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Historic Preservation Commission
October 8, 1991
All proceedings taped.
The regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was
called to order by Teresa Goldsmith, chairman, at 8:00 p.m.
Roll call was taken. Present: Teresa Goldsmith,
Mike Yawman. Absent: Christopher Carson, Liz Smith.
Holly Mayshark, Steven Levin, Mark Johnson.
Ann Landis, Pete Raæb,
Guests: Bob Harrison,
Minutes were read. It was pointed out that under the guest list, it was
stated that Phil Johnson was present. when in fact it was Mark Johnson who attœnded.
Yawrnan moved and Raab seconded that the minutes be approved as corrected. It
was then noted that there had been convèrsation concerning developing an0th~r
option for the HPC when a design solution, presented in the review process,
seemed to be requited by ordinance, did not contribute to the District so thæt
the record would show that the design did not contribute eVèn though the HPC
had no recourse but to approve the design, but that this was not included in
the minutes. However, it was determined that this conversation took place after
the meeting was adjourned and so needed to be introduced under old business.
It was noted that Torn Johnson had resigned as of October 2 from the
Commission and that Mayor Shirley had begun a selection process for a successor.
Nèw Business
Landis moved and Yawman seconded that review of the Elks Building renovation
be moved from second place to first since the meeting commenced an hour later
than usual and Harrison had a ferry to catch. Unanimously approved with two
absent and one vacant position.
Robert Harrrison, HPC 9105-04: Renovation of Elks IIuUdng
Staff report: Sepler noted that the intent of this project is that it
be a restoration and that storefronts, presently walled over, will be restored
as they originally existed. He also noted that the proposed mural for the Rose
Theater side of the building (upper wall) would need to be evaluated at a later
date. Staff determined that the design contributes with the conditions that
exterior finishes and exterior signage be approved by the HPC prior to issuance
of a certificate of occupancy. In conversation with Harrison, it was revealed
that new floor plans for the second and third floors indicate more windows than
now appear on the elevation of rhe wall on the Rose Theater side.
Committee report: (Landis/Smith) Generally in agreement with the staff
HPC Minutes - 10/8/91 - page two
report, noting that the mural would be evaluated at a future date. Suggested
that the planters be removed in the winter time. Harrison noted that that was
the intent. Landis reported that the committee would like more information on
details as well as a corrected elevation of thè south wall, and felt that
approval could be given conditionally. There was a question about the metal
handrail, but Harrison stated that the parking garage, originally in the plan,
is no longer part of the design; therefore the handrail will no longer be
necessary. Landis distributed t'Jain Street info sheets on window detailing.
Public testimony: Steve Levin stated that the existing vertical sign
is, he believes, the last old electric sign in the District and recommended
that it bepreserved. He felt is was an important element, probably from the
'40's. Harrison's response was that he would like to use it but would need
to reface it since the building would no longer house the BPOE.
Raab moved and Landis seconded a motion that the application contributes
to the District with the following conditions:
1. All exterior finishes shall be specified by the applicant and approved
by the HPC prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
2. All exterior signage shall be submitted to the HPC for review and
approval prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
3. Accurate elecvations of all facades, specifically illustrating any
proposed changes to the existing building, shall be submitted to the HPC for
review and approval prior to the issuanceof a building permit.
4. Accurate plans of window details in both section and èlevation shall
be submitted to the HPC for review and approval prior to the issuance of a
building permit.
5. Accurate plans of all architectural details such as, but not limi~ed
to, the proposed storefronts, doors, and the widows walk railing shall be sub-
mitted to the HPC for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building
Unanimously approved with two absent and one vacant position.
Holly's Fine Flowers, HPC 9108-05: Signage
Staff report: Contributes.
PublicTestimony: Question as to wheresign is to be located. Placement
was indicated.
Committee report: (Raab/Yawrnan) Concurred with staff report.
Yawffian moved and Landis seconded that the design contribute to the District.
Unanimously approved with two absent and one vacant position.
Nordland Construction, HPC 9110-01: Bay Vista II Condominium Project
Staff review: Staff determined that the design contributes with the
conditions that exterior finishes and signage plus a detailèd landscape plan
be submitted to the HPC for review and approval in the future, the first two
prior to the issuance to a certificate of occupancyand the last prior to the
issuance of a building permit.
. ,
HPC Minutes - 10/8/91 - page three
Committee report: (Carson/Raab) The committee reviewed the guildelines
that pertain to this project. To summarize, they felt that a line of trees
between the sidewalk and the parking area be incorporated into the plan and
also trees between public and private parking. They also felt that the stroAg
horizontal statement made by the handrails detracted from connecting the two
Bay Vista buildings successfully and recommended that a vertical feeling would
be a better solution. Raab pointed out that although the addition of the trees
would cause loss of part of the view corridor (one of the guidelines), their
benefit would outweigh the loss. He asked that materials be spelled out.
It was noted that the park and the restaurant are not being reviewed at this
time. Sepler interjected tha the Bayview Restaurant is not subject to rèview.,
and that any changes in the park and/or the water walk will automatically corne
back to the HPC. The committee reqested a revised railing design reinforcing
the scale and vertical modulation of the District.
Commission discussion: After a discussion concerning the design of the
handrails, Raab movèd and Landis secondedthat the design contributes to the
District with the following conditions:
11 All exterior finishes and colors shall be specified by the applicant
and approved by the HPC prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
2. All exterior signage shall be submitted to the HPC for review and
approval prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
3. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to the HPC for review
and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Street trees that
will reach a mature size in approximately 5 years shall be installed along
Water Street. This will 'þFÛvide a unifying element for the project with the
Historic District, and "soften" the visual impact of parking adjacent to the
4. The following schedule of building materials shall be submitted to
the HPC for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit:
a. Roôfing materials
b. Facia materials and gutter
c. Parapet cap
d. Wall materials (siding, shingles)
e. Windows - size of trim
f. Underside of porches
g. Doors
h. Corner siding detail
5. No changes shall occur to the design of the proposed parks without
the review and approval of the HPC.
6. Final railing dèsign shall be submitted to the HPC for review and
approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. A railing design whicH
responds to the adjacènt building, andk reinforces the scale and vertical
modulationöf the Historic District is encouraged.
Unanimoysly approved with two absent a.nd one vacant position.
Old Business
It was requested that Sepler research and develop a substitute for the
term "contributes" as mentioned on the first page. He hopes .to modify wording
..." ' .
HPC Minutes - 10/8/91 - page four
used by the Shoreline Corruhssion in such situations.
Discussion ensued concerning Johnson's resignation after serving on the
Commission for 6 years and appropriate thank you and recognition of his service.
The agenda for the next meeting was reviewed.
Landis moved and Yawman seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 9:53 p.m.
Unanimoüsly approved with two absent and one vacant position.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara S. Marseille