HomeMy WebLinkAboutHoffman, Lisa and Simerka, Jay (2)500013 Page: 1 of 3 06/28/2005 01:08P Jefferson County: WA LISA HOFFMANN EASE 21.00 kpmro -\t l2dw,,% -- NO REAL ESTATE _ EXCISE TAX REQUIRED JEFFERSON COUNTY TREASURER BY. udemng damrmon u•rpre ud he the w:ahiligI'm Siate Auditor's/Rc<-or(lei " 011 is e. 1R(aW :'(i.IS :uu1 1,(:W Ii5.04) 1/'.l7: n Reference It (If applicable): -------.---- Granlee(s)l (1) ('L) Legal I)vscriplion (ahbreviale():—_---------_ --- - AssessNr's I'roperty'Fax Parcel /Account It_�� 012 ---- (p base pian late Winn.. IumI /\dcll'.00 pg-__.-- Addl'.un pg _.__..— I1'. legal is oil Itg-_-_-- I or a valuable t onsiderlt ion, receipt of -which is the----- ` �G hereby grant_ and convey l0 Ih( (lanive (s), r ,nfk�Ck�ItLtt sucLesscns and assigns, the "'911"pinilege and aulh0rity .. loconsuucl.it) prove,Iepatlalill 11mil llaut— across. Over and upon _ evS ipav feel to the Following land. located ill County. Stale of _ W' —• to -wit: 40 Kt ® ern' � i`own ►c� , aS �t� f r� c clre i OD (" rg-c_. S M-� v\ fir ✓ I�-� i - �, c C a ` f3 (a� �{ ( C) S C -A c—'l (Dies 14010(1 4igo said obst I'he (.IanIoi(S) shall stake no use of the land occupied by said-�- C except for ----- ---- --- the rights herein granted, the Grallice(s). _h— SUCCess0Is and, as4igns,-tlliw---lris--iiitl repass over Y9V �- and may cut and remove brush, trees and other intheopinionoftheGrtttttee(s) interrere(s)will' =_-- liasemrnl . \\rashington Lcg;d ltlalrk. In��., Issaquah. WA Form No, 1 t0/0G ��Zstir. w 1hGums.rom "- - MA'ITRIAL \IAY NOT RF. RITRODUCF.D IN WHOLL OR IN PART IN ANY FOIi\i WHATSOEVER. 500013. Page: 2 of 3 06!2812005 01:08P Jefferson County, WA LISA HOFFMANN EASE 21.00 I -he covenants Herrin cotuaioNI shall run With duo !incl Will arc binding upon all subsequent Owners thereoL In Witness Whereof. the said Grantor(s) It___ executed this instrument this _ day of 1 I A I F OF WAST IING I'UN SS. (INDIVIDUAL ACI(NQWLEDGEMENT) ('ouuiv of I certily that I know or have satisfaclol-V evidence that Zz:a' �e ,gP — -is the person echo ap warrd before 111p.and said person acknowtec(gecl that, 'signed this inslrtnuent and acknowledged it to he Ione and Vol UnlarV all for the uses and purposes tnenli0necl in Ih^ I)atrd tltir ✓- - - - day nf.. c �a �'- - -" --- - •L Print Nantc__,_ Notary Public it tv1v appoiutnu•nt expires %Z-- -- c--7, 500013 Page: 3 of 3 06/28/2005 01:08P Jefferson County, WA LISA HOFFMANN EASE 21.00 I'lu' ruV(Ylants Lrrc•in (-nnIaklvd sh,yyl.11 rur \1•'111 Iltr land incl ar'c Ilindin9 ulxtn all Suirsc• I(WIlt o\\'ncrs rElorrot: .bG}/ Isii www �y fit wilnctis Wlu•rr(IF tlu• said GIantftr(s) It__TM executrd Iltis iiestrunlen( this ...G�._ (lay pf I.,\ t 1- (n: aaw tft�tt rr�ty ) o� t S.S. (INDIVIDUAL. ACKNOWI.!?DGEMENT) ('r111riE� 111 1'! �� I c'rnify flta( 11(nu(\ of havv satislarun'V twidc•nrt• Ilial _- ' 1G( prrsun cln, appl•;(fI•II GrEi>rr if w. and sai(I In•rscln .0 I(n<tn'1rd1 t•<I drat _._ I tx d I llIs insh'unu•nl and ;wkn(xV'I(•dR(•(I it t() h(• frI• • a III \•ulunl:uy a( -I Gtr IhV L1s(•s and purposes nn•utiolwd in 1114, instrunit's I. J p �� 1);dr(Iiltis c1aycll' ui [A A 111.2 I N:Inf(• _. -_. .-_ _ ��__,.�� _.__. _ _._ Notal}' Public it, andllin-1Gt•Scrt(•oI__ s< ti'IV:gtpctirunu•nt rSptr(•s: OFFICIAL SEAL FLEURDELIZ V. LORENZO NOTARY PUBLIC - ALASKA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: March 2g, 2006