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Historic Preservation Commission
August 27, 1991
All proceedings taped.
The regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called
to order by Teresa Goldsmith, chairman, at 7:00 p.m.
Roll call was taken. Present: Christopher Carson, Teresa Goldsmith,
Tem Johnson, Pete Raab, Liz Smith, Mike Yawman. Absent: Ann Landis. Guests:
Sheri Robison, John Sudlow, Patricia Warren.
Minutes were read. Raab moved and smith seconded that they be appreved.
Vete was unanimous with one absent.
Commissioners read a letter from Cal McCune. A discussion ensued cenc:ern-
ing a suggestion that the HPC request that the city do soil testing in the
downtown area. It was the general consensus that this was not within HPC's
scope of endeavor. Other correspondence included a letter from Patrick MeIn~re,
Kim Starr Gallery, with thoughts re color palette for the District, and-Patricia
Warren re uptown guidelines, and inviting Commissioners to view a model of the
McCurdy block as of 1903 currently being exhibited at the Jefferson County
Historical Society until October 12.
New Business
Water Street Corporation, Application #9107-05 - signage
Staff report: Signage up for review was a banner hung without review
procedure because .of an oversight and because prospective customers have great
difficulty locating the hotel, especially when the trees have leafed out. The
banner was found not to contribute to the District.
Public testimony: Sudlow reiterated the fact that tourists drive right
by the hotel because the signage is ineffective.
Committee report: (Carson/Yawman) The suggestion was made to have
a projecting sign nearer the corner, past the trees, and also another one over
thedentry, identifying the entrance. It was felt that somehow the image presented
needs to be that of a hotel building that happens to have a few other businesses
housed in it. All recognized the dificulty of easily being identified with the
Town Tavern. Sudlow pointed out that he would like identification on the back
of the building so that Empress passengers arriving in town at the Quincy Street
dock would identify the hotel from the water side.
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HPC Minutes - 8/27/91 - page two -
The committee found the banner did not contribute to the District and
requested that the city work with John to solve this problem. First of all,
to get trees on Water Street trimmed since more than one business has come to
HPC with sign problems complicated by trees blocking signs, and secondly, to
address the issue of second floor signage being unacceptable under present
ordinance (and guidelines) which hampers operation of second floor businesses.
The Committee asked that Sudlow be allowed to display the banner for the maximüm
allowable time under current ordinances, beginning August 27 to bridge the
period during which this dilemna would be solved.
Draft Guidelines for Exterior Paint Color and Signage colors
Warren, representing the Jefferson County Historical Society, and Robison,
representing Main Street organizªtion, presented initial proposals for a color
palette for the District. Carson also presented notes on possible options.
It was determined that the Commissioners favor developing a standard color palette
and waiving review for all applicants except those deviating from the palette.
Marseille was asked to research color palettes available from local pamnt mawn-
facturers. Carson and Yawman will develop paint guidelines. Next presentation
will be meeting after next.
Old Business
Carson and Raab reported on an informal meeting with Johnson to help him
prepare materials for the next pre/app session. A discussion ensued concerning
materials that an applic .ant should have with him/her at a pre/ap so that it
will be a productive session. After discussion, Carson moved and Smith seconded
that applicants come equipped with the same materials reqniredfor a formal review
by the second pre/app session and that for succeeding sessions, previous materials
always be on hand for reference purposes. The motion carried unanimously with
one absent.
Next Scheduled Meetings
Carson and Yawman were assigned to the Uptown Oasis review. Because of
a professional conflict, Carson excused himself. Raab will substitute.
Smith moved and Carson seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Vote
was unanimo us with one absent. Adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara S. Marseille