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Historic Preservation Commission
February 26, 1991
The regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called
to order by Pete Raab, Chairman, at 7:30 ~.m.
Present: Christopher Carson, Teresa Goldsmith, Tom Johnson, Ann Landis,
Pete Raab, Liz Smith, MikeYawman. RickSepler, Planning Department, present.
Guests: Patricia Warren, Doug Lamay, Amy Hyatt, Rocky Friedman, Phil Johnson,
Cindy Wolpin.
Minutes were read. Yawman requested that the minutes be amended to read
that he stated a professional involvement with Ambleside Construction. Minutes
were aproved unanimously as amended.
Old Business
Application #HPC9101-01, a continuation of a review begun Feb. 50f proposed
construction - James Swan Phase II: (proceedings taped)
Prior to discussion, Raab excused himself. Landis presided. Sepler pres-
ented the staff report, concluding that the project contributes to the Historic
District as conditioned. He explained that no prior information was given to
commissioners because of tight scheduling. Swan was scheduled for 2/26 because
the Planning Commission, needing to review Swan next, was originally scheduled
for 2/28.
Public testimony: Patricia Warren, representing the Jefferson County His-
torical Society, asked that HPC urge the Planning Commission to deal with the
small cabins presently on the site in a sensitive manner; that they remain together
and in the downtown area.
Commission discussion and conclusions: It was stated that the windows now
relate on both buildings; Hyatt's idea of a wood cap on the metal railings a good
idea; courtyard area needs improvement; buildings now talking to each other;
encourage using trees in the parking area. It was suggested that samples of the
glazing material and copper finish for the skylight be furnished as an additioal
condition before final sign-off. It was moved by Goldsmith, seconded by Carson,
that the proposed structure will contribute to the Historic District as conditioned
in the staff report with the additional request of the skylight material samples.
Unanimously approved. Conditional recommendation is attached.
Application #HPC9012-02, Rose Theater renovation supplemental review:
(proceedings taped)
Raab presided. Yawman had abstained during preliminary review and chose
to remain but not vote. Carson excused himself. Sepler presented the staff report
concluding that the project contributes to the Historic District. It was recom-
mended that an historic plaque be affixed to the outside of the building
especially since it is the last remaining nickelodeon theater in the state.
Public testimony: Raab asked for clarification on ownership. Friedmarr
explained that Johnson is the p .chasor and he, Friedman, is lèasing and so is
the applicant. He explained that the sign, although cl resembling the Rose
Theater sign exis. ting in a picture postcard of the street and the theater, will
be reduced in size and will have two bands of neon instead of 3. The original
sign does not conform with existing code.
Committee report: Raab/Johnson Johnson stated that the original design
of the Nov. 27, 1990 presentation with the ticket booth in the center seemed
preferable to the new design with a ticket window on one side. Friedman
answered that close examination of the design indicated that, since the canopy
needed to be retained, that the booth centered under it appeared heavy and
tight, spacewise and that three doors created more visual open space. The question
of neon not being original to the building when it was built in 1902 was raised,
and would HPC be setting a precedent by approving use of neon in this case?
Consensus was that neon is still historic for this building and so are not_
setting a precedent - that we are permitted to deal with such situations on a
case by case basis. The commissioners felt that all design issues had been
Johnson moved that the Rose Theater renovation meets conditions as spelled
out in the preliminary review when a Certificate of Review was issued. Landis
seconded. Unanimously approved.
New Business
Sepler reviewed the March 12 meeting schedule which includes Bartlett Build-
ing renovation, signage for Windemere Real Estate, 1220 Water Street, and The
Commission Discussion
HPC considered approving a resolution to be presented to City Council
expressing support for the renovation and reuse of the Rose Theater and stressing
the importance of prompt action. After lengthy discussion, it was decided that
Sepler compose a memo to City Council from HPC notifying them that by unanimous
vote, HPC determined that the project does contribute to the Historic District
and that a Certificate of Review was issued.
Sepler asked that a discussion With Dave Robision, Planning Department,
present concerning a review process, possibly with mandatory compliance, for
theGateway District be scheduled as an agenda item. Informally approved.
It was decided that Sepler should draft a memo to City Council re
disposition of the 4 Swan cabins, as recommended by the Historical Society,
as being strongly endorsed by HPC.
After brief discussion concerning requlrlng review applicants to provide
massing models routinely, it was decided to schedule such a discussion in a
future agenda.
After discussion, the Commissioners requested that in the future, one of
the three commissioners in the design-construction field professionally always
be paired with one 6S the other commissioners to work as a design review
committee.for any new construction project.
Goldsmith moved and Yawman approved that the meeting be adjourned at
10:09 p.m. Approved unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara S. Marseille, Secretary
-- 4IÞ
Design Review Application 9101-01
The Port Townsend Historic Preservation Commission has completed
its design review of the development proposed by Doug and Nancy
Lamy, located at 430-434-440-444 Water Street, and described as a
Mixed-use (residentialfhotel and retail) building.
The review was conducted pursuant to Ordinance 2216, was based on
the plans submitted by the applicant dated 28 January 1991 and 26
February 1991.
The Commission found that the proposed design CONTRIBUTES to the
Port Townsend Historic District and made specific recommendations
which are listed below.
1. The following plans, drawings and material samples (as
referenced in the staff report) shall be submitted by the
applicant and approved by the HPC prior to the issuance
of a building permit:
Skylight/solarium sample glazing
Stairs for Phase I building
courtyard and fountain plan
Building color and signage
Parking Plan
2. A streetscape plan specifying sidewalk paving patterns,
street furniture, lighting and signage shall be submitted
by the applicant and approved by the HPC prior to an
issuance of a building permit.
3. All materials and exterior finishes shall be specified by
the applicant and approved by the HPC prior to an
issuance of a building permit.
4. Water-related uses are encouraged for this site. It is
suggested that the applicant actively seek water-related
businesses for the proposed shops.
Issued this 26th day of February, 1991.
Teresa Goldsmith, Chair, Review Committee