HomeMy WebLinkAbout05292003 Min Ag · I. II. III. N. V. VI. · VII. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA WORKSHOP City Council Chambers, 7:00 pm Call to Order Roll Call Acceptance of Agenda Approval of Minutes - May 8,2003 General Public Comment (limited to 3 minutes per person) City Council Liaison Report Unfinished Business A. Draft C-II Desien Standards. Continued Discussion BCD Staff VIII. New Business VII. Upcoming Meeting - June 12 IX. Communications IX. Adjournment · May 29, 2003 · · · CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES May 29,2003 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Cindy Thayer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.rn. in the City Council Chambers. II. ROLL CALL Other members answering roll were Lyn Hersey, Richard Berg, James Irvin, Alice King, Michael Hyland and Jeff Kelety; Frank Benskin and Bernie Arthur were unexcused.. Also present were BCD Jeff Randall and Planner Jean Walat. Michele Sandoval represented the City Council. III. ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA Mr. Hyland made a motion to accept the agenda. Mr. Kelety seconded. All were in favor. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Irvin made a motion to accept the minutes of May 8,2003 as corrected; Mr. Berg seconded. Ms. Hersey abstained; all else were in favor. V. PUBLIC COMMENT -- There was none VI. CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT -- There was none VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Draft C-II Design Standards (Continued Discussion) BCD Staff Jean Walat and Jeff Randall A. Draft C-II General Commercial Zonin!! District Architectural and Site Desie:n Standards Adopted Chair Thayer asked for a review of the document page by page for any questions and changes: 17.xx.10 Purpose and intent. No change 17.xx.20 Definitions. No change 17.xx.30 Applicabilitv : Permit reauired: Proiects Subiect12~. A.2.Mr. Irvin questioned 1,000 square feet versus 2,000. Vote: Leave at 1,000 square feet -- 6 in favor, Mr. Irvin opposed A.3 Ms. Hersey suggested a change. Consensus: Change to: "Clearing and/or grading activities subject to any of the following permits: i. a City clearing and/or grading permit, ii. Forest Practice Act approval, or iii. SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) review. 17.xx.40 Application i>rocess: Application fees. A. Mr. Irvin asked if there are criteria for what is to be preserved. Ms. Walat referenced the Tree Ordinance, and Mr. Randall felt the language was necessary, that it is good to pass both in close proximity. C.1.Mr. Berg felt regarding whether 5,000 square feet or 10,000 to defer to staff judgment. Ms. Walat felt comfortable with 5,000 square feet. Consensus: 5,000 square feet There was discussion regarding the use of "should," "shall," and "encourage." Planning Commission Page I May 29,2003 · Consensus: Evaluate while proceeding 17.xx.50 Maximum Buildine: Setback From Primary Street Fronta!!e. A.2.Contradicts paragraph A. Consensus: Ms. Walat reword to be consistent in both A. and A.2 that buildings should be oriented toward the primary intersection. 17.xx.60 Topoe:raphv - No change. 17.xx.70 Gatewav Forest Corridor - Ms. Walat to rework 17.xx.80 Landscapin!!. A.5.e. & A.5.h. Consensus: Change "shall" to "should." Ms. Walat to add paragraph for language -- detention ponds and bio-swales shall be incorporated into the landscaping as appropriate. 17.xx90 Off-Street Parkin!! Lots. Consensus: Change to make positive: A.3. "Off-street parking skeukl shall occupy less than. . ." A.6. "Off-street parking shall conform to maximum parking ratios. . ." Consensus: Reword as suggested by Mr. Randall: A.7. "Encourage the use of low impact development techniques. . ." Illustrations -- Ms. Walat will make consistent. · 17.xx.100 On-Street Parkin!! A.1. Change the parking ratio to 2 to 1. Vote: Approved 5 in favor; Ms. Thayer and Mr. Irvin opposed Mr. Kelety left the meeting at 8:25 p.m. 17.xx.1l0 Pedestrian friendlv commercial development A.4 There was discussion regarding requirements and placement of bicycle racks. Ms. Walat noted these racks are inexpensive, approximately $50/each, and this was identified as a need by the Non-Motorized Transportation Committee. Vote: Change requirements -- Mr. Irvin in favor. All else opposed. Vote: Leave as is - 4 in favor; Ms. Hersey abstained. Illustration numbers to be made consistent. 17.xx.120 Bulk!!!!!! ~ Commercial Development Adjacent to Residential Zones. Heading A. & A.1. Consensus: Remove the word "Commercial" in all. · 17.xx130 Buildine: Desi!!n. Materials. and Colors.. A.5. There was discussion regarding "same on all sides." Ms. Walat suggested the idea is to use the same type of material all around; however, the front could be fancier. Vote: Leave as is -- Mr. Hyland in favor. Ms. King abstained; all else opposed. Consensus: Change to indicate ". . . on all sides of a building except for embellishing the front." Ms. Walat to reword. A.9.Chair Thayer suggested deferring Ms. King's questions to the Bulk & Dimensional Table. A.IO. Ms. Walat pointed out this is the most difficult of all to achieve because of costs. Vote: Leave as is -- My Hyland in favor. All else opposed. Vote: Change to "street frontage only" Five in favor. 17.xx.140 Vehicle Canopies -- No change Planning Commission Page 2 May 29, 2003 · · · 17.xx150 Buildinl! Entrances. A. Remove "Commerical in all." 17.xx.160 Weather Protection. A. Remove "Commercial." 17.xx.170 Transparency - No change. 17.xx.180 Li!!htinl!. Chair Thayer brought up the question raised by Scott Walker of metal halide lighting. Ms. Walat said there is controversy on this issue and that this section needs more work. Mr. Randall commented to Mr. Berg's question regarding foot candle, that a light meter measurement cannot be taken until after the building is built. Consensus: A.3-A.I0 change "should" to "shall" 17.xx.190 Support elements - No change 17.xx.200 Alternative Desil!ns -- No change 17.xx.210 Variance criteria -- No change 17.xx.220 Enforcement - No change B. Bulk. Dimensional and Density Reauirements. Table 17.20.030 (for C-II Commercial District) Ms. Walat asked for clarification regarding measurement for projects involving multi stores on one property. Suggestions were made regarding ownership of the land, and encouragment ofmult-stories to maximize usage. Mr. Berg suggested 40,000 square feet as a threshold and indicated the committee's thought was a 40,000 square foot building would be single story. Incentives were suggested including parking. It was determined to have Staff review, gather information and recommend the best combination of incentives. C. Draft Review Process Chair Thayer asked if another workshop was needed before going to public hearing. Mr. Randall thought to have another meeting to consider building sizes and codifying the Review Process. VIII. NEW BUSINESS -- There was none. IX. UPCOMING MEETING June 12,2003 X. COMMUNICA nONS -- There were none XI. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Hyland and seconded by Mr. Irvin. All were in favor. The meating odjoumad at 9,27 p.rn. /J ~ n<:_~ W ~~ CIDrlY~k ~ Sheila A vis, Minute Taker Planning Commission Page 3 May 29,2003