DATE: January 11, 2011 START TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall Conference Room 3
VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: George Randels, John MacElwee, Steve Shively, Sue McIntire, Dave Robison, Will O'Donnell,
John Eissinger, Cindy Finnie
OTHERS PRESENT: Marketing Contractor Christina Pivarnik, Bill Roney— Tourism Coordinating Council, City Manager David
Timmons, Deputy City Clerk Joanna Sanders
NEXT MEETING DATE: January 11, 2011
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action Follow up
Approval of Minutes: October 12, 2010 Minutes approved as written.
Update from David Timmons: Mr. Timmons reported on the following activities: Madison
Street improvements, Cotton Building Renovation, shortening the shutdown schedule for
Water Street street improvements, Broadband efforts (to start possibly in the spring), and
the Silvercloud project. There was a brief discussion about the City as an Internet Service
Provider(ISP) and Mobilisa as the temporary ISP. Critical issues are ferry service and Fort
Worden initiatives for which the PDA has a leadership role. Lodging tax revenues are down
$25K, so the 2011 budget would offset this reduction. There was some discussion of
changes in the business economy and the pending economic development study by the
City/County and Port.
Fourth Quarter Review/Fourth Quarter Work Plan: Christina Pivarnik reported on the
Budget: Revenues were down, so expenses were kept under budget.
Chetzemoka Promotion: Efforts were concentrated on the inaugural sailing. Promotions for
the Port Townsend/Whidbey ferry went well and more are planned.
Marketing Planning for 2011: Mr. Timmons expressed concerns about the possible
rescinding of federal appropriations and earmarks. Plans to mitigate these impacts to the
local economy include upgrading accommodations at Fort Worden and encouraging more
college-age youth to the community.
2011 Budget: Mr. Timmons noted the working draft reflects increases in technology
updates, drops in advertising and marketing, general marketing decreases for community
promotions, and decreases in contracts and consultants. He presented a proposal to
Council to allocate community services funding to support the July 4 event with some
conditions for Rotary to continue fundraising. There was some concern about how contract
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Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action Follow up
reductions might impact Hill & Knowlton's efforts for the City. Ms. Pivarnik stressed the
importance of increased technology in getting Webervations for the CVB. Some discussion
ensued about Webervations and wayfinding technology. She also reviewed the 2011
Marketing Strategy. There was a question about the differences in the number of hits
received by Enjoy PT and PT Guide websites. Ms. Pivarnik agreed to send members the
analytics for EnjoyPT.com.
General Reports & Updates:
Chamber: Ms. Pivarnik announced an after-hours mixer tonight.
Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission (OPTC): Ms. Pivarnik reviewed the written report.
Tourism Coordinating Council: Bill Roney reported on the following: 2011 budget
remaining static, a spring campaign focused on radio and web-based promos, including a
KOMO promotion, and website updates. They are also working on a new pad map to
include restaurants as well as lodging and activities. He then reviewed 2010
Olympic Culinary Loop: Steve Shively and Christina Pivarnik reported on the following
activities: hosted Tilth Producers of Washington and changed web vendors—an update is
expected by spring. They keep working to define and defend the Olympic Peninsula in the
loop. An in-person board meeting will be held at Lake Quinault next week. Scott Wilson is
looking to do a quarterly publication called Coastal Cuisine.
New Business: Mr. Randels reminded that members received a list of upcoming meetings
to get in their calendars. There may need to be a fifth meeting in November.Will O'Donnell
noted a reference to Port Townsend in a recent New York Times article on best places to
Next Meeting: April 12, 2011 Meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.
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