Business Meeting 6:30 p.m. February 21, 2012
L Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
II. Roll Call
III. Changes to the Agenda
IV. Comments from the Public (re consent agenda items and items not on the agenda)
(Each person has 3 min. to comment City Clerk will signal at 2 min. 30 sec.)
A. Public comment
B. City staff response
V. Consent Agenda
Action: Motion to adopt the consent agenda or request to remove any individual
item from the consent agenda
A. Approval of Minutes: January 17, 2012, January 30, 2012 and February 6, 2012
B. Advisory Board Appointments—Civil Service and Historic Preservation
C. Contract Approval for Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission
VI. Old Business
A. Resolution 12-006,Amending Resolution 11-024 Concerning Use of Bond
Expenditures for the Fort Worden Life Long Learning Center Public
Development Authority
Action: Move to approve Resolution 12-006, Amending Resolution 11-024
Concerning Use of Bond Expenditures for the Fort Worden Life Long Learning
Center Public Development Authority.
1. Staff presentation
2. Public comment
3. Council deliberation and action
B. Resolution 12-007,Approving Expenditures from the 2010 Limited Tax
General Obligation Bonds for Mountain View Swimming Pool Capital
Action: Move to approve Resolution 12-007, Approving Expenditures
from the 2010 Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds for Mountain View
Swimming Pool Capital Projects
1. Staff presentation
2. Public comment
3. Council deliberation and action
C. Ordinance 3057 - Residential Street Use Regulations
Action: Move to approve first reading of Ordinance 3057 on Residential
Street Uses
1. Staff presentation
2. Public comment
3. Council deliberation and action
VII. New Business
A. Ordinance 3071,Amending the Port Townsend Municipal Code
Chapter 13.05 Utility Rates and Charges and Establishing an
Effective Date
Action: Move to approve first reading of Ordinance 3071, Amending the
Port Townsend Municipal Code Chapter 13.05 Utility Rates and Charges and
Establishing an Effective Date
1. Staff presentation
2. Public comment
3. Council deliberation and action
B. Resolution 12-008, Confirming the City Manager's Recommendation and
Direction to Reorganize the City's Organizational Structure to Allow for a
More Sustainable Organization Plan
Action: Resolution 12-008, Confirming the City Manager's
Recommendation and Direction to Reorganize the City's Organizational
Structure to Allow for a More Sustainable Organization Plan
1. Staff presentation
2. Public comment
3. Council deliberation and action
VIII. Presiding Officer Report
A. Council Office Hours
IX. City Manager Report
A. Referral of City sponsorship of events (community read, arts commission) to
General Services Committee
Action: Move to approve referring the City sponsorship of events
(community read, arts commission) to General Services Committee
B. Referral of EJFR Proposal to Council Representatives of EJFR Joint
Oversight Board
Action: Move to approve referring the EJFR Proposal to Council
Representatives of EJFR Joint Oversight Board
X. Suggestions for next or future agenda, regular meeting and/or study session
XI. Comments from Council
XIL Executive Session
XIII. Adjourn
Americans with Disabilities Act
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring accommodation for this meeting should notify the City
Clerk's Office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting at(360)379-5045.