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Historic Preservation Commission
December 10, 1991
All ~roceedings taped.
The regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was
called to order by Teresa Goldsmith, chairman, at 7:00 p.m.
Roll call was taken. All six commissioners were present. Guests: John
Sudlow, Doug Lamy, Roger O'Connor, JOyce Webb.
The minutes were read. It was pointed out that John Sudlow, rather than
Cal McCune, represented Water Street Corporation. It was also pointed out that
the voice vote on HPC 9111-04, Swan Hotel, was three against and two for.
Landis moved and Yawman seconded that the minutes be approved as amended. Vote
was unanimous with one vacant position.
A memo from Katherine Johnson of the Planning and Building Department staff
concerning possible logistics of the Design Review process for enforcement of
the new Sign Code was noted. It was decided to make the subject an item under
"Còmmission Discussion" later in the meeting.
Consent Agenda
Joyce Cox-Webb/Sidewalk Tours, HPC 9106-02: Signage
Commissioners voiced no opposition to the application, so it passed auto- L.
Kaleidascope, HPC 9111-06: Signage
Commissioners stated that they had concerns, so the application was pla~êd
as "E" under New Business",. Yawman so maved. Landis seconded. Approved unanimously.
Old Business
Goldsmith requested that she be excused for 30 minutes. Landis had previously
asked the chairman to be excused also. Raab is to assume the chair during the
absence (which is to happen later during the meeting).
HPC Minutes - 12/10/91 - page two
Water Street Corporation, HPC 9109-01; Special valuation for historical
structure (Continued from 26 November 1991).
Commission discussion and conclusions: Sepler presented a report item-
izing proposed qualified rehabilitatio.>n expenditures as part of "Phase I"
of the project. Goldsmith stated that $he has no current financial dealings
with Sudlow and so, since there were no abjections, did not excuse herself
from the proceedings. It was noted that caulking is needed where the chimneys
meet the roof. Phase I findings wilL be amerd1ed to reflect request that this
repair work be done. Raab moved and Carson seconded that the "Phase I" total
of $171,160 as reported, conditioned œy the repair request be approved. Vote
was unanimous with 1 vacant posit.iøl'l. It was decided to send \fflsterman, County
Assessor, a letter notifying approval of the rehabilitation expenditures and
itemizing them and pointing out that the roof caulking and replacement of
appropriate window stops are to be remedied prior to final approval of the
application by the Assessor's Office. Commissioner Raab has been designated
to review the repairs and natify Westerman when they have been completed satis-
James G. Swan Hotel, HPC 9111-04: Signage (Continued from 26 November 1991).
Cammission discussion and ccnelusions: Raab excused himself because
of a conflict of interest and left the room. It was reported that all commissioners
except Goldsmith met at the proposed installation site at 6:45p.m. 12/10,
to review the situation. It was determined that Doug Lamy did not pursue the
possibility of exchanging the sign for a smaller one. Lamy stated that, since
it was custom-ordered and no possiblit.y of return was indicated when purchased,
he assumed it was not possible.
Carson moved and Landis seconded a motion that the vacancy sign contributes
to the District with the followingcenelitions: 1) that it be allowed for only
one year 2) that it be. located øn the porch of the designated building and3))
that three now existing signs be removed when the vacancy sign is installed.
Voate was unanimous with one vacant pasition.
Rasb'returned. Goldsmith and Landis left. Raab assumed chairmanship.
New Business
Peninsula Taurs, HPC 9111-07: Signage
Staff Review: Staff determined that the sandwich board proposed (already
permitted under P T Municipal Cøde permitting a "franchize "'agreement with
the city far this type of business)c@ntributes to the District, noting that
although the proposed design incorparatesmany colors, the result is a muted
appearance appropriate to the District. O'Connor was requested to explain
the complexities of the franchise situation. The Sign Code Ordinance concerning
sandwich boards and franchises was reviewed.
Public Testimony: O'Connor eXp'lained the square footage allowance for
a sandwich board.
HPC Minutes - 12/10/91~ page three
Committee Report: (Smíth/Raab) Smith reported that they concurred
with the staff report.
Commissien Discussion and Conclusions: There was a concern about the
number of colors on the sign not cønforming to the guidelines and that if
the board was approved, since the business is in franchise with the city, the
city would then be in an improper position.
Landis and Goldsmith returned. Goldsmith assumed chairmanship.
After discussion concerning the colors, Carson moved and Smith seconded
that the sign contributes to the Historic District. Vote was unanimous with
one vacant position.
Guidelines for Exterior Paint: Carson and Marseille presented a review
of their research to this point re a possible paint palette for the Historic
Commercial District. Carson presented three options for a permit applicant,
two of whieh w0uld permit the applicant to resolve the question of color choice
for his building rapidly without r~view. Marseille suggested that the accepted
palette should be based on research døwB by a nationally known authority
recommended by the National Trust and Secretary of the Interior. She presented
boards showing a palette from the la1!:é,1800's translated into current paint
companie's formulas as a first step toward developing a palette specifically
for our District. She also presented a possible presentation of color schemes
to be used only to assist applicants in getting ideas and making choices. She
pointed out that practically all of tihe colors in the Moss-Winkler palette
combine successfully, which would give applicants a great deal of freedom of
choice. The palette in combinatÜm!'with elaborated guidelines and a how-to-do-it
brochure as well as color chips would be available to an applicant. Marseille
was req1lle!Slted to continue. developing the palette and researching current paint
formulas available from local paint.'.Q:ompanies and to begin to outline possible
guidelines, using exis~ ones and the work that Warren and Robson presented
to HPC as well as Carson last fall. Sh@ stated that she would also begin to
develop a høw-to-do-it bro€hure based on information from Main Street and Moss-
Nomination of 0fficers: Nominations were declared open.
Goldsmith chairman. Goldsmith nominated Landis vice-chairman.
Landis nominated Yawman vice-chairman.
Smith nominated
She declined.
Kaleidascope, HPC 9111-06: Signage
Staff report: Sepler noted that the sandwich board proposed is for a
-bas¡Ênéssfloc:ated dffMater'Street. Staff found that the sign contributes to
the District. Discussion concerned the board's design and style of lettering;
also color. Raab moved and Carson seconded that the sign contributes to the
District. After a disGussion abeut-HPC's limits of jurisdiction and respon~
sibility to applicants.; the m<9tion passed with a voice vote, 5 to 1.
Agenda for the next scheduled meeting (Jan. 14) was reviewed.
. .
- ''II-
HPC Minutes - 12/10/91 - page four
Commission Discussion
Johnson's memo concerning eNforcement of the new Sign Code was
reviewed and discussion ensued concerning how HPC would like to handle
their responsibilities for review. €:oldsmith moved and Carson seconded a
motion that the second possibility proposed by Johnson in her memo be
utilized: that each commissioner take the prepared list of nonconforming
signs and look on his/her own at all@£ them within a two-week period. After
that, all commissioners would meet to: discuss the signs. Theµ each sign
would be aproved or denied ør require additional information and schedule
design review hearings. Motiøn passedtlflanimously with One position vacant.
Carson developed a study øn neon signs within the commercial district,
organizing them into categories to assist in thinking through the situation.
It was decided that Sepler would enlarge on Carson's outline and that there
would be a workshop on the subject in February.
It was decided that the best ørganization to sponsor a program on
earthquake stabilization is Main Street. Goldsmith volunteered to bring
a study on murals for commissioners to see. Landis moved and Smith seconded
that the meeting be adjourned at 10:29 p.m. Vote was unanimous with one
vacant position.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara S. Marseille
The application for special valuation by Water Street Corporation is to be
approved and sent in promptly even though ordered repairs may not be done by
the deadline.
The vacancy sign at the Swan Hotel is required to be "located on the porch