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Historic Preservation Commission
June 25, 1991
All proceedings taped.
The regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called
to order by Teresa Goldsmith, chairman, at 7:05 p.m.
Roll call was taken. Present: Christopher Carson, Teresa Goldsmith, Tom
Johnson, Ann Landis, Pete Raab, Liz Smith. Absent: Mike Yawman. Rick Sepler,
Planning Department, present. Guests: Sheri Robison, Patricia Warren, Randy
Brackett, Jackie Griffiths, Tashi Bhutia, Robert Friedman, Candace CoSleE.
Minutes from the June 12 meeting were read. Landis moved and Johnson seconded
that they be approved as written. Vote was unanimous with one absent.
Consent Agenda
Application #9106-01; Rose Theater: Revised Signage - Robert Friedman
Staff report: Sepler noted that the signage had been determined as contri-
buting to the District on 26 February 1991. The proposed revision would alter
the approved sign design through incorporàtion of additional neon tubing. It
was determined that the change would not be significant and $0, was included as
a Cònsent Agenda item. The review determined that the revised neon sign contri-
butes to the District as conditioned. The conditions are as follows:
1) Neon lighting of the proposed sign shall be permitted only after dusk Dr
during regularly scheduled evening performances.
2) Neon lighting shall not be permitted 30 minutes after the start of the
last scheduled performance of the evening.
Sepler explained that a Jonsent Agenda item can be approved by an informal
voice vote without a motion but that it must be unanimous or the issue is put
back on the agenda for later in the meeting.
Carson requested that he be permitted to remove himself from the vote because
of professional conflict.
Vote for approval was unanimous with one abstaining and one absent.
New Business
Application #9104-04; Minju Tibetan Carpets: Signage -Tashi Bhutia
HPC Minutes - 6/25/91 - page two
Staff report: Sepler noted that the building has been certified by the Secre-
tary of the Interior as being of secondary significance to the Historic District.
Staff found that the proposed projecting sign had been designed in accordance
with the design guidelines but that the specified style of type to be used was
unclear on the proposed drawing. So the recommendation was that the sign contri-
butes to the District with the condition that a sample of 4he final lettering
style be submitted for final review prior to issuance of a sign permit.
Public Testimony: Bhutia submitted a sample of one additional color to
be part of the proposed sign design and produced a new capital letter design for
the "M" of Minju and the "T" of Tibetan.
Committee Report: (Raab/Landis) There was a difference of opinion concern-
ing the hue of red proposed. Conclusion: the majority favored the submitted
color. After considering the typeface question, the commissioners concluded
that the letters as drawn were appropriate with the substitution of the two
capital letters previously described. Raab moved and SMith seconded that the
proposed sign contributes to the Historic District asconditiGned; that the
lettering resemble that of the drawing with the substitutÜm of the more ela-
borate "M" and "T" for beginning letters of Minju and TibetaIl. VGte for approval
was unanimous with one absent.
Application #9106-03; Water Street Deli Paint scheme -j~ckie Griffiths
Smith asked to be excused. She left the room.
Staff report: Sepler explained that the applicant was unaware that there
is a design review requirement for exterior paint color and that repainting was
already in process. Staff found that the proposed scheme contributed to the
Committee~Report: (Carson/Goldsmith) It was pointed out that if only the
lower part of the building were painted as planned, the. building would appear to
be divided in half. It was felt that the color was an appropriate choice but
that all of the trim on the building (including window and top cornice trim)
should be changed from the existing brown to the new blue-green shade.
Raab moved and Carson seocnded a motion that the Commission found that
the proposed paint scheme eon tributes to the District including the condition
that the brown paint to be repainted match the color sample as submitted by
the applicant. Vote was"unanimous with one abstention and one absent.
Smith returned.
Farmer's Market: Signage (pre-applièation conference) Candace CosIer
CosIer explained that the Market plans to open July 20 and will be in
business every Saturday during the season from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. in the park-
ing lot between Elevated Ice Cream and the police station. A banner 20 feet
wide by 4 feet high is proposed to extend across the entrance to the 19t just
behind the trees flanking the entrance. It will be attached to metal stanchions
braced to the buildings on either side. She explained that plans are in the
works for the lot to be paved by the Wooden Boat Festival ørganization, and
permanent stanchions are to be incorporated into the paving. The banner is to
HPC Minutes - 6/25/91 - page three
be made of rip-stop nylon with grommets for fastening and proper provision
for strong wind.
Sepler explained that since the banner will only be up for a few hours
each week and therefore is not permanent, there are no existing guidelines.
The banner as proposed would have simple :lettering . wH.n.a IDalti-c<Ðl@red
border. Commissioner suggested fresh vegetable colors and requested a sample
of type style. They asked that fabric samples be presented and that CosIer
attempt to have them delivered to the meeting, to be reviewed after the next
agenda item (El Sarape) was taken care of.
El Sarape: Revised Signage - Continuagioft
Noone appeared to represent El Sarape so HPC decided to go ahead as
Staff report: Sepler reported that although a background color for the
projecting sign was approved as required after the last meeting, the partner not
present during the application review had already approved work to go ahead,
unbeknownst to his PPEtner. This meeting was to reconsider the background
color which had already been ppinted and was not that which had been approved.
After discussion, Landis moved and Carson seocnded a motion to approve
the new color. The motion: passed with 5 ayes, 1 nay and 1 absent.
Concern was voiced that there had been a misunderstanding '¢oncerning HPC's
request that the projecting sign's type style match that of: the window sign's
type style. It was also discovered that 6/12/91 minutes reported the design
of the projecting sign inaccurately.
Sepler suggested that a letter could be sent reminding El Sarape of the
type requirement. It was subsequently decided that he should phone El Sarape
and ask if the lettering styles are the same and if so, inform them that the
background color had been approved and also find out where the sign could be
seen by a commissioner before installation. If it appears that the lettering
is not the same, Sepler wasinstructed to inform El Sarape in writing that the
application process for signage must be iiii tiatea -again. 'ThilB WalS !'!otmIDvetlhey
-Raa.b,c)secoI'Idèdby· Lsmdis. Vote was unanimous with one absent.
It was suggested that Sepler compose a letter to be presented at the next
meeting alerting sign and paint contractors in the area to th~new sign ordinance
and the mandatory design review and compliance requirement$ and reminding them
that work 'should not be initiated until review has been cømpleted and offiial
approval granted.
The commissioners also questioned the review requirements requiring that
phøtos be black and white.
Farmer's Market - Continuat:ímn
CosIer was not able to obtain fabric samples. She said that the plan
was to have a pale blue background and dark green lettering with a multi-colored
HPC Minutes - 6/25/91 - page four
border of fabric restangles and possibly also a logo. Discussion ensued,
resulting in several possible designs using appliqued vegetaÐle shapes as part
of the design and/or border. Commissioners recommended vegetable colors and
asked for 1) scaled drawing of final design; 2) samples of fabric:: in colors
proposed; 3) type style of letters, all to be presented at. the next meeting.
Announcements concerning the next scheduled meeting, July 9, were made.
On behalf of the HPC, staff has sent letters to "Hole in the Wall" and
"Sport Townsend" re signs hung without obtaining permits.
Commission Discussion
Sepler reported that Bob Harrison, on behalf of the Elkhorn Inn, requested
a letter be sent from the HPC stating that the Commission find the project
consistent with the goals and guidelines of the Urban Waterfront Project. The
Commission, after discussion, declined to comply.
Smith moved and Landis seconded adjournment at 9:10 p.m. Vote was
unanimous.'with one absent.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Marseille