HomeMy WebLinkAbout101311CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 13, 2011 CALL TO ORDER The Planning Commission met in regular session the 13th day of October 2011 in the City Council Chambers of City Hall, Chair Julian Ray presiding. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners present at roll call were Julian Ray, Monica Mick - Hager, Cate Comerford, Gee Heckscher, and Steven Emery with Jerauld Fry, and Sarah Bowman excused. Staff members present were Development Services Department Director Rick Sepler, Senior Planner /Planning Manager Judy Surber, and Deputy Clerk Erin Lundgren. CHANGES TO AGENDA There were no changes to the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: JULY 28, 2011 Commissioner Heckscher noted the following spelling correction on page 4 under "Unfinished Business" (first paragraph): the word "stategies" should read "strategies. Motion: Cate Comerford moved to approve the minutes of July 28, 2011 as corrected. Monica Mick -Hager seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 5 -0 by voice vote. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public comments. 2011 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS - GROUP I (DISCUSSION ONLY - NO ACTION REQUIRED) Senior Planner /Planning Manager Judy Surber reviewed the staff report on the 2011 Comprehensive Plan Docket dated October 5, 2011. She explained that due to the complexity and number of items on the docket, they were divided into two groups and scheduled for review at more than one Planning Commission meeting. Group 1 is being reviewed tonight while group 2 is scheduled for review on November 3, 2011. Additional meeting dates have been tentatively scheduled in the event further review is needed. A public hearing on all of the Comprehensive Plan amendments is scheduled for December 1, 2011. The purpose of this meeting is to review the amendments and familiarize the Planning Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - October 13, 2011 Page 1 of 5 Commission with the criteria that must be used as a basis for approval. Ms. Surber reviewed the criteria as outlined on page two of the staff report and noted that site - specific amendments must not only meet this criteria, but they are also subject to an additional set of criteria. Alternative options are outlined for each item and additional options can be added if the Planning Commission deems it necessary. Planning Commission members are encouraged to ask clarifying questions and should let staff know if additional information is needed. No decision or action on these items is being requested at this meeting. Nomura Rezone (LUP11 -025) Ms. Surber explained that this proposed amendment is to transpose the R -II and R -III zoning designation of the Normura property located at the southwest corner of the intersection of F Street and San Juan Avenue. Approximately one acre of this property is zoned for mixed use. The rationale for this proposed amendment is to have higher density zoning closer to mixed use zoning and have lower density zoning adjacent to similiarly zoned parcels. By transposing the zoning of the properties it will insure the zoning is consistent with the zoning of adjacent parcels. Staff reviewed the alternative options and answered clarifying questions. A map showing the total acreage of the Nomura property will be provided at a later date. Cherry Street Rezone (LUP11 -026) Ms. Surber stated that this City -owned property is located adjacent to Grace Lutheran Church across the street from the Golf Course. It is surrounded by single family development and while the majority of the property is zoned R -II (Single - Family Residential), a portion of the property is zoned P /OS (Parks and Open Space). She noted that this property has been identified by the City as a potentially suitable site for affordable housing. The proposed amendment is to consolidate the zoning making the entire parcel R -11 which is consistent with adjacent properties. There are several utilities that cross this property and would need to be moved if it were to be developed. She added that infrastructure to the site will not be a problem. After staff reviewed the alternative options and answered clarifying questions, Ms. Surber stated that she will provide the Commission with a map showing the existing utilities and infrastructure and non - motorized transportation plan. Beech Street Rezone (LUP11 -027) Ms. Surber stated that this particular amendment is broader than one specific piece of property. She explained that the City owns numerous properties that are currently zoned P -1 (Public /Infrastructure), P /OS or P /OS(B) (Public, Park and Open Space Zoning Districts). This amendment will allow these types of parcels to receive an alternative parcel- specific, non - public zoning designation in certain circumstances. The alternative zoning designation is inactive /secondary and does not become applicable until the property is no longer owned by the City or the City determines that the anticipated land use is no longer applicable to the public- zoning designation. This Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - October 13, 2011 Page 2 of 5 amendment will also prevent properties which are transferred out of City ownership from having to go through the rezoning process, because the alternative designation will have been predetermined. The Beech Street property (.88 acres) is owned by the City and has been identified to be surplused as property potentially suitable for affordable housing. It is currently zoned P -1 (Public /Infrastructure) and is surrounded by properties which are zoned R -I (single - family residential). The proposed amendment is to amend both the Comprehensive Plan and development regulations to create a dual or alternative zoning designation and to designate Beech Street with the alternative zoning of R -11 (single - family residential) which would become effective if the land were surplused or leased. Any established alternative zoning designations would be reflected on the City's land use and zoning maps. Development Services Department Director Rick Sepler added that not all public - zoned properties will receive an alternative /dual zoning designation. This will only be done for properties that have gone through the process to be identified for affordable housing. Ms. Surber noted that infrastructure and streets are in place to serve the property which slopes and is heavily wooded. At this point in time, staff does not believe the property would be considered a critical area due to its steepness. However, if at the time of development the property is determined to have a "critical slope," then the required buildable lot size would change from 5,000 square feet to 10,000 square feet to reduce the density in areas where the property is most steep. There is no issue with applying the alternative /dual zoning designation of R -11. After reviewing the alternative options, Ms. Surber noted that the draft text amendments are shown on page 11 of the staff report. Emissions Policy Ms. Surber explained that the City and County have been working together on a joint Climate Action Plan. In 2007, both agencies adopted a joint resolution creating a Climate Action Committee tasked with developing a Climate Action Plan with the following goals: to achieve a community -wide standard of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to levels 80 percent lower than 1990 levels by 2050 with preliminary reduction targets to be set for earlier years; implement policies and measures to meet the emission reduction targets; and monitor and verify results. The draft plan was completed and approved by the Climate Action Committee on June, 15, 2011. The Board of County Commissioners and the City Council will be holding separate public hearings on the plan which are scheduled for Monday, October 17, 2011. The proposed amendment is to ensure the existing adopted goals and associated policies are reflected in the Comprehensive Plan to support anti - pollution efforts and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Port Townsend. The suggested text amendments are proposed for the Comprehensive Plan, Chapter IV. Land Use Element - Section: Air Quality & Management. Key points and alternative options were reviewed for the Commission to consider. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - October 13, 2011 Page 3 of 5 Commissioner Emery stated that he thought regulations banning all yard burning were adopted as part of the City Code years ago. He asked staff to review the applicability of policy 6.3.4 which states "Establish standards for yard burning which meet or exceed state and federal standards.'"? Ms. Surber replied that she will research this issue. Chair Ray asked if this language is being added to the „ Air Quality & Management” section of the Comprehensive Plan only or if it will be added to all land use components of the Municipal Code? Ms. Surber replied that, at this time, staff is proposing the language change to this section of the Comprehensive Plan only. As the Climate Action Committee works on potential changes to development regulations there might be changes made to the Municipal Code. In conclusion, Ms. Surber noted that a copy of the draft Climate Action Plan has been posted on the City's website. Housing Action Plan and Housing Action Plan Network Policy Ms. Surber explained that the City and County have worked jointly on affordable housing which resulted in both agencies adopting a Housing Action Plan in 2006. In 2007, the Board of County Commissioners and the City Council jointly appointed members to serve on the Housing Action Plan Network to monitor performance and facilitate implementation of the plan. The proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is to update introductory text and add policy language to reflect adoption and support of the implementation of the Housing Action Plan and the work of the Housing Action Plan Network. Since this is an update to the narrative text, there are no alternative options. Public- Private Partnerships /Public Development Authority Ms. Surber stated that Public- Private Partnerships and Public Development Authorities (PDAs) are useful tools in addressing economic development and affordable housing. Currently, the Comprehensive Plan does not directly refer to these types of partnerships or PDAs. The proposed amendment is to expand policy and strategies in the Comprehensive Plan to include public - private partnerships and PDAs as a tool for expanding affordable housing and as a means to initiate mixed - use /redevelopment projects. After reviewing alternative options, staff clarified information. Kevin Harris, Quincy Street at the Waterfront, LLC Rezone (LUP11 -021) Staff reported that this zoning amendment application is considered abandoned /withdrawn and no further action is necessary. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - October 13, 2011 Page 4 of 5 None, UNFINISHED BUSINESS 111 :Leif] L4 I I . [H 1414 =1111 010 110-1 Thursday, October 27, 2011 (Cancelled) Thursday, November 3, 2011 - Discussion re: 2011 Comprehensive Plan Amendments - Group ll: Kah Tai Lagoon Park Policy (LUP11 -015), Amendments to Port Townsend Parks, Recreation and Open Space Functional Plan (LUP11 -034, adding policies and clarifying language, etc.) Thursday, November 10, 2011 (Tentative) Thursday, December 1, 2011 - Public Hearing re: 2011 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Thursday, December 8, 2011 (Tentative) ADJOURN Motion: Steven Emery moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m. Gee Heckscher seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 5 -0 by voice vote. Attest: i Planning Commission Chair ity Clerk's Office 1 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - October 13, 2011 Page 5 of 5