DATE: April 10, 2012 START TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall Conference Room 3
VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Michelle Sandoval (Chair), John MacElwee, Sue McIntire, Sherri Hanke, Will O'Donnell, Jake
Beattie, Steve Shively, Janette Force
NON-VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Cole (Main Street), Bill Roney (TCC), Teresa Verraes (Jeff. Co. Chamber)
MEMBER(S) EXCUSED: John Eissinger, Cindy Finnie, Dave Robison MEMBER(S) ABSENT: None
OTHERS PRESENT: Marketing Contractor Christina Pivarnik, City Manager David Timmons, Deputy City Clerk Joanna Sanders,
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action Follow up
Approval of Minutes: January 10, 2012 Unanimous approval
Chair Update: Michelle Sandoval
Update from David Timmons: Report included the following: $90,000 of Fort There was consensus to create
Worden lodging tax revenue in jeopardy by state legislature; vandalism to Port an ad hoc committee (Sheri
Townsend entrance sign; Taylor Street Tunnel Lid project sidewalks to be done in Hanke, John MacElwee,
May with most street work complete in July; waterfront esplanade project sidewalk Christina Pivarnik, Michelle
would start in two weeks and be open for summer events/festivals; City restrooms Sandoval, and Teresa Verraes)
now open until 9 pm; City joined B&O tax incentive program to support Main Street to work on a unified strategy
in exchange for in-kind landscape maintenance and cleaning services; Bell Tower regarding the Discover Pass.
repairs to be complete in two weeks and bell has been reactivated. Discussion
ensued about Fort Worden parking changes for festival events such as the July 4
fireworks and about working on a unified strategy on the Discover Pass.
1S Quarter Update: Christina Pivarnik reported on her activities (see written
General Reports & Updates:
Olympic Culinary Loop (Steve Shively): New membership director is Amy Rose
Dubin; close work with Jefferson and Clallam Counties; Good press on Olympic
Tourism Initiative.
Jefferson County Chamber (Teresa Verraes): Distributed Chamber newsletter;
Visitor Info Center numbers are down significantly; Chamber membership growing;
good partnering with transit; Transit will take over current building and Visitor Info
Center will relocating back to original or alternative site; Young Professionals
Network just completed their strategic plan; Steampunk event planned for 2nd week
in June.
Main Street (Mark Cole): A report would be sent following the Main Street meeting
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Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action Follow up
Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission (OPTC) (Christina Pivarnik): Ms. Pivarnik
showed Washington State Visitor Guide and Scenic Guide fulfillment pieces.
Tourism Coordinating Council (Bill Roney): A meeting was held today in Brinnon at
new business Brinnon Gardens and discussed Washington State Parks (agreed to
urge legislators not to support expansion of Olympic National Park and would send
letter of support for State Parks program in support of tourism); in middle of spring
campaign; creating geo caches. Distributed the new Adventure map.
Roundtable Updates:
Will O'Donnell —opening day at Farmer's Market this Saturday.
Janette Force— reviewed upcoming film events
Mark Cole — reviewed upcoming Upstage events
John MacElwee —Voice Works and nine pavilion events; additional events to be
announced in paper next week.
Sue McIntyre — Looking for state funding for bathroom and Erickson Building
improvements; upcoming visitors include West Coast Subarus and Gold Wings.
Sherri Hanke —Took three local chambers out; Groupon to be offered mid-May
through end of June; soliciting assistance from county for passenger-only ferry
Jake Beattie— hosting May 5 Race to Straits overnight event; small craft skills
academy the end of May; AV improvements to be completed soon; classes on oil
spill training capacity and August partnering with Wooden Boat Foundation on boat
Michelle Sandoval -- Quimper Mercantile has sold $362,471 in stock so far; Council
Community Development and Land Use committee addressed transient
accommodations today (with a recommendation to review potential regulation
Teresa Verraes—talked about growing need for experiential tourism.
Next Meetings: July 10 and October 9 at 3 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
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