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Historic Preservation Commission
April 23, 1991
The regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called
to order by Pete Raab, chairman, at 7:30 p.m.
Present: Teresa Goldsmith, Tom Johnson, Ann Landis, Pete Raab, Liz
Smith, Mike Yawman. Christopher Carson absent. Rick Sepler, Planning De-
partment, present. Guests: Ken McBride, Les Skoglin, David McCulloch, Wes
Thompson, Dave Dover, Patricia Warren, Sheri Robison.
Minutes were read. Goldsmith moved they be approved as written. Yawman
seconded. Unanimous with one absent.
Consent Agenda
Sepler read through the following ¡ist of items developed at last week's
workshop meeting needing approval at an official meeting:
A. Approval to begin HPC meetings at 7:00 p.m.
B. Approval to end HPC meetings at approximately 10:00 p.m.
C. Approval to coordinate a workshop on design review for city con-
tractors and develop an informational mailing.
D. Approval for Commissioner Christopher Carson to develop guidelines
for committee review process.
E. Approval for Commissioners Teresa Goldsmith and Ann Landis to
provide an inventory of their reference materials and resource
packets for other commissioners.
F. Approval of 45-minute limit for pre-application conferences.
G. Approval of requiring receipt of applications to the Planning &
Building Department at least two weeks before the scheduled hear-
ing; and staff provision of applications to the commission a mim-
imum of seven days before the scheduled hearing.
H. Approval of the following change to design review application
requirements: "Additional drawings and/or models may be required
at the discretion of the Historic Preservation Commission."
Discussion: It was asked if the 45-minute limit for pre-application
conferences was to be a hard and fast rule. It was suggested that a confer-
ence could continue with a voice vote approval. Item F will be amended to
reflect that exception. Smith moved that items A through H be approved as
amended. Goldsmith seconded. Unanimous with one absent.
Sepler introduced a revised draft of the application sheet for design
review, noting that items E and F have been simplified.
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New Business
Application 9104-02, Water Street Rentals (Elevated Ice Cream et. al.)
for a new paint scheme. (proceedings taped).
Sepler presented the staff report. The guidelines were reviewed. Nos.
8 and 9 were noted to be non-conforming because three colors were proposed
and are to be used to define facade details. The report concluded that the
scheme contributes to the Historic District.
David McCulloch presented public testimony in favor of the scheme.
Landis presented the committee report, recommending use of the third color
and the acceptance of the scheme. Landis moved that the ,colors be found
contributing to the Historic District. Goldsmith seconded. Vote was unan-
imous with one absent.
Application 9104-01, Palace Hotel signage. (proceedings taped).
Landis excused herselfbecaus~ of.a conflict of interest and left the
room. Sepler presented the staff report. The application was for two signs -
one already existing on the front window and a proposed sign to be located .
on the Water Street/Tyler Street corner of the building. It was observed
that the addition of the proposed projecting sign would increase the number
of signs fronting on Water Street to 4, whereas the Guidelines limit businesses
within the Waner Street Historic District to one sign, except those on corners,
which may have one on each side. (During public testimony, Skoglund stated
that the two existing small signs would be removed.) It was noted that the
proposed projecting sign would extend above the sills of the second floor
windows. Staff recommended that the existing window sign contributes to
the District. The report asks for more information concerning color, letter-
ing, and materials. for the projecting sign.
Public testimony: Skoglund and Thompson testified. Letters on the
projecting signs are to be the same as the letters on the window sign in
style and shape. They will be cast bronze with a shiny, antique gold finish.
The bracket is to be bronze with a green-brown patina, as will be the back-
ground of the sign itself. The backboard will be copper over plywood.
Committee report: Smith stated for the record that she has had business
dealin~with the applicants since 1983. Yawman presented the report. Conclusion
was that samples of the lettering and/or materials are needed so HPC can get
a better idea of the impact the sign would have on the building. There is
objection to the height of placement and the consensus is that, because of
its size and placement, it would not fit the streetscape and is not pedes-
trian oriented; that it would overshadow the building's architecture and also
other signs nearby.
Smith moved that the in-place window sign :contributes to the Historic
District. Goldsmith seconded. During discussion it was noted that the window
sign incorporates four different colors and that a pre-application conference
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would have been beneficial. Vote was unanimous with 2 absent. Smith then
moved that the proposed projecting sign was non-conforming and recommended
a pre-application conference. Johnson seconded. Vote was unanimous with
2 absent.
Application 9104-03 McBride Galleries signage. (proceedings taped.)
Landis excused herself because of a conflict of interest and left the
room. Sepler presented the staff report. A projecting sign and also a
sign painted on an existing board on the front of the building was proposed.
The wall sign was found to not conform in all but its material. The project-
ing sign was found to contribute to the District as conditioned: That revised
colors be submitted to the HPC and approved prior to the issuance of a sign
Public testimony: Ken McBride explained that the wall sign was proposéd
because the wooden panel already exists and has been installed in such a manner
that the entire face of the front would have to be rebuilt in order to remove
it. He suggested eliminating the sign part and just retaining the scroll
design as proposed, and instead, use the projecting sign and then add a small
sign on the door or the bottom part of the window in small gold letters.
Staff report: Yawman stated that more information was needed re the
lettering and colors.
Commission discussion: It was pointed out that it is awkward~ to have
a sign on the wall with a projecting sign at right angles to it. Discussion
of how to facilitate approval of this application ensued resulting in tabling
of the discussion.
Landis returned to the meeting.
It was decided to schedule a meeting Tuesday, April 30, to have a pre-
application session concerning The Moorings since applicants were not present
and materials were delivered just prior to the meeting. At that time, revised
colors for the McBride signaged will be reviewed. The meeting will begin
at 7 p.m. Goldsmith moved that The Moorings preapplication discussion be
continued to next Tuesday at 7 p.m. Landis seconded. No discussion. Unan-
imous with 1 absent.
Back to the McBride Galleries signage application: It was moved by
Goldsmith and seconded by Smith that the Commission find that the projecting
signage and back panel without lettering contributes as conditioned to the
Port Townsend HIstoric District. Conditions: 1) Revised colors shall be
submitted to the HPC and approved prior to the issuance of a sign permit.
2) Secondary window or wall signage shall be submitted to review by HPC
prior to issuance of a sign permit.
Officer elections: Goldsmith was nominated chairperson and Yawman
as vice chairperson. There were no additional nominations. Landis moved
and Smith seconded to accept the slate. Votes were unanimous with 1 absent.
The Moorings blueprints were briefly reviewed. Some of the changes
that had been requested were noted but not all. HPC had requested "flimsies"
presenting many possible variations. Sepler reported there was no scheduled
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meeting with the applicants between then and next Tuesday's meeting but
that if they called, he would remind them of what was agreed upon. Warren
commented that good design doesn't come from bandaiding bad design and
stated that she will say more next week.
Discussion ensued concerning how to handle situations where appli-
cants do not cooperate with the requests and suggestions made by the HPC
during a pre-applièation discussion and still expect another (or several)
more pre-app sessions. It was suggested that HPC should consider making it
a policy to tell such applicants where they are deficient and that until
HPC's requests are fulfilled, the Commiss~on will not be able 'to spend time
with them.
Landis moved and Yawman seconded to adjourn. Unanimous vote with 1
absent. Adjourned at 9:54 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara S. Marseille, Secretary