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Historic Preservation Committee
April 30, 1991
Members Present:
The special meeting of the Historic Preservation commission
was called to order by Teresa Goldsmith, Chairman at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Christopher Carson, Tom JohnSon, Teresa Goldsmith
Ann Landis, Mike Yawman, Peter Raab, Li z Smith. Rick Sepler,
Planning Department, present. Guests: John Pilling, Bernie
Arthur, patricia Warren, Sheri Robison, Cindy McBride.
Minutes were not approved from the previous meeting.
A letter dated April 30, 1991 was received from David
Vane and Doug Kronquist regarding appropriate signage and
guidelines for the Historic District.
A memo dated April 30, 1991 was received from the
Planning and Building Department regarding the
application process for the Moorings.
patricia Warren from the Historic Society, through verbal
communication, asked that the committee consider where
public input should be included in pre-application
consultation. Ms. Warren also brought up the point that
a S.E.P.A review may be necessary before we may pass
action on Moorings.
New BU~ine:i;s
Application 9104-03, McBride Gallery for new signage.
Fulfillment of certificate of Review condition.
Ann Landis excused herself from the McBride hearing.
Color samples were submitted, and accepted: textured green and
matte gold. Samples were retained by staff.
After completion of this agenda item, Commissioner Landis excused
herself from the balance of the meeting due to a previous
HPC minutes - 4/30/91 - page 2
Application 9101-02, The Moorings Hotel.
John Piling gave a presentation on the newest plans.
Commission members discussed the need for an inexpensive massing
model to show project scale relative to neighboring buildings. The
applicants were reminded that this model was requested at an
earlier meeting. The applicants were reluctant to invest time and
money into a.ny type of model without a final "concept" to work
The commission suggested that a "quick and dirty" model of simple
materials would aid in understanding the scale of the project as
related to surrounding structures. Mr. Raab reminded the
applicants that design options for the yacht club building were
requested at the April 9th meeting.
Applicants suggested that the Commission was asking for too much.
to listen to specific
difficulties with the
difficult and caused
Mr. Piling stated that he is willing
suggestions, but due to communication
architect, this interchange has been
unreasonable delay in the process.
The applicants suggested that the design review process seemed to
be stuck and they would prefer to withdraw their application. The
applicants stated that the project was acceptable as designed, and
needed no further review.
commission members urged the applicant to continue with the design
review process.
David Vane requested time to address the commission on sign
guidelines from a sign painters point of view. It was suggested
that a sign workshop be scheduled and all local sign painters be
Ms. Smith moved that a line item be inserted into the agenda to
allow for public testimony at each meeting. There would be a 5
minute time limit with provision for extension by the chair (upon
request from the applicant). The motion was seconded by Mr.
Johnson. The motion was passed unanimously.
Discussion on appropriate time for public testimony at the pre-
application meetings. It was suggested that public input may be
important to bring to light the concerns that have not been
The Commission discussed alternate forms of pUblic input during the
pre-application process. A key concern was to prevent an HPC
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minutes - 4/30/91 - page 3
uncontrolled dialogue from developing between applicant and
Community members.
It wa$ suggested that the chair direct the public to address their
comments exclusively to the design guidelines.
Sepler will prepare a draft format for public input at the end of
each pre-application hearing. Comments will be limited to 5
minutes per speaker.
PUblic participation in the design review process will occur at the
beginning of each meeting, during each formal application review,
and at the end of each pre-application.
Ms. smith moved to adjourn at 9:20. Yawman seconded. The motion
was passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Pete Raab, Commissioner