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Historic Preservation Commission
City of Port Townsend
Regular Meeting
28 April 1992
I. Roll Call-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7: 00 P . M.
II. Approval of Minutes: 14 April 1992
III. Communications: Current Mail
IV. Public Comments
V. I J Consent Agenda
ðt/f rrlKi-J A. Port Townsend Farmer's Market, HPC 9204-02: Signage, Water St. (adjacent to Police station)
/ t()¡v - B. Water Street Corporation, HPC 9204-03: Entrance at rear of building, 635 Water St.
~1 .
VI. New Business:
A. Poitevin/Varteresian, HPC 9201-02: Special Valuation, 725 Water St.
1. Staff Report (Sepler)
2. Public Testimony
3. Committee Report (Goldsmith/Landis)
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
B. Clothes Horse: Fast Track Design Review of Sandwich Board Sign
1. Staff Report (Sepler)
2. Public Testimony
3. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
Boulter, Gail, HPC 9102-03: Special Valuation at 810 Water St.
1. Staff Report (Sepler)
2. Public Testimony
3. Committee Report (Marseille/Yawman)
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
VII. Old Business
A. Wolcott, William, HPC 9203-07: Awning (continued from 2/14/92)
B. Color Guidelines
Commission Discussion and Conclusions
VIII. Announcements: Next Scheduled Meetings
Mav 12. 1992
A. Sign Code Fast Track: Neon -
Bread & Roses
Terri's Pet Salon
Western Shores Real Estate
Windermere Real Estate
Kim Starr Gallery (2 neon signs)
Bergstrom's Auto
Cafe by the Bay
Port Townsend Plaza: Commission Discussion of the awning _
Mural Guidelines
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Commission Discussion
City of Port Townsend Historic Preservation Commission meetings are governed by Robert's
Rules of Order and enforced by the Chairperson. In addition the Commission has established
the following policies and procedures with regard to PUBLIC COMMENTS:
1. Public comments concerning design review are encouraged and appreciated. The information
and advice received from citizens helps the Commission make the best possible decisions.
2. A few basic rules must be established in order to ensure that all individuals wishing to
address the Commission can be heard.
3. Public comments on items which are not on the agenda as public hearings are welcomed
during the public comments portion of the meeting. Comments during this period must be
specifically directed to issues within the scope of review by the commission such as the design
guidelines or related design or preservation issues. Once the public comment or hearing period
is closed by the chair, deliberations of the commission may not be intemlpted by the public.
4. Comments addressing other issues such as land use, traffic impacts or environmental impacts
are not appropriate for consideration during design review. These comments may later be
addressed during planning commission or shorelines public hearings. At any time the chair may
end public comment if s/he deems the comments to be outside the scope of design review.
4. Each person who wishes to speak must first be recognized by the chair. Each speaker is
asked to print his/her name and address on a register at the rostrum and state his/her name
clearly before s/he addresses the commission so that the written record may be accurate.
5. Each person is required to limit testimony to five minutes out of respect for those waiting
to speak. No one other than the chair may interrupt the speaker and the chair is obligated to
interrupt if the speaker exceeds the time limit or when it is necessary to uphold the rules and
restore order.
6. No disparaging comments, demonstrations, disruptive noises, or other expressIOns are
7. All questions are to be addressed only to the chair who will direct each question for response
either during the meeting or at a more appropriate time and place.
Additional written testimony at any time is always welcomed. Written information directed to
the Commission should be submitted for enclosure in the meeting packets no later than eight (8)
days before the meeting.
Minutes, April 28, 1992
(All proceedings taped)
tit The regularly scheduled meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called
to order by Chairman, Teresa Goldsmith at 7:08 p.m.
ROLL CALL was taken. Present: Carson, Goldsmith,Marseille, Yawman, Smith
Absent Raab, Landis
Guests present were : Gail Boulter, John Sudlow, Ellen Poitevin, Penny Varteresian,
William Wolcott, Bernie Arthur.
MINUTES from April 14 meeting were corrected and approved as corrected. Corrections
were Commissioner Carson's name was incorrectly written as Carter; Primitive Americana
f1hanged from "an addition of a bffam" to "the use of an exisJ;ing beam",and addition of
o~p-ublic in attendance after no dissent from Commission.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: John Sudlow spoke of his concern regarding the economic perspective
of restoration/new construction projects such as the Swan Hotel. He expressed concern
over the City's attitude that they are doing an applicant a favor instead of recog-
nizing the economic commitment of an applicant, in his opinion. He feels the downtown
historic buildings are threatened by this attitude. Yawman asked Mr. Sudlow why he had
chosen this Commission for direction of his comments. Sudlow stressed the cooperative
attitude of the HPC and was hoping for the HPC's behind-the-scenes encouraging a posi-
tive approach with the priority being assistance is funding repairs.
CONSENT AGENDA: Port Townsend Farmer's Market, HPC 9204-02-Signage, Water Street.
Water Street Corporation, HPC 9204-03, Entrànce at rear of building,
635 Water Street. No objections to either, Consent Agenda items approved.
NEW BUSINESS: HPC 9201-02, Poitevin/Vartesian, Special Valuation, 725 Water Street.
Staff Report, Sepler. Explanation of law freezing property taxes and comments on the
expenditures were classified as "taking care of the building" and the application
process is difficult. Committee, Goldsmith and Landis viewed the site and found the
expenditures to be qualified, and recommended approval. Applicant explained the grant
came under the "endangered property grant" which has ceased. Carson made the motion to
accept as amended (addition error, total should be $38,152.00), seconded by Smith.
Passed unanimously.
Clothes Horse: Fast Track Design Review of Sandwich Board Sign, Gail Boulter.
Staff Report, Sepler. Pictures were provided, found to be contìributtnglthr~lJIghlthe
review process. Smith asked for clarification of number of signs allowed on a corner
according to the Sign Code; three maximum on a corner. There are presently two on
Taylor and the subject sign on Water at that corner. The dimensions were checked with
the Sign Code and found to be acceptable. Motion by Yawman, seconded by Carson to approve
$ign and reque~ted.Fíndings and CenclusioDs.for Fast Track Sign Approval be amended to
1nclude th1S s1gn.
HPC 9102-03, Ga1l Boulter: Special Valuation at 810 Water Street. Staff Report, Sepler.
No questions, a correction to Historical Society instead of .Jefferson County Museum.
Applicant reiterated the difficulty of the application and the need for a Resource
Committee to assist applicants, with other successful applicants helping. Committee
members, Marseille and Yawman complimented the job well done considering the difficulty
caused by earlier remodeling. The expenditures were found to be qualified rehabilita-
tion expenses. Motion for approval by Carson, seconded by Marseille with unanimous
OLD BUSINESS: HPC 9203-07, William Wolcott, Awning (continued from 4/14/92). Available
awning sample card passed with applicant choosing to stay with color originally chosen
by him. Discussion included Marseille's recommendation for a darker color since this
one is too bright and a non-matching color to building is more in keeping with the
period and the chosen color is too bright. Carson suggested matching the base building
color. Goldsmith found the applicant's choice not to be detrimental. Applicant stated
HISTORIC PRESERVATION Meeting - Minutes - Page 2
April 28, 1992
that they had chosen the best color avaUable and would take it off it is unattrac-
tive and they are willing to take the risk, financially. Motion by Yawman to accept
the Findings of Fact of the Historic Preservation Commission with no conditions as
established by staff; seconded by Carson. Discussion included Yawman's comment that
it is not a permanent addition and Sepler reminded the commission that the building
is modern, of its own period. Sepler cautioned the members about the awning color
choice falling within the jurisdiction of the commission. Vote on motion: two ayes,
two nays; tie broken by Chairman Goldsmith, aye. Motion carried. Barbara Marseille
will meet with applicant to look at awning selections at the building in daylight
for information only for applicant.
Color Guidelines for Commission Discussion and Conclusions. Marseille presented the
color palettes for the frame buildings, the "other" buildings and the plastered
sidewall surfaces. The lighter sidewall palette was eliminated and colors PT-3, PT-5,
PT-15, PT-20 were eliminated from the brick or masonry building sidewall acceptable
useage. Motion by Carson, seconded by Smith to accept Brick/Masonry Building Palette,
Plaster Sidewall Building Palette (as amended), and Frame Building Palette. Vote
unanimous in favor. Staff will come up with final draft and palette titles. Marseille
was profusely thanked for all her work and persistence on the color palettes. Also,
a color combination board was shown to commission which will be available to the
public along with color chips of the different paint companies. Motion to accept
the Propane Color Palette by Carson, seconded by Yawman. Unanimous vote.
Sepler related a phone call request from Ken Eldridge, Town Tavern for assistance
from the Commission in in process of putting a new door in the Quincy Street side
of the building as a result of a report from the Fire Marshall, with a deadline of
May 21. Sepler further explained that the next meeting, May 12, would be too late
for him to complete the normal process and meet the May 21st deadline. After dis-
cussion and suggestion by Carson that involvement early in the process by the Com-
mission might evolve in several choices on which the Commission could make a good
decision. Carson will try to meet with Eldridge Wednesday, April 29, 1992 (and if
that cannot be arranged, he will pass it on to Raab or Landis to meet with Eldridge).
He will see what the Fire Marshall requires and the date of notification and see if
assistance to meet the deadline is reasonable. It was agreed that this building is
a critical building in the District and a door in the side wall will be very visible.
Motion to adjourn by Carson, seconded by Yawman. No Nays...
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Bogart, Secretary