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N iJì.J- IV.
Historic Preservation Commission
City of Port Townsend
Regular Meeting
14 April 1992
I. Ro 11 Call------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7: 00 P . M.
Approval of Minutes: 31 March 1992
Communications: Current Mail
Public Comments
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Consent Agenda fr.rf.L ¡J,
A. Wolcott, William, HPC 9203-07: Awning at 936 Water Street ti;A ~W ~1(Þ-> -"E; j'
New Business:
Lady Victoria, HPC 9203-02: Signage at 940 Water Street
1. Staff Report (Sepler)
2. Public Testimony ~ r)h-l ~d&.-
3. Committee Report (Raab/Carson)
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
Primitive Americana, HPC 9203-03: Signage at 1042 Water Street
1. Staff Report (Sepler)
2. Public Testimony
3. Committee Report (Smith/Goldsmith)
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
Cheri Raab's Body Shop, HPC 9203-04: Signage at 218 Taylor Street
1. Staff Report (Sepler)
2. Public Testimony
3. Committee Report (Yawman/Carson)
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
VII. Old Business
A. Neon Guidelines: Continued from March 31, 1992
B. Propane Guidelines: Continued from March 24, 1992
VIII. Announcements: Next Scheduled Meetings
ADril 28. 1992
A. Poitevin/Varteresian, HPC 9201-02: Special Valuation, 725 Water St.
Committee: Goldsmith/Landis
B. Boulter, Gail R., HPC 9102-03: Special Valuation, 810 Water St.
Committee: Marseille/Yawman
C. Port Townsend Farmer's Market, HPC 9204-02: Signage, Water St. (next to Police
Station) Committee: Carson/Smith
D. Water Street Corporation, HPC 9204-03: Entrance at rear of building, 635 Water
Committee: Goldsmith/Marseille
E. Color Guidelines: Continued from March 24th, 1992.
Mav 12. 1992
A. Mural Guidelines
B. Port Townsend Plaza: Commission Discussion of the awning
Commission Discussion
Minutes, April 14, 1992
(All proceedings taped)
IThe r,egularly scheduled meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called
to or4er by Chairman Teresa Goldsmith at 7:05 p.m.
~ -.
ROLL CALL was taken. Present:
Guests Present :
Carson, Goldsmith, Marseille, Yawman, Smith.
Raab, Landis.
Steve Mangutz, Cindy Mangutz, Julie Schacter, Rich
Schmidt, David Vane, Bernie Arthur.
MINUTES were corrected: Scott Walker (not Wilson) from City Parks. Motion to approve
as corrected by Yawman, seconded by Carson, vote unanimous.
COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Port Townsend Public Library, 3/16/92, declining use of
Cargegie Room for HPC meetings.
AGENDA: amended to Item "0", New Business will be the 1004 Gallery - signage;
Consent Agenda, W. Wolcutt will be moved to position "E" in New Business.
Lady Victoria, HPC-9203-02, Signage at 940 Water Street. Staff Report, Sepler:
All conforming except increase in number of signs to three. Graphics, photos, and
glass and paint samples provided Commission. Public Testimony: David Vane intro-
duced by Applicant, Steve Mangutz, for questions. Committee Report (Carson/Raab):
Agreement with Staff Report, the window signs are small, therefore, three signs do
not become offensively large. Motion by Smith, seconded by Marseille to accept
Draft Findings. Vote unanimous.
Primitive Americana, HPC 9203-03: Signage at 1042 Water Street. Carson disclosed
that he had done work on this building but stated that he can make an unbiased
judgment. No dissent from Connnission nor from public in attendance. Staff Report,
Sepler. This is a difficult signage spot with no opportunity to imitate other signage.
Some face sign is appropriate. The proposed canopy face sign has not been designed in
accordance with design guidelines in a manner which fulfills their purpose and intent.
The proposed projecting sign has. The signage is non-conforming by having two instead
of one sign and the non-conforming canopy face sign is not flush with the wall. Public
Testimony: Steve Mangutz, applicant, stated that Smith and Goldsmith (Committee) had
looked at the site and suggested the use of existing beam for vertical signage of
the same dimensions as the horizontal sign. The awning is so far out and away from
the business entrance, this would better identify the signage with the business. .
Yawman questioned the height restrictions. Motion to approve in concept with condition
that drawing design plan to show placement and dimensions be furnished to Smith for
approval. Motion by Yawman, seconded by Carson. Unanimous.
Cheri Raab's Body Shop, HPC 9203-04: Signage at 218 Taylor Street. Staff Report,
Sepler: Applicant Raab asked that process be continued despite her inability to
attend the meeting due to family illness. Applicant is willing to remove the other
existing wall sign if that would help to meet requirements and she would like the
Commission's recommendations on the projecting sign. Sepler stated that there are
three signs, which is non-conforming. The etched, flush sign will be replaced and
that replacement is not additional except for square footage. Committee Report: Carson/
Yawman),Carson reporting. Committee found no problem in increasing size from 2' x 30"
to 3' x 30". Commission discussion included question from Yawman in regard to City
Sign Ordinance to which Sepler responded; the use of color other than stark white
background with a general consensus that the letterhead of the Applicant was better
lettering and placement for,recognition of the business itself. Uniformity with nearby
HISTORIC PRESERVATION Meeting - Minutes - Page 2
April 14, 1992
signage, a question by Marseille as to jurisdiction of attaching the sign perpen-
.dicular to the wall and whether flush or a specified distance from the wall was
.. discussed. Ya~~an moved that the application be approved subject to meeting with
Committee, Yawman and Carson, concerning: 1) Details of bracket, 2) Choice of
background color complimentary to building and/or block, and 3) Boeder width and
style. Seconded by Marseille. Unanimous.
The 1004 Gallery, HPC 9204-01: Signage at 1004 Lawrence Street. Staff Report, Sepler:
The awning face sign has not been designed in accordance with the design guidelines.
and the proposed hanging sign has. The addition of the awning and hanging sign
would increase to two instead of the allowed one; conforming otherwise. No committee
report, (Landis/Raab). Julie Schacter available for questions of application. Motion
by Yawman, seconded by Carson to have placement of street-facing awning sign to hang
from awning instead of on the awning; sidewalk sign accepted in all except placement
closer to building. Unanimous.
Wolcutt, William, HPC 9203-07, Awning Installation, 936 Water Street. Staff Report:
Sepler: Applicant could not be present. Awning is conforming. Marseille expressed
concern about the color being too bright and reflective of light and not supportive
of the current "greyed-aqua" trim on the building. The applicant might bring in
color selections available in awning fabric. Motion by Carson to continue to next
meeting; seconded by Marseille. Unanimous.
A. Neon Guidelines: Staff Report, Sepler: There is no standard of measure of output
of lumen or brightness of neon. Discussion by Commission: Lighting in some areas
is poor and uninviting for pedestrians; should neon be allowed to be outside on the
... side streets?; standard sizes of commercial signs. Suggested changes were in Item 6,
thes~ signs shall be behind window lass and up to a total of i-foot square (replac-
ing "shall not exceed 2 1 2 height . Local signage shall be encouraged rather than
standard advertising signage. Motion by Carson to approve with above changes; second
by Yawman. Unanimous.
B. Propane Guidelines: Staff Report, 'Sepler: Introduction of Exhibit YB", sketches
of styles of wooden fences allowed, with the ratio to be 2/3 wood to 1/3 open (for
uniformity). Motion by Carson to accept Guidelines as amended with a committee of
three to designate colors for painting of tanks, when applicable. Second by Smith.
Vote was unanimous. Committee to be Marseille, Raab, Landis with a report deadline
of May 1st.
COMMISSION DISCUSSION: Sidewall colors in the 1 to 5 range from the already selected
palette for masonry buildings was agreed upon, to be presented by Marseille at next
Motion by Yawman for adjournment, seconded by Marseille.
Respectfully resubmitted,
~rbara Bogart, Secretary
Minutes, April 14, 1992
(All proceedings taped)
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called
to order by Chairman Teresa Goldsmith at 7:05 p.m.
ROLL CALL was taken. Present: Carson, Goldsmith, Marseille, Yawman, Smith.
Absent: Raab, Landis
Guests were: Steve Mangutz, Cindy Mangutz, Julie Schacter, Rich Schmidt,
David Vane, Bernie Arthur.
MINUTES were corrected Scott Walker (not Wilson) from City Parks. Motion to approve
as corrected by Yawman seconded by Carter, vote unanimous.
COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Port Townsend Public Library,3/16/92, declining use of
Carnegie Room for our etings.
AGENDA; amended to add Item "D", New Business wilL be The 1004 Gallery -signage;
Consent Agenda, A. Wolc.utt will be moved to position "E" in New Business.
Lady Vic.toria, HPC 9203-02: Signage at 940 Water Street. Staff Report, Sepler:
All conforming except increase in number of signs to three. Graphics, photos and
glass and paint samples provided Commission. Public Testimony: David Vane intro-
duced by Applicant Steve Mangutz for questions. Committee Report (Carson/Raab):
Agreement with Staff Report, the window signs are small so three signs do not
become offensively large. Motion by Smith, Second by Marseille to accept Draft
Findings. Unanimous.
Primitive Americana, HPC 9203-03: Signage at 1042 Water Street. Carson disclosed
that he had done work on this building but stated that he can make an unbiased
judgment. No dissent from Commission"i,'r Staff Report, Sepler:This is a difficult
signage spot with no opportunity to imitate other signage. Some face sign is
appropriate. The proposed Canopy Face sign has not been designed in accordance
with the design guidelines in a manner Which fulfills their purpose and intent.
The proposed Projecting sign has. The signage is non-conforming by having two
instead of one sign and the non-conforming canopy face sign is not flùsh with
the wall. Public Testimony: Steve Mangutz, applicant, s~ed<,tha~ $l!litþ ~,Ciold-
smith (Committee) had looked at the site and suggested use of existing beam for .
verticaLsignage of the'~ dimensions as the horizaltal sign. The awning is so
far. out and away from the business entrance, this would better identify the signage
with the business. Yawman questioned the height restrictions. Motion to approve in
concept with condition that drawing design plan to show placement and dimensions
be furnished to Liz Smith for approval. Motion by Yawman. Second by Carson. Unanimous.
Cheri Raab's Body Shop, HPC 9203-04: Signage at 218 Taylor Street. Staff Report,
Sepler: Applicant Raab asked that process be continued despite her inability to
attend the meeting because of family illness. Applicant is willing to remove other
existing wall sign if that would help to meet requirements and she would like the
Commission's recommendations on the projecting sign. Sepler stated there are three
signs which is non-conforming. The etched, flush sign will be replaced and that
replacement is not additional except for square footage. Committee Report (Carson!
Yawman), CarBon reporting. Committee found no problem in increasing size from
2' x 30 " to 3' x 30". Commission discussion included question from Yawman in regard
to City Sign Ordinance to Which Sepler responded; the use of color other than stark
white background with a general consensus that the letterhead of the Applicant was
better lettering and placement for recognition of the business itself. Uniformity
~~or dissent from public in attendance.
HISTORIC PRESERVATION Meeting ~ Minutes - Page 2
April 14, 1992
with nearby signage and a question by Marseille as to jurisdiction of attaching
the sign perpindicular to the wall and Whether flush or a specified distance from
the wall. Yawman moved that the application be approved subjec.t to meeting with
Yawman and Carson concerning: 1) Details of bracket, 2) Choice of background color
complimentary to building and or block, and 3) Border width and style. Seconded by
Marseille. Unanimous.
The 1004 Gallery, HPC 9204-01: Signage at 1004 Lawrence Street. Staff Report, Sepler.
The awning fàce sign has not been designed in accordance with the design guidelines
and the proposed hanging sign has. The addition of the awning and hanging would
increase to two instead of allowed one; conforming otherwise. No committee report,
(Landis/Raab). Julie Schacter available for questions of application. Motion by
Yawman, seconded by Carson to placement of street-facing awning sign to hang from
awning instead of on the awning and sidewalk sign accepted in all except to place it
closer to building. Unanimous.
Wolcutt, William, HPC 9203-07, Awning Installation, 936 Water Street. Staff Report,
Sepler. Applicant could not be present. Awning is conforming. Marseille expressed
concern about the color being too bright and reflective of light and not supportive
of the current "greyed-aqua" trim on the building. The applicant might bring in
color selections available in awning fabric. Motion CarsQn, to continue at next
meeting. Second, Marseille. Unanimous.
A. Neon Guidelines: Staff Report, Sepler. There is no standard of measure of output
of lumen or brightness of neon. Discussion by Commission: Lighting in some areas
is poor and uninviting for pedestrians; should neon be allowed to be outside on the
side streets; standard sizes of commercial signs. Suggested changes were in Item 6,
these signs shall be behind window glass and up to a total of 1 foot square (replac-
ing "shall not exceed 2 1/2" height). Local signage shall be encouraged rather than
standard advertising signage. Motion by Carson to approve with above changes.
Second by Yawman. Unanimous.
B. Propane Guidelines: Staff Report, Sepler. introduction of Exhibit "B", sketches
of styles of wooden fences allowed, with the ratio to be 2/3 wood to 1/3 open (for
uniformity). Motion by Carson to accept Guidelines as amended with a committee of
three to designate colors for painting of tanks. Second by Smith. Unanimous. Commit-
tee to be Marseille, Raab, Landis with a report deadline prior to May 1st.
COMMISSION DISCUSSION: Sidewall colqrs from the already selected palette was agreed
Motion by Yawman for adjournment with second by Marseille.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Bogart, Secretary