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Historic Preservation Commission
August 28, 1990
The regular meeting of the HistorièPreservation Commission was called to
order by Pete Raab, president, at 7:35 p.m. in City Council Chambers. Present:
Pete Raab, Teresa Goldsmith, Jean Anderson, Liz Smith, and Tom Johnson. Absent:
Mike Yawman and Ann Landis. This is the second Meeting planned mainly as work~
shop sessions to prepare the Commission for its responsibility as the Design
Review Board. Michael Hildt, Planning and Building Director, was present to
The minutes were read. McCune's first name was corrected from Cap to Cal.
The minutes were approved as corrected.
Instead of boxes, HPC members will have file folders with names on them in
a tray in the Clerk/Treasurer's office. Minutes of the past meeting and also
design review applications or other,'pertinent information will be placed in the
envelopes for members to pick up.
There was discussion re a setback requirement which is part of the current
moratorium. Goldsmith made a motion that the Historic Preservation Commission
recommends that the new urban waterfront plan should not include the IS-foot
setback on the side street side and that it should not include existing build-
ings. The motion died for lack of a second. It was decided that Commission
members would wait for the draft of the urban waterfront plan, available Sept.6,
and review it in its entirety at that time.
Discussion ensued concerning a budget for HPC Deadline is Oct. 1. HPC
needs to decide whether the Commission wants to be included in the Planning
Department's budget or if it should request a separate budget through City Council.
At this time, the consensus is that the Commission would rather be part of the
Planning Department's budget. Goldsmith, Smith and Raab volunteered to form
a subcommittee to develop a budget. They will tentatively meet Wednesday, Sept.
5, at 9 a.m. with Michael Hildt at City Hall.
The proposed brochure and application forms for the design review process
were again reviewed. Hildt said that the flow-chart is especially important to
use as a way to communicate with prospective applicants. The hope is that if
it is widely enough circulated, persons won't show up ready to get permits, not
realizing that they still have to go through the design~review process. There
will be a packet of information mailed to all property owners within the C-I and
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and P-I districts as well as all builders, architects and designers.
When the Planning Department receives an application, there's a need to
move quickly. The application needs to be checked for completeness and then
either given back to the applicant for completion or forwarded to the HPC. A
revolving standing committe consisting of two persons, changing monthly, from
HPC will again check for completeness. Once they state that the application is
complete, HPC has 30 days in which to review the application and issue a Certi-
ficate of Review. At the end of 30 days, if a Certificate has not been issued,
the City is obligated by law to issue a permit.
Informal preliminary reviews are encouraged. It was suggested that, in the
Design Review brochure, under "Review Requirements", lines 7,8 and 9, "the H.
P. C. would be happy to schedule a pre-application consultation..." be emphasized
in some way in the final brochure. HPC needs another form to be used for giving an
applicant suggestions at the end of an informal preliminary session, so he can
go away with specific guidelines with which to modify his design. Unfortunately
the design review applications that are complete and must be addressed within
the 30-day period must take scheduling precedence. Possible extra HPC meetings
might be needed.
Aþplication instructions for sign applications were, discussed. It was decided
that the instruction sheet will need an "E" under item #2 specifically dealing
with signs. HPC requests that the application include a photo of the full face
of the building, marked to show position of the bottom of the proposed sign and
also a photo showing adjacent buildings, taken looking down the street rather
than full face. Planning Department will blow up the full-face photo so HPC
members can work with it for sign positioning and dimension in relation to the
architectural features on the face of the store front. HPC also asks that shop
drawings be included with the application, if they are available.
The brochure and application forms are to be dated so that futuré revisions
can be distinguished.
John Sudlow, guest, requested that HPC send a letter of endorsement to the
Community Development Department, Department of Archaeology and Historic Preser-
vation, State of Washington, pertaining to his application for grant-in-aid funds
for tuckpointing the E. B. Hill building. HPC approved a letter previously com-
posed by Raab because of time constraints.
Katherine Baril requested a similar letter for funding a rehabilitation pro-
ject for the quarantine station presently on City Dock. A letter composed by
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Raab was amended and approved.
Hildt assigned the HPC a code number, 1852, for using the copy machine in
Council chambers.
Hildt asked that the HPC work toward developing better design guidelines
than what are now being used. There was a quéstion as to whether this project
should be initiated by Planning Department staff with fine-tuning and approval
by the HPC or whether HPC should do the whole project. The goal is to have a
booklet in print a year from now that could be used by prospective applicants
in developing satisfactory designs.
Johnson and Raab will comprise the standing committee for design review for
September. A calendar showing each month's committee members for at least the
next 6 months will be developed at the next meeting. The Pláhriing Department
will receive a copy and then will work with the designated committee members
each month.
Cal McCune, guest, stated that his fûture plans tentatively include an
addition to his building on Water Street, and that he looks forward to working
with the HPC at that time.
Raab adjourned the meeting at 9:40 p.m.
Respectifully submitted,
Barbara Marseille