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Historic Preservation Commission
City of Port Townsend
Regular Meeting
24 March 1992
I. Ro II Call-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7: 00 P. M.
II. Approval of Minutes: 10 March 1992
III. Communications: Current Mail
IV. Public Comments
V. Consent Agenda
A. Waterfront Pizza, HPC 9202-01: Re-design of windows, new siding; 953 Water
B. Fraychineaud, Jeff, HPC 9201-B: Deck at 925 Water St.
C. Wilson, W.J., HPC 9203-05: Re-open pre-existing windows and door; 1102 Water St.
VI. New Business: None
Old Business
A. Sign Code Enforcement
1. Staff Report (Sepler)
2. Public Testimony
3. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
B. Propane Tank Guidelines
1. Staff Report (Sepler)
2. Public Testimony
3. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
C. Color Guidelines
1. Staff Report (Sepler)
2. Public Testimony
3. Commission Discussion
Announcements: Next Scheduled Meeting
March 31. 1992
A. Port Townsend Plaza, HPC 9202-02A: Enclose NE comer of building
Committee: Landis/Goldsmith
B. City of Port Townsend: City Dock (tentative)
C. Neon Guidelines
ADril14. 1992
A. Lady Victoria, HPC 9203-02: Signage at 940 Water St.
Committee: Raab/Carson
B. Primitive Americana, HPC 9203-03: Signage at 1042 Water St.
Committee: Smith/Goldsmith
C. Cheri Raab's Body Shop, HPC 9203-04: Signage at 218 Taylor
Committee: Yawman/Carson
ADril 28. 1992
A. Poitevin/Varteresian, HPC 9201-02: Special Valuation, 725 Water St.
Committee: Goldsmith/Landis
B. Boulter, Gail R., HPC 9102-03: Special Valuation, 810 Water St. (tentative)
Committee: Marseille/Yawman
Mav 12. 1992
A. Mural Guidelines
Commission Discussion
HIS10RIC PRESERVATION CDMMISSION t-linutes, March 24, 1992
(All proceedings taped)
.-the regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order
by Vice Chairman Mike Yawman at 7:05 p.m.
Roll call was ta.ken. Present: Carson, Raah, t-Iarseille, Landis, Smith.
Guerts: Patricia Warren, Jim Wilson, Steve Wilson, Bernie Arthur, Jeff Fraychineaud,
Loreen Sutherland, Le.vi Ross, Ray Anibas, Candice Mulvey.
Motion by Raab, seconded by Carson to approve minutes of March 10th meeting. Vote
was unanimous in favor.
Communications - all covered elsewhere on Agenda.
Consent Agenda
9201-01 - Waterfront Pizza. Re-design windows, new siding, 953 Water Street.
No objections. Passed by consent. ,
9201-B -Deck at 925 Water Street, Jeff Fraychineaud.
No objections. Passed by consent.
9203-05- W. J. Wilson. Re-open pre-existing windows and door, 1102 Water Street.
Postponed til later in Agenda for arrival of proponent.
New Business: None
Old Business:
A. Sign Code Enforcement- Staff Report (Sepler) brief explan~tion of status of
non-conforming ~igns erected since July, 1986 which did not have a sign permit
and did not apply for a permit by February 3,1992. One applicant, Legacy Jewels
was not in conformance with the HPC Sign Review. The remaining were in confor-
mance. No Public Testimony. No discussion. Motion to pass by Smith. Seconded
by Landis. Vote unanimous in favor.
B. Propane Tank Guidelines - Staff Report by Rick Sepler. Meeting with Sunshine
and Suburban Propane Companies and fire chief, Howard Scott. Sepler emphasized
any lIIovement over 5 feet would remove existing tanks from exemption.
Public Testimony: Levi Ross showed a video on firefighting techniques and
screening as it would affect access for fire department. No other public testi-
mony. Discussion by Commission included consideration of fire safety as far as
screening and the fire safety requiring no fencing closer than 3 feet. Landis
expressed discomfort with chainlink fencing and requested information on other
metal fences. Raab suggested color as a screening option. Discussion included
Levi Ross recolllmendation that light colors would have less vapor pressure effect.
Raab made motion to table with direction to Staff to rewrite Item 1 and provide
a selection for tanks from the color palatte. Landis amended tha.t more informa-
tion be provided on wood or metal fencing. Amendment seconded by Marseille. Passed
unanimously. Motion seconded by Narseille. Passed unanimously.
W. J. Wilson arrived, so 9203-05 of the Consent Agenda was addressed. Staff Report
by Sepler included explanation that Wilson was prepared to present plans for door
and windows on the Northeast side of the building as well, but the information did
not get into the packets. Discussion on placement of window and door reinstallations
including height and shape and style. Yawman moved to address West side only,
giving applicant requirements on the East side, and that West side project be accep-
ted as contributing as in Findings. Seconded by Landis. Unanimous in favor.
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lœc Meeting - March 24, 1992, Page 2
Old Business resumed.
Color Guidelines. Sepler a6ked Barbara Narseille to present her Draft. Color
examples were presented and color examples will be available for packets to be
given to applicants.
Goldsmith rejoined the body and Yawman stepped down as Chair, with Goldsmith
fi~ling the Chair. Discussion about rewording the section on allowable number
of colors and application to sidewalls of plaster as well as adding "primary"
facade in Section g. Yawman expressed concern over buildings later than Victorian
period having to be restricted to paint colors not r.roduced or used during the
late nineteenth century and the effect of "sameness' in the District. Discussion
from Smith about the Trust' designation. Yawman suggested the text of the
National Historic Trust Guidelines be carefully checked to see that the Color
Guidelines do not conflict. Sepler explained that the HPC guidelines cannot be
more restrictive than the City Council has directed. Sepler and Marseille will
work together to address members suggestions and the verbage and clarity for
consideration at April 28th meeting.
Patricia Warren had brought up earlier a question of the sculpting of the large
log at Pope Marine Park. Discussion on the subject ensued at this time, including
whether Public Art in the National Historic District should be reviewed by the
HPC, and the lack of notification to the Commission when such items are on the
agenda of the City Parks Commission. Sepler will draft a letter to the Parks and
to the Arts Commission requesting that the HPC be notified of major visual changes
in the Historic District so they may be involved in the public process since it
affects the District even though it may not be a structure and therefore would be
exempt from HPC review.
Sepler announced that extra meetings will be necessary.
Next meeting: Tuesday, ~Iarch 31st, 5 p.m. Weekly meetings may be necessary in order
to catch up.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara B. Bogart