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Historic Preservation Commission
July 9, 1991
All proceedings taped.
Th@ regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was
called tQ order by Teresa Goldsmith, chairman, at 7:00p.m.
Roll call was taken. Present: Christopher Carson, Teresa Goldsmith,
Tom Johnson, Ann Landis, Pete Raab, Mike Yawman. Rick Sepler, Michael
Hildt, Planning Department, present. Guests: Sheri Robison, Patricia
Warren, Kurt Jensen, Joe Donahon, Mark Johnson, Joyce Webb, Deb. Shortess.
Rick Tollefson, Candice CosIer.
Minutes from the June 25 meeting were read. Raab moved and Yawman
seconded that they be approved. Vote was unanimous with one absent.
It was noted that an enforcement letter re signage for the Palace
Hotel on Water Street was included in the Commissioners' packets.
Smith arrived at 7:05 p.m.
Public Comments
Patricia Warren, representing the Jefferson County Historical Society,
cømmented on the proposed guidelines for new construction in the non-cG~ercial
uptown areas of the Historic District. She stated that the Guidelines were
unclear in certain areas. Do they apply to remodeling projects? She questioned
the use of certain words such as "traditional"in the area" as not being
specific enough to be helpful. She also suggested that it would be wise to
get as much public comment from residents of the District as possible and
that a public hearing would accomplish this as well as being a way to provide
Consent Agenda
Guidelines for new construction: It was decided that Warren's comments
warrant discussion before acceptance. It was decided to defer the subject
until the end of the meeting for discussion at that time.
New Business
Application #9101-01: James G. Swan Hotel: Presentation of Final Documents
HPC Minutes - 7/9/91 - page two
Raab excused himself because of a conflict and left the room.
Staff report: Sepler reviewed the situation, stating that when the
project was approved on February 26, there were conditions still to be met.
Certain of those were ready for HPC review. (They will be outlined under
"Committee Report".)
Public Comment: Kurt Jensen, representing the Lamay's, spoke to the
issues involved. He mentioned that, since an elevator override is required,
the design of the center of the roof had to be changed, which eliminated the
skylight from the design; thus no glazing sample necessary. Since a second
exit is required for the Phase II building and there is not enough room for
two stairways inside the building AND location of such a stairway is not
acceptable in the prevrously designed location, the new design ties it into
the stairway for the existing building. He discussed the exterior building
materials, noting that the skylights will use tinted glass and will not
create much glare. Jensen was questioned as to reasons why stairways for
the two buildings were linked. He responded that it was felt that linkage
was better than putting another whole stairway on the property.
Committee Report:(Carson/Goldsmith) Carson reviewed the conditions
from February 26:
1. A. Skylight/solarium sample of glazing
No longer applicable Non-reflective glass for skylights acceptable.
B. Stairs
Felt thaT linking the stairways was the best option under the cir-
cumstances. Recommended that a tree be planted to screen the stairs
and soften the area at the location of parking space #7.
C. No comment other than above-mentioned tree.
D. Building color and signage
~olor approved. A bit unclear re final signage's appearance.
E. Parking plan
Concerned about replacing parking space #7 with a tree. Lik~the
idea of trees off of Mrinnoe St. but would like a low wall and/or
sh~vbbery to screen off the parking lot.
F. Railings
wooden ones acceptable.
2, Streetscape plan
to be approved at a later date.
3. Materials and exterior finishes.
As outlined in a letter from Pirscher and Jensen, architects, dated
7/1/91, approved.
4. Water-related uses.
,Not to'be,addressed at this time.
Tollefson, contractor, stated that the courtyard/fountain area is intended
to be like a lttle room and will see what can be done to enhance the area and
screen the stairways where the landings meet.
Commission Discussion: Discussion ensued re the linking stairs,
the number of parkingspacesJ whether the windows would be double or single-
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hung and what brand (answer: probably Marvin), molding details on front
of building (answer: not designed yet). It was suggested that the windows
in the pool area, in order to be consistent with window shapes in other parts
of the building, be square instead of reetangular as represented in the
elevation. It was concluded that there were minor discrepancies between the
original plan and the plan presented, making the approval process more complex.
Each recommendation from the February 26 hearing was again reviewed.
Areas of correction were: Add a tree (looks like it can be tuckèd in and
will not take a parking space); Signage detail on new elevation not consis-
tent with the original and needs to be resolved; Trim etc. needs to be the
same as on the original approved elevation; Monuoe Street side needs trees
and shrubbery.
Carson moved and Landis seconded that the requirements as outlined in the
January 29 and February 26 reviews be approved with the recommendations
noted per the HPC discussion above. Carson moved that the motion be amended
to read - Facade trim details, signage, window details to match the previously
submitted application. There was no second. The motion passed unanimously.
It was suggested that staff review these details when plans are submitted for
abuilding permit. It was noted that a streetscape plan still will need to
be submitted to HPC.
Raab returned.
Application #9107-01 Farmers Market signage - Candice CosIer
Staff Review: Sepler noted that this sort of sign falls under the
"community announcement" category and is thus limited to a 42~day display
JDer year. Samples of rip-stop nylon, to be used for the sign, weré submitted
as requested. Staff found the sign to be contributing to the District as
conditioned, recommending continuous display for the first two weeks and
then on Saturdays "from 6:00 am until 12:00 noon."
Public Testimony: Time of operation, per Cosler, will be 8:30 to
10:30 or 11 a.m. There will be no streamers as previously considered in
the sign design.
Committee Report: (La~dis/Yawman) Landis stated that she was disappointed
that suggestions given during the pre-app were not carried out. She expressed
concern that the combination of colors for the lettering and the background,
blue and green, may not be easily read.
Commission Discussion and Conclusions: More disappointment in the
design and thëfact that no suggestions were followed was voiced. It was
pointed out that the sign drawing, as requested, was not drawn to scale,
making it impossible to determine final proportion of lettering and/or place-
ment on the sign's field. It was suggested that the condition be rephrased
to read "one-half hour prior to opening and one-half hour past closing. Another
drawing, to scale, was requested for the record.
Smith moved and Raab seconded that the sign contributes to the Hist@ric
District as conditioned with the last line of #1 to read: "from one-half hour
prior to opening of the market to one-half hour after closing. and the addition
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of a second condition: That a scale drawing be submitted to the HPC
Review Committee (Landis/Yawman) for design review. Motion passed unan-
Bay Vista II Condominium Project(preapplication conference) Mark J0hnson
After discussion, HPC made the following recommendations to Johnson:
1) Make a simple massing model showing relationship to the mass of
the surroqping buildings and giving a three-dimensional sense of the building
as it sits along the road.
2) Develop a structural vocabulary for wooden parts of the design
that will be decorative but hopefully honestly structural as well.
3) Pay attention to modulation, taking inspiration from Water Street
buildings and also the relationship of the building to the harbor and exist-
ing, surrounding buildings.
4) Break up the facade with window and door details and give the entry
more importance.
5) Fine-tune materials.
Sidewalk Tours (preapplications conference) Joyce Cox~Webb
If sandwich boards are disallowed in Port Townsend, Sidewalk Tours
will become a franchisee of the city, Cox-Webb explained, so that a sanl'l-
wich board could be used legally. Since Sidewalk Tours has n()' pnYriJical
space, promotion needs to be done in another way. Commissioners enthusia$tically
approved of the board design Cox-Webb submitted. When she submitted a proposed
design for a mural promoting the tours for the side of the Hastings buil@ing,
(no guidelines for murals at this point) commissioners encouraged her to
use a similar design to the sandwich board instead.
Draft Guidelines for Color Review
Staff Report: Staff is submitting a draft of a potential guideline f0r
HPC color review and would like feedback from HPC.
Public Testimony: Warren, representing the Jefferson County Historical
Society, made the point that, within the Historical District, there is little
new construction. Most review deals the changes to existing structures, and
color change is an important part of that. She felt that rather than relaxing
the review guidelines, people should be made aware of the requirements.
Sheri Robison, Main Street, testified that there is much confusion"conc€r:r'ling
review and that color guidelines seem like a barrier to shopownerswhich
discourages them from sprucing up their buildings. She did suggest that, if
the guidelines were not relaxed, that HPC consider adopting a required ~alette.
After commission discussion, Smith moved that there be no change to the
color guidelines at this time. There was no second. Carson moved that,HPC
adopt the new guideline (a relaxation of requirements) as an interim pr0ce-
dure for 90 days and during that time, they review the gawdelirieæ fOE cl!>lor
and consider developing a color palette. Yawman seconded. The motion was
defeated unanimously. Carson then moved that the guidelines remain as they
are for 90 days, during which time, HPC will develop a new set of color guide-
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lines for design review. Landis seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Hildt suggested that staff send out a reminder re color review.
Guidelines for New Construction
It was suggested that there be a public hearing as Warren suggested.
Sepler pointed out that the activy has been well publicized but that there
has been no public response. It was decided to make it a discussion item
on the agenda for July 23~
Announcements: Signage for Randal's Restaurant and Tea House is
scheduled for the next meeting.
Carson moved and Raab seconded the meeting be adjourned. Vote was
unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 11:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Marseille