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Historic Preservation Commission
June 12, 1991
All proceedings taped.
The regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called
to order by Teresa Goldsmith, chairman, at 7:03 p.m.
Roll call was taken. Present: Christopher Carson, Teresa Goldsmith,
Tom Johnson, Ann Landis, Pete Raab, Liz Smith, Mike Yawman. Rick Sepler,
~lanning Department, present. Guests: Mauricio Cisneros, Susie and Bob
Harrison, Jeanne Moore, Ken McBride, Robert Friedman.
Minutes from the May 28th meeting were read. Raab movedand.Landis
seconded that they be accepted and amended as follows: On page two, El Sarape:
Signage, Committee Report - Strike the first two sentences and substitute
the following: It was stated that although the script-style lettering used
for the window signs is not appropriate to the architecture øf tÌ1~ building
and its period, ih could be considered simple in style and so. would be
It was noted that a letter had been sent to the Kim Starr Gallery concern-
ing a sign erected without receiving a sign permit.
No consent agenda.
No public comment.
New Businesss
El Sarape: Signage
Staff review: Sepler noted that since the design as submitted was a
significant departure from that of the preview application, it could no lQnger
be considered a consent agenda item.
Commission discussion and conclusions: After much discussion, the follow-
ing plan was developed:
That the windówsigns, to be applied to the glass, will have burgundy
lettering and outlines, a red, green and white sarape and a burgundy hat. The
word "resturant" as it appears on exhibit "A" will be spelled "RESTAURANT".
That the projecting sign will be a duplication of the window design but
HPC minutes - 6/12/91 - page two
with a background color, yet to be approved.
But the road to these conclusions was complex. Smith moved and Johnson
seconded that window signs with burgundy outlines instead øf the board design
(see exhibit A) and with a background color be accepted as c0ntributing, During
ensuing discussion, Landis moved and Yawman seconded that the background color
be eliminated and that the plank design remain and that its 0l\ltline be burgundy.
The vote was tied. The chairman's "aye" vote broke the tie and the amemdment
was'accepfbd. The motion passed unanimously. The resulting findings are as
"That the Commission found that the proposed signage eontributes as condi-
tioned to the Port Townsend Historic District. Conditions: 1) Window signage to
be applied directly to the window surface shall be consistent with the attached
illustration (Exhibit A). 2) The existing temporary window gignage shall remain
in place only until permanent signage is approved and installed. 3) Final back-
ground color choice for the proposed projecting sign shall be submitted to the
designated representatives of the HPC for final review~" .The designated repre-
sentatives are Landis and Yawman. '
McBride Galleries: Signage
Landis excused herself and left the room because of a ~roféssionål'conflict.
Staff review: This is a review of proposed revised signage. Sepler suggested
that the projecting sign and the signage to either side of it, flush with the
building, be considered as all one sign because it is integrated in design.
It was found to contribute to the District but needed the lettering color approved.
Committee Report (Carson/Smith): Agreed that it contri0t.J,tes. A sample
of the gold color (or close enough) was produced by Sepler anEitwas felt to be
Yawman moved and Carson seconded that the proposed signage contributes
to the District. Approved unanimously with one absent.
Landis returned.
Potpourri Northwest Interiors: Signage
Staff review: It was pointed out that location of the existing sign bracket
is inconsistent with other signs ~n the area and detracts from the pedestrian
scale of the district and the arch~ectural character of the building. It was
also noted that the proposed lettering , although not appropriate to the period
in which the buildingwaa. .constructed, is conpatible with lettering styles
used in the surrounding district. It was further noted that the lettering style
is part of the image of Potpourri Northwest Interiors, 6onsis.tently used wherever
a prominent type style is appropriate. It was pointed out that staff repmE~
should have noted that this review requires only voluntary compliance.
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HPC minutes - 6/12/91 - page three
Committee report (Goldsmith/Johnson): After much discussion concerning
improved location of the projecting sign, and many suggestions, it was concluded
that placement should be left to her (Movrets) discretion.
Carson moved and Landis seocnded that the proposed signage contributes
to the District. Vóte was unanimous.
Elks Building Renovation pre-application conference
Carson excused himself because of a possible conflict 0.finterest but
requested that he be allowed to stay in the room. Request granted. Harrison
stated that his intent is to restore the building to its origftIiIaàl,. state.
Commissioners were mostly positive in their reactions to plansat this stage
and suggested 1) ways to locate more photos of the 0riginal Ðuilcling 2)research
on colors used-at one time when the scheme was given an award. and 3) look
forward to more details and specifics to be presented at the next pre-app
Bay Vista II condominium project
This is Johnson's second conference. Ideas for a timberframe design
with emphasis on breaking up the space vertically were presented. The main
thrust of the concluding suggestions seemed to be to reexamine the designs
and to refine them so that, as much as possible, the construction and decorative
detailing be honest in its function.
It was noted that the next meeting is a special one for'the purpose of
develping design guideline~fov inew construction, scheduled for June 18 at
Raab's home.
Raab moved and Carson seconded that the meeting be adj0urned. Apppoved
unanimously at 10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara S. Marseille
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