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Meeting Minutes �WAI
Parks, Recreation and Trees Advisory Board
Tuesday, March 6, 2012, 5:00 pra - 6:30 pm
Mountain View Commons Meeting Room, 1925 Blaine Street
I. Meeting called to order at 5:00 pm by President, Matt Berberich.
This meeting is the February meeting delayed by a week to accommodate board
member attendance needs. Members in attendance: Lys Burden, Danny
Milholland, Forest Shomer and Rosemary Sikes
Staff. Anji Scalf, and Judy Surber
Visitors: Debbie Janke, Margaret Lee, Jim Todd, Peter Badame, Monica
Mick-Hager, and Julie Jaman
11. Approval of New Agenda—Meeting agenda was approved unanimously.
III. Approval of Minutes—Meeting minutes froml 1-29-2011 and 1-24-2012 were
IV. Announcements
1. Rosemary announced weed pull/garbage pick up events to be held at Kah Tai
on March 24th and April 22nd from 9:30am-12:30pm.
2. Danny Milholland announced a boomfest, to be held on March 31, an
"Undertown Throw Down,"where everybody contributes food and donations to
benefit various non-profits. They are planning a"fire show," a fire spinning and
drumming presentation.
V. Board Member Renewals
Matt Berberich announced that he will not renew his commitment to serve on the
advisory board for three more years, as he must focus on work and other
priorities. Forest is undecided. Their terms expire in May, 2012. Ron Sikes and
David Beatty have applied, but have not been approved yet. City council was
studying the advisory board appointment process at a recent retreat. PRT
requested an update about this process from the City.
VI. Review Park Plan Workshop—
Judy Surber distributed a review of the joint workshop (planning commission and
PRT on 2-23-2012)results and key issues. The planning commission meets on
March 22nd and will revisit: the timeline, receiving written public comment and
process for completion of the parks plan update. A joint sub-committee is
proposed. Rosemary and Lys expressed interest in serving on this sub-committee
and were approved by unanimous vote.
VII. April Pools Day—This event is scheduled for March 31St, Anji passed around
flyers and requested help in posting them around town. It is planned to be a big
event, although the pool can only hold 100 people. Planned events are: exhibition
by the synchronized swim team, underwater egg hunt and life guard competitions.
The pool will be closed from the end of April to July 5th for major repairs to pipes
and valves. It will reopen in July and August, then close again for 6 months to
repair liner, decks and lighting.
A sub-committee is needed to work with Anji and the pool program. Forest and
Danny are interested.
VIII. Sather Park Dog Use—Rosemary distributed background materials on the
issues, which first surfaced in 2006. Inappropriate parking on the lawn, especially
in the wetter areas, caused the City to fence part of the area, which then
encouraged unleashed dog use. A public meeting was held in the neighborhood in
September, 2006, to address the issues that were arising. Half the neighbors
disliked the increased dog use; half were supportive. Four people then brought the
issue before city commission. The 1999 Parks Plan and draft 2011 update do not
designate this park for off-leash dog use. It is a small park.
Currently up to 20 dogs can be using the park at one time, and fights between off-
leash dogs do occur. Dog owners have been attentive to cleaning up after their
Rosemary suggested that the prior public process did not resolve the issues
adequately and another round is needed to reach consensus. The park needs
sufficient barriers to keep out cars, and dog owners need access to areas for off-
lease dog use. (More locations need to be proposed.)This subject will be an
agenda item for future meetings.
IX. Parkside Project—Half an acre, purchased in 2009,has been set aside for use as
a neighborhood park; it is a perfect size and location for recreation for children,
including playground equipment. (Recreation potential was shown by all the snow
activity during the first snowfall in 2010). The rotary is interested in fundraising
for equipment, and a neighborhood meeting is being scheduled. A PRT
subcommittee is needed to address design recommendations; Matt and Rosemary
expressed interest.
X. Future Meeting Agenda Items -
a. Report needed from our reps on the Exploratory Regional Parks and
Recreation Committee (ERPRC).
b. Subcommittee assignments &new board appointments (or reappointments)
c. Next meeting on Tuesday, March 27th
XI. Board and Visitor Comment-
- Lys distributed a draft PRT annual calendar showing meeting dates and potential
Arbor Day and other events.
- Julie likes the subcommittee structure. Pool subcommittee should be called the
"aquatics subcommittee" and pursue joint efforts with Peninsula College and
public input.
-A suggestion was made to include the 1999 Parks Plan in reviewing the draft
functional plan.
-At the Blue Heron public meeting to gather comments for the rec plan and on
the official rec survey conducted, people wanted dog parks
- establish a process for a new parks &rec director
XII. Adjournment—Meeting adjourned at 6:25pm.