DATE: April 12, 2011 START TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall Conference Room 3
VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: George Randels (Chair), John MacElwee, Steve Shively, Sue McIntire, Will O'Donnell, Cindy
Finnie (arrived at 3:24) Sherri Hanke (arrived at 3:20)
NON-VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Cole (Main Street) and Laura Brackenridge (Chamber)
MEMBER(S) EXCUSED: Dave Robison, John Eissinger MEMBER(S) ABSENT: None
OTHERS PRESENT: Marketing Contractor Christina Pivarnik, City Manager David Timmons, Deputy City Clerk Joanna Sanders
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action Follow up
Approval of Minutes: January 11, 2011 Unanimous approval of minutes as
Chair Update: Mr. Randels reported that David Timmons was the featured speaker at
yesterday's Chamber meeting.
Update from David Timmons: Mr. Timmons reported on the following activities: Civic
District celebration plans, MV Salish ferry delivery, alternate plans/location for the Rhody
Festival Carnival, City funding for July 4 Fireworks, and Cotton Building uses. There were
questions and discussion about the defined boundary of the Civic District and questions
about safety if using the street for carnival.
First Quarter Review and Second Quarter Work Plan: Christina Pivarnik gave a report Unanimous approval to recommend
on the following: new posters for Civic District celebration, April 20 Wayfinding open house, to City Council membership in the
updates to Enjoy PT website incorporating Kelly Brandon suggestions, Webervations, and Washington Tourism Alliance at the
update of promotional video. She further explained there is new video content being founding partner membership level.
produced and it would be shot in high definition. She recognized Laura Brackenridge and
Steve Shively for their efforts on efforts and progress for the PT Meetings and Conferences
(formerly CVB). Mr. Shively and Ms. Brackenridge shared their experiences in working with
lodging establishments and end users on Webervations.
Mr. Timmons reported on other capacity-building efforts: Funding and partnerships for
renovating Building 202, upcoming City Council proposal design contract for Wifi broadband
service. Ms. Pivarnik then solicited LTAC input on participating as a Founding Partner of the
Washington Tourism Alliance. There was interest in getting a seat at the table to ensure
maintenance of Experience Washington website and Travel Planner. There was some
concern whether another organization could fill the void left by the WA State Tourism
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Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action Follow up
General Reports & Updates:
Olympic Culinary Loop (Steve Shively): Their focus is on the consumer and use of new
technologies—encouraging use of the website. This side of the peninsula is hosting
reception, luncheon, and tour and taste events next week on April 18 & 19.
Chamber(Laura Brackenridge): Activities include partnering with businesses on
educational programs for members (website design 101, introduction to Word Press and
social media classes); coffee talks rather than breakfast meetings; new young professionals
group; assistance with Concerts on the Dock; and planning for new events such as a mixer
tonight at WSU.
Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission (OPTC) (Christina Pivarnik): Ms. Pivarnik
reviewed her written report (new travel planner, $2K for Diane to go to China, Share Your
Washington campaign). In response to a question about the value of data produced from
last year's China visit, Ms. Pivarnik said there have been many requests for information.
Tourism Coordinating Council (Christina Pivarnik): Activities include: Meeting in LaPush
this morning, the co-op marketing spring campaign information was sent to LTAC, reprinting
of activities map, decision to spend $2K on new bike map; City/County putting the lodging
matrix into the Visitors Getaway Guide. There will also be a fall guide, the cost for which
was not budgeted. Some discussion ensued about City/County negotiations about the
coding of properties.
Main Street (Mark Cole): Many conferences and meetings planned; participation in
Concerts on the Dock, downtown infrastructure and investment communications plan;
shoulder season events, building inventory project for Emergency Services revitalizing
downtown properties; applied for partnership award for work on the MV Chetzemoka.
New Business: Ms. Pivarnik noted she also provided 2010 marketing accomplishments. In
response to a request, there would be a presentation/report of data to the small inns group
on April 21 by George Randels, Steve Shively, Cindy Finnie and Christina Pivarnik.
Next Meeting: July 12, 2011 Meeting adjourned at 4:43 p.m.
Mr. Timmons to report how City
B&O and sales tax sections are
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