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City of Port Townsend 9 �G
Meeting Minutes
Parks, Recreation and Trees Advisory Board
Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Mountain View Commons Meeting Room, 1925 Blaine Street
I. Meeting called to order at 5:00 pm by President, Matt Berberich.
Members in attendance: Lys Burden, Danny Milholland, Rosemary Sikes and
Forest Shomer.
Staff. Jeremy Bubnick, Anji Scalf, Rick Sepler and Judy Surber(Senior Planner
and Planning Manager)
Visitors: Debbie Janke, Jim Todd, Julie Jaman and Ron Sikes
11. Approval of New Agenda—Meeting agenda was approved unanimously.
III. Approval of Minutes (11/29/11 Meeting)—approved, but later amended.
IV. Announcements
1. Rosemary and Ron Sikes saw 120 Golden-eyed Ducks on Kah Tai and Danny
Milholland saw an octopus at Point Hudson.
2. The tree planting party at Kah Tai will be on Saturday, February 2511i, 9:30 to
noon, hosted by Friends of Kah Tai, Admiralty Audubon and the PRT Board.
V. Rick Sepler's Presentation
The City is reorganizing, and staff can attend only quarterly advisory board
meetings. They would like to set up sub-committees and a work plan to address
board work with subcommittee meetings on a more flexible and frequent(as
needed)basis during the quarter. Rick and Judy Surber will serve as staff for the
1. Parks, Recreation & Open Space Functional Plan (referred to subsequently
as the"Parks Plan")—Judy is working on the Comprehensive Plan update, now in
draft state, which helps frame this supporting plan. The Planning Commission
reviewed the draft"Parks Plan" on January 12th and received many public
comments and critical reviews. Staff recommends reviewing the Plan in a
Planning Commission workshop for public comment and bringing it back for a
public hearing after responsive changes are made. The PRT Board is encouraged
to participate.
2. Pool Renovation (update)—Pool staff is seeking active board participation
and guidance for strong recreation programming and facility planning. Only two
years remain on the Mountain View property lease from the School Board, and
the City is evaluating the facility for 10-year maintenance, staffing and budgeting
plans. An independent assessment to determine facility needs and costs is
underway. This report will be available in the website in a couple of weeks. Staff
has started dialogue with the School District about lease renewal and seeks
discussion with affected user groups through the PRT Board. The pool needs new
decking, lining,pumps, heating plant and maybe pool cover; this budget is being
determined and City Council is interested in a plan.
3. 2012 Work Plan/Calendar of Events—The three immediate agenda items for
board work are:
1.) Completing the Parks (Functional) Plan,
2.) Addressing the pool issues, and
3.) Advising on the Parkside property. This City property(located on the
east side of Parkside Street near Waste Not Want Not) has park development
issues and requires priority attention for design suggestions (appropriate buffering
with trees and shrubs and recreational facilities recommended—climbing rocks?),
and neighborhood review and comment before plantings occur in September.
Steve Wright is Parks Manager.
4. Subcommittee Assignments—At least two board members will need to
volunteer for each subcommittee.
5. Adjustments to Meeting Schedule—discussed above
6. Questions— Lys asked if pertinent draft reports and plans would be posted to
the City's website; answer: yes.
VI. Tree List for Taylor Street Project—The City is opening bids this Friday for
this project and needs the board's suggestions for appropriate small trees.
Immediate suggestions were: Crape Myrtle, Persian Witch hazel, Stewardia,
Dogwood (Cornets alternafolia) and small oaks. Matt and Forest will follow up.
VII. April Pools Day—This event is usually scheduled the first Saturday and Sunday
in April (or March-April, as the weekend falls). Programming usually focuses on
youth participation and schools, coast guard to promote water safety, promoting
available swimming lessons and scholarship funds, and public pool use. It will be
an opportunity to inform the public about upcoming pool renovations. The City
partners with the YMCA to host the event.
VIII. Arbor Day Tree Walk—National Arbor Day is scheduled for Friday, April 27,
2012. A subcommittee needs to complete updating the tree list and map at
Chetzamoka Park(an agenda item for next month).
IX. Sather Park Use—The City seeks board guidance on a neighborhood park use
conflict involving the informal play field adjoining Sather Park(natural area with
trails). Some neighbors are upset by other neighbors using the play field as an
informal dog park and allowing their dogs to run in the park off leash.
The neighborhood had conflicting ideas about use of this park at a meeting in
Spring, 2010, and never resolved the issues. Historically the playfield was
underused and designated as an off lease park, later de-designated. Board
members noted the park is small for real use as an off lease dog park, as it does
not allow much room to run. Forest suggested that the county fairgrounds
property is one of the only places with enough room for such activity. Jeremy will
send more information.
X. Board and Visitor Comment—A signed letter from the advisory board
commending Jeremy Bubnick's work with the board was presented to Jeremy, as
he has resigned his position and is moving to Leesburg, Virginia. Visitor
comment also praised him for all of his efforts to bring better management to city
parks and recreation facilities and programs.
XI. Future Meeting Agenda Items -
- Danny asked that the Bulb Fest be on a future agenda
- Arbor Day Tree Walk in Chetzamoka Park and updating the tree list
- Review of PRT Annual Calendar
- Subcommittee assignments &new board appointments (or reappointments)
Next meeting on Tuesday, February 28t" (updated by informal board dialogue on
February 23rd after the Planning Commission meeting to Tuesday, March 6th at
5pm). 1.New members: Tim Eaton and Jolly Wahlstrom—City Council is
moving on approving their applications to serve on the NMTAB.
2. Trail Project: Howard Street—Tyler Johnson hiked the proposed trail project
for January of Howard from 35th to 31St and does not think it needs additional
gravelling at this time. He recommended graveling the Howard Street Trail
between Hamilton Heights and Discovery, a vital link between Hastings and
Discovery Roads. Trail Work Day will be Saturday, January 14th from 9 am to 12
noon. Gravel piles will be positioned at both ends of this corridor, so volunteers
can meet at either side. Scott will manage the north side volunteers; Lowell will
manage those on the south side. We will need at least 10 wheelbarrows. Lys will
make sure Dundee neighborhood volunteers are invited (through Judy Alexander).
3.New Trail Signs—The board requested that signs announcing the upcoming
work day and time be placed on the trail to recruit trail users to help. Mary
Heather will work on erecting temporary signs. The idea of some signage reading,
"Maintained by Volunteers" was welcomed.
4. 2012 Work Plan—Rick Sepler explained that many changes are taking place
in City departmental organization and responsibility. Staff and all advisory boards
will need to work more efficiently with tighter agendas and three-month work
plans which delineate goals and resources needed. All advisory boards will meet
with staffing quarterly. Rick and Judy Surber will be attending the NMTAB
XII. Adjournment—Meeting adjourned at 6:20pm.