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Historic Preservation Commission
September 11, 1991
All Proceedings taped.
The regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called
to order by Teresa Goldsmith, chairman, at 7 p.m.
Roll call was taken. Present: Christopher Carson, Teresa Goldsmith,
Tom Johnson, Liz Smith, Mike Yawman. Absent: Ann Landis, Pete Raab. Guests:
Patricia Warren, Candace Hulbert, Paulette O'Rourke, Chuck DeVaney,
Minutes were read. Carson moved and Johnson seconded that they be
approved. Vote was unanimous with two absent.
A letter from Patricia Warren, representing the Jefferson County Histor-
ical Society, concerning uptown Historic District guidelines, was neted.
The subject has been scheduled for October 8 meeting. Rick Sepler announced
receiving notice of the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation 1991 Gover-
nor's Conference on Historic Preservation, to be held Sept. 20-21 in Spokáne.
Notice was received Sept. 11, the pre-registration deadline. Theme: "Designs
on Washington".
Pete Raab arrived at 7:04.
The program of tax incentives for historic review is up for renewal,
Sepler announced. He will put information in commissioners' packets for the
next meeting.
New Business
Uptown Oasis Company, Application #9107-03 - signage and awning
G~r§6n~excu~ed himself because of a conflict of interest, and left the
Staff report: Mandatory review = voluntary compliance. Building has
been certified by the Secretary of the Interior as being of secondary signi-
ficance to the District. The proposed projecting signage was found to contribute
to the District, but the awning was not. It would obscure the transom window
panes and increase the number of signs for the storefront to two. (National
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HPC Minutes - 9/11/91 - page two
Trust Guidelines stateieach business should be limited to one sign...)
Landis arrived at 7:06 p.m.
Public Testimony: Paulette O'Rourke explained that the awning was a
necessity because of the sun-generated heat and that the selected colors
were developed to relate to the existing bu'ilding colors.
Committee Report ~Raab/YaWIDan): YaWIDan reported that they agreed that
the sign contributed to the District but felt that the awning shouldn't split
the transom window in half~ that it should be installed either at the top
of the window or the bottom. Raabadded that traditionally in Port ,'Townsend,
awnings on commercial buildings fit inside the frames at the top of the windows
and are gf a "steep" shape. They felt that the proposed blue of the awning
would be "striking" against the green of the building.
Commission Discussion and Conclusions: After discussion, Yawmæ.nmoved
and &mith seconded that the proposed signage contributes to the District.
Vote was unanimous in favor.
Carson returned to the meeting.
Kaleidascope, Application #9108-02 - signage
Staff report: Window signage at 636 Water Front Place (N. D. Hill building)
would be on the ground floor on windows facing the Jackson Memorial Sculpture
and the Quincy Street Dock. The signage was found to contribute to the District.
Committee Report (Johnson/Goldsmith): Contributes.
Commission Discussion and Conclusions: After discussion, Johnson moved
and Landis seconded that the signage contributes to the District. Vote was
unanimous in favor.
Uptown Pub, Application #9108-03 - vent
Staff report: Sepler noted that the Pub is located in the Water Street
Historic District, making review mandatory but compliance voluntary. Staff
determined that, although the placement of the exhaust fan will have a "negative
impact on the integrity of the historic facade", unfortunately "there are
no cost/effective alternatives available...that will insure compliance with
Health Department requirements." Placement of the fan was found to contribute
to the District.
Ensuing discussion questioned the duct length requirement and whether
there were any alternative solutions.
Committee repo~t (Landis/Smith): It was noted that this exhaust fan
is a "big, ugly unit" and that it will project into the street and will be
noisy. They suggested further research into a better solu ,tion, recognizing
that the proposed fan and its placement obviously does not contribute to the
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HPC Minutes - 9/11/91 - page three
District and that placement of the kitchen in the front of the space is a
good utilization of space.
Commission Discussion and Conclusions: Carson moved and Johnson seconded
a motion that placement of the proposed lexhaust fan contributes to the Hi$töric
Distriet. Discussion was concerned witH the problem of how to resolve dilemnas
such as this one, so that the HPC does Inot vote that a solution contributes
when in fact it obviously doesn't. The Ivote was a hand vote: 2 in favor,
4 against and 1 abstention. Motion did 'not carry. Landis moved and Smith
seconded to table the issue until further avenures were explored. After
discussion, the motion was withdrawn. Raab moved and Smith seconded the
following motion: 1) That it was found that the applicant 'was founà to have
complied within existing guidelines and that 2) alternative types of exhaust
systems and placement of mechanicals should be investigat~before the proposèd
sdution is accepted. However, it was determined that each part of this
motion needed a second and that there wasn't one on #1. Therefore, although
the vote was unanimous, only the #2 part carried.
Old Business
Nordland Construction, Bay Vista II pre-application conference
Applicants did not appear so there was no oonference.
Smith and Carson, assigned to follow through with trim paint eolor @n
Admiralty Apartments~reported that the new adjusted color was fine but that
the windows have not been done, just the doors.
Announcements were made of next scheduled meetings.
Commission Discussion
There was a query as to public input on the conditional use guidelines.
It was pointed out that whenever the subject was considered at a meeting, it
had been listed in the published agenda, giving opportunity for public input.
Landis moved and YaWIDan seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 8:22p.m.
Vote carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara S. Marseille