to Judy, the President of
BCH reached out to her membership asking that they pitch in on trail work in the city and
that they consider applying to be on the NMTB to represent horses.
3. Richardson/Lynn Property— Scott met with City Attorney John Watts and Mayor
David King about the Richardson/Lynn property trail corridor dispute. The subject is
slated to come before City Council next Monday, August 6th at 8:30pm. Scott asked that
as many board members attend the meeting as possible, to show support for the trail. It
was pointed out that the segment going through this property is part of a major N-S trail
corridor, called "The West Side Loop," that has been in the plan since 1998. The trail, as
presently developed, follows public right-of-ways on the least steep topography possible.
Other landowner proposals would damage critical areas.
Addendum: This matter did not go be
f01'e City CO1iuCil()Yl l�()Ylday evening. Next Steps
are foY pYOperty otirners Dick Lynn and Ann Richardson to meet with reps fi^om the City's
Public Works Dept. (with authority over rights of way and streets) and Development
Services Dept. (with authority over land use and plats) to discuss details of a possible re-
plat laud exchange.
4. Budgeted Funds for Map Printing— Staff needs actual bids for pads of printed tear-
off sheet of the new trail maps. Board members wanted to make sure the maps are printed
with printer's ink, not toner, as the latter nuns and become illegible. It was suggested that
Chamber may be approached for funding as the maps are appreciated by tourists.
5. Downtown Bike Racks —Pete Sexton is expected to submit a letter to the City
requesting conversion of one car parking space in front of his store be used for bicycle
parking. Pete Lauritzen suggested that it is time for another bicycle parking survey. The
earlier one (2004) is now quite dated. Tim Eaton is very interested in this issue and would
like to work on it in detail.
6. August Trail Project— Scott reported that with the completion of a major link in the
Westside Loop, Lowell Jons has recommended that the board revisit the treadway
placement on the Baker Street Trail that was developed in July, 2011. The existing trail is
quite steep with short switchbacks. Treadway realignment to lengthen the switch backs
would help moderate the incline. A better delineated r/w border is needed. The board
decided to organize a trail work day for Saturday, August 18 from 9am to noon to
improve the treadway alignment down the hill.
Owen Fairbank had another trail project request, suggesting that a better connection was
needed between 36th Street to the 39th Street Trail to make a good gateway into Cappy's
Trails from town. The N-S r/w's are 80 feet wide and provide enough room to create
good switchbacks down the steep terrain. Logan and Rosecrans r/w's should be
considered; bulldozer work would be needed.
Owen announced that he has a number of trail signs and is willing to put some up on the
Baker Street connection.
Board members requested that a large map of existing and proposed trail corridors to be
displayed during meetings for reference purposes. (Addendum: Judy posted a map the
following day)
It was suggested that we annotate the trail volunteer list with short descriptions of any
special expertise available.
7. 2012 Work Plan —not separately discussed, topics already listed as business items or
in long term, continuing issues.
8. Fir Street Walkway— Scott(and Jolly) reviewed the history of the Fir Street
walkway, which had been a 4-foot gravel platform on the east (high) side of Fir Street
which allowed access for pedestrian use of the road. New housing development along Fir
Street over the years has diminished this path with new driveways and landscaping. The
path is no longer continuous or comfortable for walking. Fir Street is designated as a
major non-motorized neighborhood connector in the NMT Plan and functions as a well
used non-motorized route into Ft. Worden. The board would like to know if this path can
be re-established.
9. New trail map posted to the City's website—The Board thanks Tyler Johnson and
any other staff members who made this posting happen. Public access to the information
has been sorely needed for awhile.
10. Clarification of Board's role in promoting biking and walking— This topic was
already clarified in an e-mail memo from Judy Surber after a meeting with Rick Sepler
(copy below).
11. Schedule for appointing missing member of the board—In addition to the
application(s) already received, it was suggested that the board include horseback rider
representation in the future.
V. General Discussion
- Two long-standing, critical missing links still remain on major trail corridors,
one to complete the Spruce Valley Section of the Portage Trail (Cedar to
Center) and one to complete the Chestnut Street Trail from Morgan Hill into
Ft. Worden (between P and Q Streets). The board would really appreciate staff
attention to these problems and a suggested timeline for resolution..
- Sgt. Suber (through Judy) reported that there has been a recent spike in bicycle
thefts in PT (seven last week).They mostly happen at night with cut cable locks
on bicycles parked outside.
- Judy Suber reported that she had to take her horse through the Howard Street
Roundabout; motorists were courteous.
- Lys reported that WALC staff, who bicycle often through the Howard Street
Roundabout, are concerned about the signage. Bicycle riders are directed onto
Howard Street where they must ride out of the way and make a"U" turn to
continue west on Sims Way. A "Bicycles Sharing Roadway" sign would be
more appropriate.
VI. Next Meeting: 4:30 pm, September 6, 2012.
VII. Adjourned at 6:00 pm
VIII. Long Term, Continuing Issues:
1. Website update, Portage Trail, Securing r/w easements for Spruce Valley and
Chestnut Street Trails, Hwy 20 underpass
IX. Action Steps Needed
1. Board field trip to Grant Street School on October 3", individual exploration of all non-
motorized pathvmys into the school recommended.
2. Someone needs to Nvork on a map printing spec (paper,no. of maps, binding, etc) and
determine bids
3. Lvs to send electronic copy of the 2004 Bicycle Parking Survey results to Tim
4. Announcement and promotion needed for August trail Nvork day. Lvs to send volunteer
registration materials to Sally.
5. JolIv to coordinate August trail project Nvith staff.
6. Draft letter to WashDOT still needs to be v ritten(Lys needs assistance in order to write
On Jul 20, 2012, at 11:01 AM, Judy Surber wrote:
Hello Scott,
As promised, following is a response to your questions - compiled after my meeting with Rick and Mary Heather
on Wednesday:
Please provide us with a definition of the word "promotion,"which is found in the NMTAB enabling language.
Rick explained that as the term is not defined in the NMTP, in this context,promotion is read as
"advocacy"—as in providing information materials, outreach,presentations,providing a clearing house
of information, events, raising awareness and even funds(placed in a dedicated city account).
Judy Surber
Senior Planner/Planning Manager
City of Port Townsend
250 Madison Street, Suite 3
Port Townsend, WA 98368
0surber aacityofpt.us