DATE: July 10, 2012 START TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall Conference Room 3
VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Michelle Sandoval (Chair), Sherri Hanke, Will O'Donnell, Jake Beattie, Janette Force, Cindy
NON-VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Cole (Main Street), Teresa Verraes (Jeff. Co. Chamber)
MEMBER(S) EXCUSED: John MacElwee, Sue McIntire, Steve Shively, Dave Robison MEMBER(S) ABSENT: None
OTHERS PRESENT: John Eissinger, Marketing Contractor Christina Pivarnik, City Manager David Timmons, Deputy City Clerk
Joanna Sanders
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action Follow up
Approval of Minutes: April 10, 2012 Unanimous approval
Chair Update: Michelle Sandoval
Update from David Timmons: Report included the following topics: Taylor Street
completion, fall Esplanade improvements, Wayfinding directional signage out to bid;
golf course manager interest in a connection with LTAC marketing, and Hastings
sidewalk schedule. He summarized City capital projects. Sales and other revenue
indicators are coming in as expected. Ms. Sandoval provided an update on
Quimper Merchantile progress.
2nd Quarter Update: Christina Pivarnik reported on her activities (see written
report) in the areas of social media, website, downtown construction meetings;
meetings and conferences, including WTA; CGI videos. Mr. Timmons explained
paid business advertising for the CGI videos; Ms. Pivarnik then reviewed
wayfinding sign design concepts as presented to City Council 6/4/12; Cindy Finnie
reported on the Fort Worden PDA business planning process and Discover Pass
challenges. Some discussion ensued about the importance of communicating with
the legislature and creating a unified strategy locally to address the potential
impacts of losing Fort Worden businesses. The ad hoc committee established at
the last meeting would meet on these issues (Sherri Hanke, John MacElwee,
Christina Pivarnik, Michelle Sandoval, and Teresa Verraes). Cindy Finnie was
added to that ad hoc committee.
General Reports & Updates:
Jefferson County Chamber (Teresa Verraes): Distributed new member directories
and PT maps. She also provided an update on possibilities for a Visitor Center
move. Richard Berg would assist with new building design/site redesign.
Olympic Culinary Loop (Christina Pivarnik): New membership director is Amy Rose
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Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action Follow up
Dubin who is working to build the organization's membership base.
Main Street (Mark Cole): Main Street has their meeting tomorrow to discuss
Concerts on the Dock, maintenance work, the plastic bag ordinance, and parking
issues. His written meeting notes would be forwarded to LTAC electronically. Mr.
Timmons reported the City is also looking into a new parking system.
Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission (OPTC) (Christina Pivarnik): The Tourism
Summit is October 22 in Port Angeles. They have recently concluded the Southern
Vancouver Island campaign.
Old Business: Michelle Sandoval reported that the Council Community
Development and Land Use Committee is again looking at overnight transient
accommodations and trying to come up with methodology for considering certain
Next Meetings: October 9 at 3 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
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