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Historic Preservation Commission
City of Port Townsend
Regular Meeting
12 May 1992
I. Roll Call-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7: 00 P. M.
II. Approval of Minutes: 28 April 1992
III. Communications: Current Mail
IV. Public Comments
V. Consent Agenda
A. Jefferson County Community Center, HPC 9205-01: Signage, 620 Tyler
VI. New Business:
A. Point Hudson Company, HPC 9204-04: Fenced enclosure of recycling center
1. Staff Report (Sepler)
2. Public Testimony
3. Committee Report (Raab/Landis)
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
B. Water Street Corp.lTown Tavern, HPC 9205-04: Fire exit, 639 Water
1. Staff Report (Sepler)
2. Public Testimony
3. Committee Report (Goldsmith/Arab)
4. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
C. Port Townsend Plaza: Commission Discussion of awning
(approximately 45 minutes)
Old Business
A. Sign Code Fast Track: Neon
Bread and Roses: "Espresso" (-f) ct£e...,¿¿£..
Terri's Pet Salon: "Open"
Western Shores Real Estate: "Open" ¡j() ¿llø~~
Windennere Real Estate: "Open"
Kim Starr Gallery: "Kim Starr Gallery"
Bergstrom's Auto: "Le Sabre"
Cafe by the Bay: "Open"
1. Staff Report (Sepler)
2. Public Testimony
3. Commission Discussion and Conclusions
and "Open" W J{ tlljþ(y- _ ~i¡J!lJld)-,>
B.\- Mural Guidelines (tentative)
Commission Discussion and Conclusions
VIII. Announcements: Next Scheduled Meetings
Mav 26. 1992
A. Hole in the Wall, HPC 9205-02: Signage (Carson/Goldsmith)
B. Pizza Factory, HPC 9205-03: Signage (Landis/Yawman)
C. Fraychineaud, HPC 9205-04: Moving front door (Consent Agenda)
D. Burrito Depot, HPC 9205-06: Signage (Yawman/Maf:MHe)
Commission Discussion .~
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t!irrutes, [·1ay 12, 1992
(All proceedings taped)
The regularly sc.heduled meen.1g of the I-listoic. P¡:-eservation Corrunission was called
t(! order by Chairman, Teresa Goldsmi ti1 at 7: 02 p. m. .
ROLL. CALL ívas taken. Present: Raab, Landis, Smith, Goldsmith, YaíVrnan, Carson,
Guests present lv-ere :
Frank Gifford, Kelly Rowley, Bernie Arthur, Jim Olson
Jean Olson, Candy HUÌ\Tey, Larry Mul'Jey, Pat:::-icia ~Jarren,
Ken Eldridge.
were corrected and approved as corrected, motion by
MINUTES from April 28 r;¡eeting
Smitl1, seconded by Raab.
CONSENT AGENDA: Jefferson County Community Center, HPC 9205-01: Signage, 620 Tyler.
No objections, approved.
Point Hudson Company, HPC9204-4: Fenced enclosure of recycling center. Staff Report
Sepler: design, in accordance, effective and unobtrusive, and \¡ill reduce visual
blight. Applicant explained their eûdeavors in recycling and concerns about the
environment and their \vorking ~Jith Superior Disposal several months. Corrnnittee
Report (Raab/Landis) would prefer it not to be so obvious, and blockage of view
corridor. Disc.ussion: Smith question-motor homes having most use. Applicant said
about 50% in season. A 3-sided design which íJould satisfy Superior's requirffùents
was suggested. Mate:dals aren-t probler;¡. Smith made motion to c:JnÜnue to next
meeting with Sepler, Superior and Applicant to discuss design modification to be
presented at next meeting. Seconded by Harseille. Unanimous in favor'.
Water Street Cor ./To\vn Tavern ~œc 9205-04: Fire exit 639 Water. Staff Report
y Sepler: Design iLl acco::dance and all items con.1..orr:1Íng. l\.ppEsant offe:::-ed to
answer any questions. Committee Report (Raab/GoldsG1ith): Questioned steel rather
than i/lOod (applicant had been advised warpage would be a major problem in that
location witl1 \vood). Raab noted openings are strongly stated. Recomuended acceptance
of plan with stipulation of 1) setback and trim match exactly. Discussion follovJed
by motion by Carson to accept design as presented translated into wood framing and
door as found in historic portion of bEilding. In addition, committee to meet with
Applicant to go over details for final approval. Seconded by Raab. Unanimous.
Motion to amend Findings of Facts and Conclusions as adopted to color and revieW".
S L~;:î Code Fas t Trac:c Neon S taft furnisiled pictures and report (Sepler).
Op¡::¡ signs discussed first: Terri's Pet Salon: Applicant not present. tvestern
Sho¡~2s Real ,:;:state: Applicant not present. 'Ç-Jindermere Real Estate: Jim Olson
stated he wc:lld abide by the recommendation of EœC, further noting that it is
a 1979 building and trle sign is fror;¡ Costco, standard stock. Kim Starr Gallery:
\vithdrævn, ívill be moving to nevi location. Cafe by the Bay: Larry l'1ulvey said that
the neon sign is important to attract ferry traffic, especially in whIter. General
discussion: Goldsmith responded to Smith's COrï1fl1ent that Guidelines required a maxi-
ml1Ii1 of 1 squm:-e foot total, that at the tirlle that decision was made there might ilot
have been enough infm....mation. t1arseille pr.efers small v¡hir::.h ::.arries Idell and Landis
exp'cessed conc.ern over proportion and placement. ¥æJman suggested. smaller is better.
Terri's Pet: Notion, Smith; second, Marseille sign does not contribute. Carried,
nay votes by Yawman and Carson. ~vestern Shores: t10ticn by Landis, second by Carson
to accept Íi~1 conformance \.lith c.ondition to relecate by centering the sign. Yes votes
by Carson, Landis, YmJffian, Goldsmith. No by ~1ai'seille, Smith, Raab. Hindermere: Olson
withdL'eH application; will reapply with new design. Cafe by the BaV: C,-:,,:::-son moved to
HIS'DJRIC PR2SERIJAl'IUN ¡'l~etin;::; - l'Ii"t1tes of r1ay 12, 1992
Page 2
ac.cept as cOlltributLlg. Sec.onded by LanctÍ3. Yes votes by Carson, Landis, Yawman.
No votes by Raab, Smith, rlarseille. Tiebreak by Goldsmith Yes. Carried.
Bread and i:\oses "Espresso" : [<lotion, Smith and seconded by ¡v.larseille contributing.
Unanimous. Bergstrom;s Auto "Le Sabre": YmJrnan moved to accept as cOlltributing,
seconded by Landis. Unanimous.
Port Townsend Plaza: Yaívman excused himself for appearance of fairness. Applicant
asked HPC for L'ecommendations for half-circle inserts (Sepler). Discussion of same
color and colors :celatiì1g to building. LetteL' ,·¡ill be vJritten in appreciation of
there no longer being backlig11ting. Sepler recon~ended street t:::-ees would help.
t1arseille will lock into a darkeL' shade of the basic mming color and a v¡ay to
eliminate the sectional look (sunburst). ¡:Jill be on agenda first meeting in June.
Yawman returned.
Mural Guidelines: Report by Goldsmith \·¡ith pictures \V'Í th information on "Ghost
Signs'; a 0001<. Publi::: Patricia ~.Jarren encouraged the adoption of "Option I"
which \vas "No new raural in the National Historic District." and further stated
the historical signs should be maintained. Raab agreed adding that more murals
ìv-ould distract from the historic signs. Discussion of distinction betíveen mural
and sign and public art. It was suggested that Public Art by revie\Jed by Art
COffil1:Lssicn and thei"ì. HPC. Sc:pleL' suggested the option of a limit of \vall actvertise-
ïï1er1ts. A lirait of location ',jas discussed. Staff ívill make a dLaft from the commis-
. ,"'. .
Slon S Œ1SCliSSlcn.
Commission Discussion a;:¡d Conclusions
Narseille announced Droblems wi th some supplie::s }laving the exae t c.olors on the
palettes. Seple:::- sai~l it ívQuld be impossible to keep p~lettes up-to-date with
suppliers. Policy ,vill be use of designated palette encouraging specific colors 4IÞ
from spec.ific companies; othenv-ise color Qay be found to be non-COnfC1TIing.
Respectfully submitted,
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Barbara B08art, Secretary