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Historic Preservation Commission
March 12, 1991
The regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called
to order by Pete Raab, Chairman, at 7:40 p.m.
Present: Christopher Carson, Teresa Goldsmith, Ann Landis, Pete Raab,
Liz Smith, Mike Yawman, by roll call. Tern Johnson, absent. Rick Sepler, PlamiuÍlpg
department, present. Guests: Sheri Rebison, Patricia Warren, Jim Olson, John
Pilling, Bernie Arthur, Nadine and Gary Jonientz.
Minutes were read. Goldsmith moved and Yawman seconded that they be
accepted. Unanimous with 1 absent.
Communications: Sepler preserited a letter he wrote to Ambleside Construc-
tion 3/5/91, which, because of timing, some of the commissioners did not have
in their packets.
Old Business:
Application #HPC9103-01, signage for Windermere Real Estate office at
1220 Water Street. (proceedings taped)
Sepler presented the staff report, concluding that the proposed signage
contributes to the Historic District with recommendations that the signage, 9" high,
max,south facade be painted on a 5/8" plywood board which would be affixed to
the building and that the plastic letters used on the Water St. side have a
matte finish. During public testimony, Jim Olson from Windermere Real Estate
explained that the plastic letters come in a matte finish and offered a sample
for approval. He also displayed a color sample of the awning, to be a grayed
blue with no lettering. Concern was voiced re the condition of the brick on
the Water St. side, visible now that the restaurant sign has been removed.
Olson hopes it will weather to the same color as surrounding brick now that it
is exposed.
Committee Report: It was stated that because of the visual impact of the
south side of the building, that the sign size should be much smaller than the
letters on the rendering presented by Windermere - thus the recommendation that
the letters not exceed 9". More concern was voiced about the condition of the
brick on the Water St. side. It was suggested that the brick be cleaned, perhaps
with a muriatic acid wash, to attempt to achieve more uniformity. It was
suggested that the letters on that side would look better if they were the next
size smaller - 15" instead of 18".
Commission Discussion: In considering the painted sign for the south side,
it was suggested that maybe the entire brick wall's paint color could be improved
and then, of course, the background of the sign would be painted to match the
new color. There was discussion concerning the signage on that side being painted
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· HPC Minutes - 3/12/91- page 2
rather than dimensional letters. Goldsmith moved that HPC table the signage
plan for the south side of the building until a later date. Seconded by
Unanimously approved with 1 absent.
A discussion ensued concerning the spacing and size of letters on the
Water Street side. It was felt that there should be more border around the letters.
Carson moved that the signage on the Water Street side shall not exceed 15" in
height. Smith seconded. Unanimously approved with 1 absent.
Landis moved that the proposed signage for Windermere Real Estate, 1220
Water Street, for the Water Street side of the building, contributes to the Port
Townsend Historic District and that the HPC recommend the following:
1) the plastic letters used on the Water Street signage be of a matte
2) that the area of the reveal shall be made to conform as closely as
possible to the adjacent masenry surface through chemical or other intervention.
3) the height of the letters used shall not exceed 15" in height.
Goldsmith seconded. Unanimously carried with 1 absent.
Raab asked for a voice vote to ~hangethe agenda to permit a pre-applica-
tion conference for Ambleside Construction, The Moorings, to come next. All
were in favor. (proceedings taped)
Sepler stated that the original staff report stands. Jonientz presented
a model of the proposed construction, which had been requested. Commissioners
reviewed the guidelines, examining how the building project relates to each
one. Carson reviewed the design committee suggestions, interpreting them for
the applicants. It was suggested that to-scale models of the sail loft and a
horise adjacent to the proposed project be added to the model to give an idea of
relative scale. It was also suggested Ehat the applicants plan on severam preH
application sessions and that they encourage their architect to work with rough
sketches on flimsy overlays until all is resolved.
A pre-application conference for the Bartlett Builging reneovation was
next on the agenda, presented by Carson rather than Johnson. (proceedings taped)
Before the presentation, Sepler stated that it is appropriate for a
commissioner with a conflict of interest to have dialog during an application
conference if there is no controversy.
Carson presented many design studies 0f the building's exterior, developed
in an attempt to resolve design issues concerning the pillars and signage.
It was recommended that signage be placed at the same height as originally to
retain the proportion of the first and second floors and to explore the possibility
of reproducing the original column design Brat least a scalloped capitol.
Landis moved and Smith seconded adjournment at 11:35 p.m. Unanimously
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara S. Marseille, Secretary
Correction as of 3/26/91 to 3/12/91 minutes:
Paragraph #3 from end should read: "Before the presentation, Sepler stated that
it is appropriate for a commissioner with a potential conflict of interest to
have dialog during a preapplication conference if there is not controversy."
Barbara S. Marseille, Secretary