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Historic Preservation Commission
November 12, 1991
The regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was
called to order by Teresa Goldsmith, chairman,',at 7:03 p.m.
Roll call was taken. Present: Teresa Goldsmith, Ann Landis, Pete
Raab, Liz Smith, Mike Yawman. Absent: Christopher Carson. Guests: Heidi
and Don Hoglund, John Sudlow, K~ith Jackson, David Vane, Patricia Warren,
Sheri Robson. Rick Sepler represented the Planning Department.
Carson had called, Sepler reported, explaining that he had fallen and
injured his back and so could not be present at the meeting.
Yawman stated that he had talked to Michael Hildt, asking if he knew
whether the HPC could officially recommend a candïdate for the empty position
on the Commission to the mayor. Sepler offered to look up the ordinance and
report during Commission Discussion time at the end of the meeting.
PUblic Comments
Consent Agenda
Harris, Orr & Wakayama, HPC 9111-04: Signage
Staff Review: Sepler explained that the applicants propose to install
widow signage on thbeMount Baker Block building at 213 Taylor Street in the
Historic Cómme:t'CÍa1:;;TIíS-tríet. The signage is to be painted on the ground
floor storefrònt wirtdow fronting Taylor. He pointed out that this application
meets the criteria for review as a "Consent Agenda" item.
The lettering proposed is to be gold, applied to the inside of the glass
window, thE' area to be covered to be 54" wide by 20" high; letters to be 3",
1-t" and H" -respecttyely. Staff found that this signage had been designed
in accordance with the design guidelines in a manner which fulfills their purpose
and intent. There were no non-conforming guidelines.
There was no public testimony. There was little Commission discussion
other than to agree with staff findings. Landis moved and Raab seconded that
(í .
HPC Minutes - 11/12/91 - page two
the Commission find the proposed signage contributes to the HIstoric District.
Findings of the Commission for Design Review Application 9111-04 were read
by Sepler, as follows:
"The Port Townsend Historic Preservation Commission has completed its
design review of the signage proposed by Harris, Orr and Wakayama, for their
storefront located in the Mt. Baker Block Building at 213 Taylor Street.
"The review was conducted pursuant to Ordinance 2216, and was based pn
the application submitted by the applicant dated 4 November 1991.
"The Commission found that the signage CONTRIBUTES to the Port Townsend
Historic District.
"Issued this 12th day of NOvember, 1991, by Teresa Goldsmith, Chair,
Historic Preservation Committee."
Vote was unanimous in favor of the motion with one absent and one vacant
City of Port Townsend, HPC 9111-02: Replace fire escapeðboI:
Staff Review: The proposal to replace an exterior fire escape door on
City Hall qualifies as a consent agenda item, Sepler explained. He presented
information on the proposed replacement, a steel door. There was no public
Commission discussion: Concern was voiced about the appearance of the
proposed replacement, both material and proportions. Commissioners would ··like
information on wooden doors that would fulfill insurance company requirements
for a fire escape situation. It was decided that this proposal should be
res~u1ed as a regular review item at a later date.
City of Port Townsend, HPC 9110-02: Ornamental paving of parking lot
Staff review: A section of the existing parking lot located between
the Port Townsend Police Station, the Jackson Memorial and the Elevated Ice
Cream Building is to be resurfaced. Currently used for hourly parking, the
lot is the site of the Farmers Market on Saturday mornings and, beginning in
1992, it will also be used for the crafts fair site for Rhododendron and
Wøoden Boat Festivals, according to Sepler.
He explained that the lot was originally to be surfaced with asphalt but
because of increased use of the site, an alternative surface treatment which
would enhance the scheduled activities and provide an inviting walkway to
the Jackson Memorial and Waterfront Street Place area. After discussion with
City Council~ an architect was engaged.
The proposed design is a simple geometric pattern based on the standaed
diagonal parking pattern that already exists, Sepler stated. Parking stalls
for normal use are clearly defined and the"center pattern defines the primary
pedestrian path. He stated that the proposed ornamental paving has been
designed in accordance with the design guidelines. The center area is natural-
HPC Minutes - 11/12/91 - page three
cplored cement and the side asphalt. Drainage has been provided. There
wßs no public téstimony, but Sepler was questioned by commissioners as to
why the grasscrete formerly part of the design had been eliminated. Sepler
stated that changing to cement had saved $1000 on the estimate.
Committee Report: (Goldsmith/Smith) Smith reported their investigation
resulted in a positive recommendation.
Commission Discussion and Conclusions: There was little discussion, all
positive. Smith moved and Landis seconded a motion to accept Commission
Findings: (which Sepler read) "The Port Townsend Historic Preservation Commis-
sion has completed its design review of the development proposed by The City
of Port Townsend fronting on Water Street, and described as the ornamental
paving of an existing surface parking lot.
"The review was conducted pursuant to Ordinance 2216, was based on the
plans submitted by the applicant dated 10 July 1991 with additional infor-
mation received on 16 October 1991.
"The Commission found that the proposed design contributes to the Port
TowNsend Hist~rit ,District.
"Issued this 12th day of November, 1991, by Teresa Goldsmith, Chair,
Review Committee."
Vote was unanimous in favor of the motion with one absent and one vacant
Olympic Art & Office, HPC 9110-03: Signage
Staff Review: Sepler explained that the applicants are establishing a
retail art and office supply business at 220 Taylor Street in the Historic
Commercial District. Proposed signage will include two new window signs,
a door sign and replacement of the existing projecting sign (formerly used by
Holly's Fine Flowers), all to be located on the primary facade of the build.ing.
He noted that the building as been certified as being of primary significance
to the Historic District. He stated that the proposed signage had been designed
in accordance with the guidelines, fulfilling their purpose and intent. The
signage is of relatively small size; lettering easy to read; and the use of
etehed glass fscbhsistentwith the historic character of the District. Staff
felt that the colors selected might be too dominant visually and proposed
for consideration a white background rather than a black one.
The only guideline in question was the one suggesting that each business
be limited to one sign. It was noted that square footage of the total number
of signs was in compliance with Port Townsend's sign ordinance.
stand out.
and passed
Testimony~. Heidi Hoglund explained that black was chosen as the
of the sign as a way to create depth so that the sign design would
She feltcthat a white background would make the sign appear flat,
around photos she had taken of s~gns within the Commercial Historic
HPC Minutes - 11/12/91 - page four
District with black backgrounds that now exist, She
explained that, since walkers cannot see the projecting sign easily, they
decided to add the etched window signs and painted door sign.
Committee Report: (Yawman/Goldsmith) YaWfllan bioogfrtilp:thè_ issue concerning
number of signs. He was not sure who determined the number and requested
that there be a discussion later in the meeting to determine policy. He stated
that he felt the black background was a valid choice for the hanging sign.
Commission Discussion and Oo~clusions: Concerning the sign issue,
Sepler explained that the sign code deals with square footage, not number
of signs and that the quantity is an issue only within the District Decause
of the Secretary of Interior Guideline. Therefore, it is up to the HPC to
decideíJ case by case, how many signs should be permitted. Landis moved and
Raab seconded a motion to accept the findings of the Commission as" follows:
(read by Sepler) "The Port Townsend Historic Preservation Commission has
completed its design review of the signage proposed by Olympic Art and Offic
fer their building located at 220 Taylor Strèet.
"The review was conducted pursuant to Ordinance 2216, and was based
on the application submitted by the applicant dated 9 October 1991.
"The Commission found that the proposed window and door and projecting
signage contributes to the Port Townsend Historic District.
"Approved this 12th day of November, 1991, by Mike Yawman, Chair, Review
Water Street Corporation, HPC 9107-06: Recycling Bins
At this point in the meeting it was discovered that the proceedings had
not been taped. This was remedied, and the rest of the meeting is on tape.
Staff Review: Sepler explained that a recycling center and dumpster
facility within the Quincy Street Right~of-way, adjacent to the Weir Building
is proposed. It would be identical in construction to the existing enclosure
behind the Elevated Ice Cream Building. Permission to use the right-of-way
will be considered by City Council later this month. Staff felt that the
design contributes to the District, the only issue of any consequence being
that the placement will have a negative impact on the Quincy Street view
corridor, but that that is overridden by the need to service businesses in the
area. The facility would project six feet into the corridor.
Commissioners were concerned about the possibility of this facility
expanding into a major recycling center. Sepler stated that other dumþsters
will accomodate the crafts fairs. The Farmer's Market is responsible for
removing their refuse and policing their area. He felt that a community facility
might end up behind City Hall some day.
Public Testimony: Sudlow stated his concern for his tenant, currently
facing a dumpster and untidy area in front of his store. He stated that me
will be constructed of unfinished wood and will be five feet tall.
HPC Minutes - 11/12/91 - page five
Committee Report: (Goldsmith/Carson) Goldsmith stated, in Carscm's
a1:Jsence, that Carson had worked on the design for the facility and, if present,
would have excused himself if requested, from the review. She stated that
she was initially concerned about losing some parking spaces but has been
ass.red that the overall plan for the area adds parking spaces. Sepler
said that the overall plan is scheduled to be considered by Council next week.
It was pointed out that it will be located on a public street right-of-way
and so does not need the approval of adjacent building owners.
Commission Discussion and Conclusions: Landis moved and Smith seconded
to accept the Commission finding that the facility contributes to the District.
MOtion passed unanimously with one absent and one vacant position.
Keith Jackson, HPC 9111-01: Replace windows
Staff Review: Sepler reported that Jackson proposes to replace existing
windows on the second and third floors of his building at 940 Water Street in
the Historic Commercial District. They would replicate those currently found
on the building but would be vinyl instead of the existing wood. The building
has been certified as being of primary significance to the District.
Staff found that the proposed replacement windows did not fulfill the
purpose and intent of the design guidelines. The $écretary of the Int€riørt's
basic position on the issue of replacement windows is that retention of-the
original or existing windows is the mostdesirablebrit if this is not possible,
the replacement windows should retain as much of the character of the historic
window as possible. It is also important to use a color for the window that
is either the same as on the originals or at least is in keeping with windows
within the District.
Public testimony: Jackson stated that new wooden windows are b@yond
his budget. He reported that the old wooden frame would be retained, and
that there were only white and "coffee" colors available within the window
line he proposed. He had nÒ(investigated other sources.
Committee report: (Raab/Smith) Raab and Smith concluded that these
proposed windows would be a dominant feature and would be detrimental to the
historic facade of the building. Raab reported that the existing windows
were in relatively good condition. He suggested either using a new wooden
windøw that could be painted and to which the little "ears" now on the eriginals
'coul~ be added or adding storm windows to tuned-up existing windows.
Commission Discussion and Conclusions: It was the consensuS that the
vil'lyi:windews would be a detriment to the appearance of the building and
ultimately to its value; that repairing the originals and a!ílding storms seemed
like a better solution. They explored the possibility of grant money with
Robson of Main Street, and found that to be worth pursuing. It was also
determined that if an alternative plan was adopted, Puget Pøwerwould still
contributè - just not as much. Yawman moved and Landis seconded to accept
staff findings. They amended the recommendations. It rlówreads:
HPC Minutes - 11/12/91 - page six
"...The Commission found that the proposed window replacement does net
ccmtribute to the Port Townsend Historic District, and recommended the folhwing:
1. Alternative replacement windows that have wooden sheathing should be
installed if the existing windows are unable to be repaired.
2. Storm windows should be installed to increase thermal efficiency until
a time when existing windows may be restored."
Motion passed unanimously with one absent and one vacant position.
Old Business
Commissioners discussed the logistics of getting packets to committee
members in a timely fashion. They requested that they be called as soen as
any were ready instead of waiting until all were prepared. TRey discussed
the problem of picking up packets when a three-day weekend including a Monday
occurs just before a meeting.
As requested, Sepler submitted to committee chairman Landis an alternative
wording for finding for application #9108-03. It uses the phrase "approve...
without endorsement", relieving the HPC of having to either find'that a
proposal contributes or does not contribute. The original decision for ',#9108--03
concerning an exhaust fan was not signed by Landis. She asked if the alternative
wording should be substituted and that statement signed instead. After Eti'scussion,
it was decided that she should sign the original since it was approved by
vote. There was discussion concerning polity concerning use of'the sugge$ted
wording. Inconclusion except for a recognition that whenever a proposal is
denied, commissioners would like to assist the applicant in finding an acceptable
solution, if possible.
Sepler asked HPC to consider a fee schedule for review conferences.
After discussion, it was felt that this is not the right time to introduce this
into the process; that HPC is too new and mandatory compliance is still a
bitter pill to many.
Marseille reported progess on the color palette project.
Sepler read the part of the ordinance stating procedure for selection of
HPC commissioners. It does not provide for the HPC making a recommendationaas
a commission.
Next scheduled meetings agenda was reviewed. Sudlow asked if a visit
will be scheduled soon for tax valuation. That will be addressed.
Raab moved and Smith seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 9~40 p.m.
Motion passed unanimously with one absent and one position vacant.
Respectfully submitted,
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Barbara S. Marseille