HomeMy WebLinkAbout011012 DRAFT LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE OUTLINE MINUTES DATE: January 10, 2012 START TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall Conference Room 3 VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Michelle Sandoval (Chair), John MacElwee (arrived at 3:06), Sue McIntire, Cindy Finnie, Sherri Hanke, Will O'Donnell (arrived at 3:05), Jake Beattie, Steve Shively, Dave Robison, John Eissinger NON-VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Cole (Main Street) MEMBER(S) EXCUSED: Janette Force MEMBER(S) ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Marketing Contractor Christina Pivarnik, City Manager David Timmons, Deputy City Clerk Joanna Sanders, Mayor David King and Deputy Mayor Kris Nelson. Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action Follow up Approval of Minutes: July 12, 2011 Unanimous approval Update from David Timmons: Report included the following: 2012 budget changes impacting lodging tax; Esplanade project update, Taylor Street Tunnel Lid project to begin in February, Wayfinding; Library seismic retrofit, and Bell Tower repairs. The City's revenue reports reflected strong November sales tax and weak December sales tax. Lodging tax revenues were up for 2011, but came close to last year through the adjustment that was necessary to fix a 2010 discrepancy. B&O tax is up slightly; Utility tax is about the same; permit revenue and real estate excise tax is nonexistent. Mr. Timmons suggested this committee monitor the status of Fort Worden and the PDA's efforts and WSDOT ferry run status. He noted that the current marketing strategy is on target and suggested continuing discussions on building capacity. Some discussion ensued about micro loans. Michelle asked about extending the HUD revolving loan fund for small businesses. Mr. Timmons explained Main Street tax incentive program and other in-kind services as an alternative to funding community programs. 0 Quarter Update: Christina Pivarnik reported on the following: Port Townsend is currently 4th in the "Top 10 Coolest Small Towns in America" by Budget Travel. The new EnjoyPT.com website is up and includes six videos. 2011 expenses were $7,500 under budget and the Chamber also came in under budget. LTAC helped Main Street with their November holiday promotion and advertising. $5,000 is budgeted to continue Founding Member status in Washington Tourism Alliance. She is chairing the statewide summit and special events committee and noted an April 5 WTA Summit at SeaTac. Marketing work continues on the wayfinding project. Some discussion ensued about the need for more accommodations and about City Council revisiting the topic of vacation rentals. LTAC Minutes Page 1 of 2 January 10, 2012 Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action Follow up 2012 Marketing Strategy and Work Plan: Ms. Pivarnik reviewed the written plan. In response to goals, there was discussion of the occupancy chart sent to LTAC earlier today. There was discussion of whether summertime weekday low occupancy might be a focus area and how to consolidate the City's tourism marketing; working with partner groups on program promotions; encouraging website package promotions/deals; sharing databases of email contacts or in combination with social media efforts; and a possible e-newsletter. A question was how businesses can link from EnjoyPT.com. Mr. Timmons talked about efforts to create a clearinghouse of events in order to distribute a coordinated marketing message. Discussion continued about the challenges and benefits of creating a unified calendar. An additional suggestion was creating itineraries to complement the six videos on EnjoyPT.com. Ms. Pivarnik then reviewed target markets and work plan objectives, noting that number 7 of the work plan is new (educate and assist businesses to diversify customer base to bolster shoulder season opportunities). There was some question whether the decrease in visitor figures occurred after the relocation of the visitor center. It was noted that the availability of more information online may be a contributing factor. A suggested goal was "increase (or maintain) the length of stay." There was support for continued promotion of EnjoyPT. Self-guided tours in coordination with the historical society and transit were discussed. General Reports & Updates: Olympic Culinary Loop (Steve Shively): Wineries and cideries events collaboration worked well. Search has begun for a membership director. Main Street (Mark Cole): They are readying for their annual retreat and working on communications about downtown sidewalk construction. There has been discussion of the passenger-only ferry and October Fest event possibilities. Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission (OPTC) (Christina Pivarnik): South Vancouver Island marketing to continue. Senior management of the Coho ferry just bought parent company Black Ball Transport. Tourism Coordinating Council (Bill Roney): A large crowd of about 800 attended First Night celebration at JCHS. Jefferson County Tourism Council reviewed their 2011 budget and approved the 2012 budget with an emphasis on spring/fall programs including Olympic Culinary Loop. Also discussed was a possible change to the nonprofit status for TCC. County lodging tax revenues are expected to be about the same. There is interest in promotion of shoulder season, small group promotion, and the production of a new activities map. LTAC Minutes Page 2 of 2 January 10, 2012 Roundtable Updates: Ms. Pivarnik reported on the hot air balloon festival sponsored by the Holiday Inn Express that will be over Labor Day weekend. The Washington State Lottery commercial will run in February. Mr. Shively recommended a supplemental budget request to ensure $7,500 is available for LTAC in 2012. Mr. Beattie noted AV video conference improvements would start next week. He and musician friends are putting together music festival to coincide with Victorian Heritage Day events. Mr. MacElwee announced film festival reverberations and Japanese Dance Troupe events. Ms. Finnie reported on a photo shoot in town by a major company. Ms. Sandoval reported the Quimper Merchantile Store SCORE application was approved allowing the selling of stock. Working on ice skating rink idea for the month of December. Next Meeting: April 10, 2011 Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. LTAC Minutes Page 3 of 2 January 10, 2012