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Historic Preservation Commission
August 13, 1991
All proceedings taped.
The regular meeting of the His\2o:[ic Preservation Commission was called
to order by Teresa Goldsmith, chairman, at 7:05 p.m.
Roll call was taken. Present: Teresa Goldsmith, Christopher Carson,
Ann Landis, Pete Raab, Liz Smith, Mike Yawman. Absent: Tom Johnson. Guests:
Sheri Robison, Sam Kyle, Jeanmarie Morelli, Karen Crosta, Mark Johnson,
Jonathan Tucker, Rosemarie Ennen.
Consent Agenda
Randal's Restaurant and Tea House signage. Because of previous review
July 23 and determination that square footage was within code requirements,
the application was reviewed under the Consent Agenda procedure. Since no
commissioner voiced dissent, application was approved.
New Business
Main Street Design Committee - Model Block Program
Jeanmarie Morelli spoke on behalf of the Design Committee, invitÜlg
HPC commissioners to attend their meetings, which are held once a month on
Wednesdays at 7:30 a.m.
Discussion concerned their research on trash receptacles and bicy€le
racks. Morelli requested feedback on items being considered and invited
suggestions. It was suggested that the trash receptacles need to present a
low profile, be as vandal-proof as possible and be of good, simple design.
Samuel Kyle, Application #9107-07
the Mount Baker Block
Restoration of two storefronts in
Carson, architect for the project, asked to be excused as a commissioner
during review because of conflict of interest. He remained to present the
design, acting on behalf of Mr. Kyle.
Staff report: Two storefronts on the north side of Taylor Street are
to be renovated. Sepler pointed out that the building has been certified
as being of primary significance to the Hsitoric District. He noted that,
in this situation, it is not feasible or desirable, given costs and new uses
to strive for historical authenticity, but that rehabilitation needs to be
HPC Minutes - 8/13/91 - page two
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in keeping with the building's character while accomodating current use.
Staff determined that the proposed renovation fulfills the purpose and
intent of the design guidelines and therefore contributes to thlacHistoric
There were questions concerningkselection and use of color. Carson
explained that colors from the two neighboring storefronts which are not
part of the current project were pulled over to the other two~to-be-renovated
ones so that all would werk together.
Carson left the room.
Committee report (Raab/Goldsmith): The committee found that the
design contributes to the District.
Landis moved and Raab seconded a motion that states that the proposed
facade renovation contributes to the Port Townsend Historic District. Vote
was unanimous with one absent. Carson reappeared.
Admiralty Apartments, Application 9108-01
Paint scheme
Staff report: The proposal involves paint color for window frames, ledges,
trim and doors of the 129 Taylor Street building. The building is of
secondary signigicance to the District. The proposed color is identical
to that used previously as trim but now is poainted on window surrounds as·
well as other areas so comes under review mandate. Staff determined that
the scheme contributes to the District.
Public testimony: Karen Crosta explained that the paint being used
now was matched to that applied to the building five years ago. At this
point, the building is 75% done with the windows already receiving primer
and two coats of the plum paint.
Committee report (Smith/Carson): Although the committee would have
liked to see the color toned down, they were reluctant to require that the
windows be poainted again. Raab moved and Yawman seconded to accept the
staff recommendation that the scheme contributes to the District. Vote
was a tie by roll call vote. After more discussion, Smith move and Raab
seconded a motion that new paint color be modified to match what presently
exists on the building. After discussion, the motion was defeated 6 to 1.
Carson then moved and Raab seconded a motion statœng that the scheme
contributes to the District as conditioned:
1) It is suggested that the window trim on the second afld third st@ry
be repainted to match the existing lower story trim color.
2) The trim on the upper stories may be completed using Dutch Boy paint
color #l11-H. All other trim shall be painted to be consistent
with the existing trim color as found on the building.
3) A sample of the paint color to be used on the first story trim
shall be submitted to the designated representatives of the HPC
and approved prior to application...
HPC Minutes - 8/13/91 - page th~ee. ð
Vote was unanimous with one absent.
0ld Business
Nordland Construction - Bay Vista II COfidominium Project
Pre-application conference
New blueprints and a massing model were~presented. After examination,
HPC requested that Johnson provide a study showing how the new design relates
to the neighboring buildings. An elevation in 1/16th inch scale was suggested
showing the Bay View, Bay Vista I and II and the Tides Inn. Options would
be a model of all, an aerial perspective, an isometric drawing showing all
buildings...studies that would shows how the buildings relate to each other.
Johnson requested two commissioners to work with during the next month so
that what is presented next will give HPC what it needs to see. Càrson and
Raab volunteered to meeting with Johnson August 27 at 6 p.m.
New Business
City of Port Townsend, Application #9107-08 Ornamental paving of parking
lot located next to Police Station.
Pre-application conference
Sepler explained that the Waterfront Flan.dèsignated this space a
festival site. It will be used for Wooden Boat Festival and Rhody Festival,
and is used for Farmer's Market on a continual basis during summer months.
Carson, architect for the project, presented the design, explaining
that because the lot is 50 feet wide, parkingkneeds to be at 45° angles.
Feedback was positive.
Agenda for August 27th meeting was reviewed.
Landis moved and S ith seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Vote
was unanimous with one absent .at 10:05 p.m,~·
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara S. Marseille
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