DATE: October 11, 2011 START TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall Conference Room 3
VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: George Randels (Chair), John MacElwee, Sue McIntire, Cindy Finnie, Sherri Hanke, Will
O'Donnell, Jake Beattie, Janette Force
NON-VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Cole (Main Street), Teresa Verraes (Chamber)
MEMBER(S) EXCUSED: Steve Shively, Dave Robison, John Eissinger MEMBER(S) ABSENT: None
OTHERS PRESENT: Marketing Contractor Christina Pivarnik, City Manager David Timmons, Deputy City Clerk Joanna Sanders
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action Follow up
Approval of Minutes: July 12, 2011 Unanimous approval of minutes
as written.
Chair Update: Mr. Randels reported meeting the new Washington Tourism
Alliance Director at a getting-to-know-you session in Port Angeles.
Third Quarter Review: Christina Pivarnik reported on her work in the following
areas as covered in her marketing report (PT Meetings and Conferences, Ferry
Advertising, Travel Writers, Washington Tourism Alliance, and Holiday Promotion).
Update from David Timmons: The report included the following: Temporary
sidewalk shoring; tidal clock demolition; emergency Bell Tower dry rot repairs; Pink
House renovations for Library and Library retrofit; timing of tunnel lid seismic work
and water and stormwater line replacement for minimal business; 2012 Budget
challenges— reserves at a critical low, impacts from low real estate sales and
permitting activity, structural reorganization of City Departments and cutbacks to
employee benefits and law enforcement; replacement of nonprofit funding to in-kind
services; and continued activities for economic centers at Howard Street and
2012 Budget Discussion: Mr. Timmons reported no cuts are being proposed for
LTAC. A temporary measure would allocate $25,000 to LTAC marketing to help
Taylor Street businesses during construction. A conservative estimate of revenue is
$340,000, but waiting on revenue figures from September. Ms. Pivarnik said the
budget tracks similarly to last year. She hopes additional money would be used for
advertising and media buys. There was some discussion and concern about
$16,000 in print advertising, but there were also comments that this is a good use
of LTAC dollars. She explained the differences in technology investments of last
year versus lower maintenance dollars for 2012. She indicated a focus on travel
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Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action Follow up
writers and planners. Mr. Timmons reported wireless service through NOANET
would start next year. Wayfinding also has a technology component to add to
Broadband. Ms. Pivarnik explained the marketing strategy developed each year.
There was some discussion of the visitor statistics emailed, but not printed in the
General Reports & Updates:
Olympic Culinary Loop (Christina Pivarnik): Partnering with the Tourism
Coordinating Council and Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission on Culinary
Adventure Tour. She circulated brochures. Graham Kerr the galloping gourmet
galloped through. OCL is hoping to bring on a membership director after the first of
the year.
Chamber (Teresa Verraes): A report was distributed. With the down economy, the
VIC is needed now more than ever. Karen has done an incredible job training
volunteers. Fam tours are occurring. They are using Webervations a lot and lodging
availability tracking is going well. The Mixer is tonight at Uptown Nutrition.
Main Street (Mark Cole): Main Street Board meets tomorrow. They are working on
mitigating budget cuts and preparing for tunnel lid construction with merchants.
Other efforts are in the areas of emergency preparedness and looking at B&O tax
incentives. There was some discussion about a business improvement district.
Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission (OPTC) (Christina Pivarnik): Circulated
was a marketing brochure/flyer created in English and Chinese.
Tourism Coordinating Council (Christina Pivarnik): Their small group met this
morning. They are also working on hospitality training. County LTAC is meeting
October 26 from 9-4 to review proposals and requests.
Next Meeting: January 10, 2011 Meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.
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