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Historié -Preservation Commission
May 14, 1991
All proceedings taped.
The regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called
to order by Teresa Goldsmith, chairman, at 7:00 p.m.
Roll call was taken. Present: Teresa Goldsmith, Tom Johnson, Pete Raab,
Liz Smith, Christopher Carson. Mike Yawman absent. Rick sepler, Planning
Department, present. Guests: Leah Hammer, David Vane, Jim Olson, Frank Vane,
Patricia Warren,~eri Robison.
Minutes from the April 23rd meeting were read. Smith moved and Raab
seconded that they be accepted and amended as follows: thatAåfterthheppaiUªgl'~þh
on the third page beginning "Commission discussion:" that it be noted that
Landis, who had pre viously excused herself, returned to the meeting.
No communications.
No consent agenda.
Public Comments
David Vane spoke to the Commission concerning the guidelines pertaining
to signage developed by the National Trust for the Water Street Historic District.
He suggested that the guidelines be reviewed and possibly fine-tuned so that
they would more accurately assist in developing appropriate signage. He dis-
tributed a letter and visual examples of signage to the commissioners and asked
that HPC get back to him on this subject.
Sepler had prepared a letter responding to a>létter ". from Dàvid Vane and
Doug Kronquist dated April 30, 1991 read at the April 30 special meeting. He
read it out loud and stated that HPC plans to hold a workshop on signage in
the near future and that the Drawing Board staff would be invited to attend
as well as other persons in the area involved with designing signage for Port
Townsend. The letter was presented to David Vane.
Frank Vane stated that it is often difficult to hear the commissioners
and suggested that they talk louder or use microphones.
New Business
Application HPC 9104-06, Ravenscroft Inn, proposed fire escape. This
new construction is outside of the Historic District, Sepler reminded the
commissioners and although subject ~o mandatory review, compliance is volun-
tary and at this point, there are nodesignstaridards for new construction
outside of the District. Staff report: Sepler suggested informal review.
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HPC minutes - 5/14/91 - page two
Public testimony: Hammer spoke for the design.
Committee Report (Johnson/Landis): Johnson stated that he could not
determine from the drawing what the balusters would look like. Hammer replied
that they will be the same as the existing ones on the Ravenscrøft deck. He
mentioned that the lower window might have to have wire glass, a fire code
issue. Landis suggested that the design contributes to the Historic District.
Commission Piscussion and Conclusions: none.
Jonson moved that the proposed fire escape contributes to the Historic
District. Raab seconded. Vote was unanimous with one absent.
Application HPC9104-05, Windermere Real Estate, proposed signage, awn-
ing and wall color. Staff review: This building is not listed in the National
Register and is not in the HistoriéDistrict. It is in the Special Overlay
Design Review District, Sepler noted. He stated that the south facade was
repainted without review. Staff found that the wall color, and proposed awning
and signage contribute to the District.
Public Testimony: Jim Olson explained that the inappropriate
now existing on the front of the building would be Ì1œlÌÌò1il'edìo'.
9" letters in the proposal are lower case; the caps would be 12".
that Windermere would be willing to paint letters of that size on
rather than using the plastic letters like to front sign. Awning
wedge-shaped. Existing outside lighting will remain.
shake trim,
He stated
the brick wall
is to be
Committee Report (Smith/Goldsmith): Approved paint color and awning.
Suggested that since a second sign for a business is non-conforming, that the
letters be the same size as those on the U. S. Bank building across the street
(7" and 8") so the signage will have a more subdued appearance from the street.
Commission Discussion and Conclusions: Determined that the cement blocks
on the side of the building are 7 5/8" high which would wørk well wit 7" high
painted letters. The only letters that would be painted across mortar lines
would be three capitals. Suggested matte finish paint. There was concern
that the awning's spànacrossthe entire'frónt of the building might be too
strong an element when compared to awnings in the District ~ut it was pointed
out that it is appropriate to the more contemporary architecture of the building.
Raab moved and Carson seocnded that Windermer's proposed signage, awning
and wall color contributes as conditioned to the Port Townsend Historic District
with the following conditions:
1) Signage on the south facade shall be composed of lowercase letters no
greater than 7 inches high, and uppercase letters no greater than 10
inches high.
2) All lettering shall be painted directly onto the masonry surface.
All lettering shall be white."
Carson proposed that the motion be amended to require that the paint be
a matte finish. Landis seconded. Discussion: Olson pointed out that procelain
bright white is appropriate to the period and that a matte finish on white
painted letters will not weather well. It was pøinted out that a semi-gloss
paint would certainly be acceptable - just so it isn't a super glossy finish,
---. ...
HPC Minutes - 5/14/91 - page three
and that the texture of the cement block will cut the sheen. The amendment
was deteated unanimously with one absent. Original motion carried. with one
nay and one absent.
Sepler requested review of the instructions øn the back of the Design
Review Application. It wasfound that #8 needs to be corrected. Sepler
suggested including the chart detailing mandatory review cGmpliance on page
35 of the recent Home Improvement Guide be included. Landis moved that the
new Instructions be adopted with correction of #8. Smith seconded. Vote
was unanimous with one absent. From now on, Sepler pointed out, the policies
and procedures for HPC meetings will be printed on the back of the agenda
It was noted that new guidelines are needed for new construction within
the District and for the area above the bluff.
Raab excused himself from the committee to review the proposed remodel
of Aldrich's second floor. Johnson was assigned in his place.
More discussion re developing guidelines for new construction for uptown
(a voluntary compliance area). A workshop scheduled for June was considered.
It was decided to have Sepler prepare a proposed set of guidelines for the
Commissioners to study.
It was decided to wait until Council passes the pending sign ordinance
and then schedule a sign workshop.
Smith moved and Landis seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Approved unanimously with one absent.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara S. Marseille
May 28 amendment: Ann Landis, commissioner, was also present.