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Historic Preservation Commission
Augúst 14, 1990 meeting
The meeting was called to order by Pete Raab, president, at 7:30 p.m.
in City Council Chambers. Present: Mike Yawman, Tom Johnson and Liz Smith.C:>e..t(¿, ~<:\.b.
Teresa Goldsmith arrived at 7:42 p.m. Absent: Ann Landis and Jean Anderson.
This meeting was planned as a workshop session to prepare the Commission
for its responsibility as a design review board. Rick Sepler, City Planner,
was present to assist in this process.
Ca~ McCune, visitor, requested the Commission not to endorse a pending
ordinance that construction on Water Street corners replacing collapsed or
destroyed buildings is to have a IS-foot setback on the side street side.
It was explained that the above-mentioned requirement was part of the mora-
torium and is not in harmony with the guidelines followed by the HPC; there-
fore, the Commission would not endorse such an ordinance.
Visitor Sherry Robison, new director of the Main Street Project, was
First draft brochure and application forms for HPC use were examined.
The brochure is to be an easy-to-understand folder that the Planning and Build-
ing Department will give to persons upon their initial inquiry concerning design
review. Its purpose is to explain the process and to assist those preparing for
design review. A flow-chart outlining the review process, an application for
design review, and a "Certificate of Review" were also examined. Feedback on
these documents needs to reach Rick Sepler within a week because the Review
Ordinance goes into effect soon after the next meeting of the Commission.
Although a list of the review requirements is included in the pamphlet,
a more detailed list will also be handed to applicants when they request appli-
cation forms. The final flow-chart will be printed on the back of all agenda
sheets available to visitors attending Commission meetings.
Much discussion followed concerning communication between all those
involved in the design review, permit-issuing and inspection process. Proce-
dural ground Tules must be established for a design review that includes a
vl!E'~aest: fori a:' ~ar!Ìanee. ,H~Cts :re~:te1j' ma Å¡achoaeaêe aeetls tbebè,j,givêm'tID~)tfue'
Plan Commission so they have the needed information for completing their
review of the case.
Enforcement of the final plans approved by the tlPC, especially where a
Page two - Minutes, Historic Preservation Commission, August 14, 1990
variance has been granted, falls to the building inspector. Since he will
have additional responsibility, it was suggested that he needs to be edu-
cated concerning HPC's requirements. It was suggested that a "Mandatory
Compliance" stamp be used ~~ the permit itself to call attention to the situ-
ation. It was suggested that the final solution should be made by the Build-
ing Department and that they then let HPC know how they plan to deal with
this situation, since it requires a change in how inspections are handled.
HPC also needs to be informed as to how and when the Commission will receive
information re applications in process that have first been reviewed by HPC.
It was suggested that the Planning Department would circulate a final report
on each case to the HPC.
It was stated by Rick Sepler that the Planning Department would be res-
ponsible for scheduling applicants for HPC's meetings. Two persons from HPC,
forming a standing committee, would do on-site inspections on applications to
be reviewed, picking up application information the Friday before the com-
ing meeting. Their purpose would be to gather information (possibly including
photographs) for HPC - not to formulate recommendations as to resolution -
and that the decision-making process would not occur until ~fter the presen-
tation by the applicant at the scheduled meeting, therefore I involving the
entire board, not just the two persons doing the î~t~iª~ re~eªrch.
Each HPC member will have a box in City Hall so that inflormation concern,..,
ing scheduled reviews and also minutes of the previous meettng can be picked
up preceeding each meeting. !
Discussion ensued concerning constructing a cardboard kodel of the Cl -
PI area to use as a reference tool for working with proposa~ plans, and that
applicants be required to provide a cardboard model of their proposed structure
so it could be dropped into the designated space on the mod~l board. Rick
Sepler volunteered to be the technician for such a project.
Now that additional responsibilities are about to be alssumed by the Com-
mission, it was pointed out that it will be necessary to havle funding from
the City for accrued expenses. Budjet request deadline is þct. 1. Expenses
tapes, and a part-time
mentioned include copying, postage, books, magazine,
staff person to specifically serve the Commission.
The meeting was adjourned by President Pete Raab at 9;þS p.m.
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Barbara MarseiìJLe~