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City Council Chambers, 7:00 pm
1. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Acceptance of Agenda
IV. Approval of Minutes - February 13, 2003
V. General Public Comment (limited to 3 minutes per person)
VI. City Council Liaison Report
VII. Unfinished Business
VIII. New Business
A. Tree Ordinance Report (7:00 to 8:00 p.m. approx.)
BCD Staff & Citizen Advisory Committee Presentation
B. 2004 Comp Plan Update (8:00 p.m.)
BCD Staff Presentation
VII. Upcoming Meeting
March 13, 2003 - "Encouraging Small Businesses" Panel
IX. Communications
IX. Adjournment
February 27, 2003
February 27, 2003
Vice Chairman Richard Berg called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.
Other members answering roll were Lyn Hersey, Frank Benskin, Bernie Arthur, Alice King, Michael Hyland, and
JeffKelety; Cindy Thayer and Jim Irvin were excused. Also present were BCD Director Jeff Randall and Senior Planner
Judy Surber. Michele Sandoval represented the City Council.
The agenda was accepted by consensus to include a discussion of priorities as requested by Mr. Kelety.
Mr. Benskin made a motion to accept the minutes as amended; Mr. Hyland seconded. Ms. Hersey abstained. All
others were in favor of the motion.
V. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT -- There was none.
Me. Berg welcomed City Councilor Michele Sandoval who spoke with appreciation for the last Planning
Commission meeting proactive approach. She received e-mail and responded to Mr. Randall concerning those issues.
Ms. Sandoval indicated there are a lot of different land use ordinances for the Planning Commission to have heads
up on, and she is happy they will be proactive. She referred to the Tree Ordinance; C-II Design Standards that should be
reviewed at the next Council meeting and forwarded to the Planning Commission; tables in the mixed use design standards
that would be terrific to look at. She is on the Transportation and Community Development committees and would be happy
to present information to the Planning Commission. She spoke of the Planning Commission looking at the èomp Plan for
Mr. Berg mentioned an issue raised at the last meeting that the Planning Commission does not have power to
initiate; they are here to review what Council gives them to review. Mr. Benskin expressed concern about infrastructure on
upper Sims Way.
Ms. Sandoval indicated they are scheduled to review the study of upper Sims Way next month. She referenced the
upcoming March 13 Planning Commission meeting regarding Small Businesses, that Council had made a presentation and
were asked back the last of March. She said upper Sims Way is a priority. She answered Mr. Benskin's question regarding
money to be appropriated, that they are looking at needs and priorities. They are trying to push things forward; sewer issues
will be particularly difficult. Mr. Berg asked regarding Howard Street. Ms. Sandoval replied that is being talked about, but
may be another step down the road, maybe 4 to 5 years out.
Ms. Hersey said she had talked to Mr. Randall and expressed how the Comlnissioners need to educate themselves.
She was concerned they not have things come to them that would make them prejudicial, site specific things. Mr. Randall
stated he had given Ms. Hersey an update of the last meeting. He indicated he feels these things are legitimate to look at.
Mr. Berg concurred it is good to remind themselves to be careful.
Mr. Arthur clarified he thought they were talking about real planning, that maybe they could come up with answers
before a proponent comes in with an idea, i.e. sitting down with land owners, Public Works, etc. regarding how to extend
Howard Street - come up with ideas (proactive stuff). Howard Street would have to go through private property. Ms.
Sandoval indicated they have talked about this, taking the initiative; it is hard to determine the benefit area and costs. There
needs to be a study for traffic lights.
Planning Commission Minutes, February 27, 2003/ Page 1
After further discussion Ms. Sandoval stated she thinks some of these things are on the horizon, but Council is trying
to do things in a prudent manner, not overloading staff and others. Mr. Berg asked when would there opportunity for
discussion. She spoke of Council's tasking Community Development and said Commissioners would be welcome to attend,
also the full Council.
A. TREE ORDINANCE REPORT - Mr. Jeff Randall and Citizen Advisory Committee
Mr. Randall reported this is a work in progress that recognizes urban forestry needs to be managed and creates
standards to judge things by. He gave three reasons for the ordinance: 1) it is mandated by state law, Class IV Forest
Practices Act -- if there is logging it is presumed to be a conversion, or you can sign an exemption and replant; 2) it is a
Comp Plan policy; 3) it is currently a basic problem-clearing and grading ordinance does not address the issues. He spoke
of perils in using SEPA to determine preservation of buffers along the Sims Way corridor as called for in the Comp Plan and
Gateway Plan.
The Advisory Committee was comprised of several professionals whose goals were the following considerations: 1)
the city should pursue; 2) whatever regulations are adopted should be clear and simple; 3) Port Townsend's uniqueness in
rainfall and difficult soils; 4) public participation; 5) designation as Tree City USA.
Mr. Randall discussed the Draft Tree ordinance Flow Chart and charts within the Draft Tree ordinance. He asked
for presentation by the three of the Advisory Committee members present.
Forest Shomer (plant and seeds specialist, also has done tree inventories of the city)
Mr. Shomer conducted a tree inventory in Port Townsend in 1980. He stated most cities don't have forest areas. He
noted average 4-5 year household moves and the urban forest 8-10 year life cycle impacted by land use conversions. He said
we have to have a program for replacement and advocated conversion with plant propagation, preserving habitat. He referred
to previous tree planting programs in Port Townsend and their varied results, and a survey identifying 80 species, not all
native. He said creating an ordinance will help preserve and expand species.
Nancy Stelow (local realtor)
Ms. Stelow spoke of the group being very diverse, that it was a good group that took informative field trips. Some
members represented the good of the community and some the good of property rights; they came to agreement giving a little
on both sides.
They used ordinances from other jurisdictions and tied a lot of regulations together. She spoke of
diseased trees, removing where needed and replanting, giving information to help people accomplish the tasks. They used
many different scenarios attempting to keep the City from a lot of expense. She said they went through a lot for a long period
of time.
Ross Goodwin (a forester with the Department of Natural Resources)
His jurisdiction is East Jefferson and East Clallam Counties. The group had three goals 1) transfer process from
Forest Practice Act (FPA) to one entity only; 2) close loopholes between DNR rules and city rules; 3) tree conservation. He
thinks the process is necessary, but that there are still details to work out. They need time to spend on the permitting process
while not over-regulating.
Mr. Randall asked for questions:
Q Ms. Hersey asked regarding this going back to the committee.
A Mr. Randall replied this is now before you. We will update you, probably have another workshop the end of March and
go through page by page. We will have a public hearing when you are ready.
Q Mr. Arthur asked Me. Goodwin when DNR started this process on private land.
A Me. Goodwin replied the FPA has been in affect since 1974; their interpretation is anything that is a stand of trees.
Planning Commission Minutes, February 27, 2003/ Page 2
Q Mr. Arthur asked about taxation of trees in Port Townsend not planted as timber.
A Mr. Randall referred to the open space tax, and Ms. Sandoval referred to change in classification.
Q Mr. Kelety asked regarding process; this is before us for our consideration can expect changes?
A Mr. Randall replied there will be a new version in March marked with lines in and lines out: He suggested they e-mail
him with their thoughts or feedback.
Q Mr. Arthur asked regarding Classes 1-3.
A Mr. Randall noted this is Class 4 only; we shouldn't have to do for Classes 1-3.
Mr. Berg and other Commissioners thanked staff and committee volunteers who worked on this. He asked that they
take responsibility for reading the material presented.
B. 2004 COMP PLAN UPDATE - Ms. Judy Surber
Ms. Surber reported the City brought her back full time to work on this with the assistance of Mr. Eric Toews. It
was determined this is a good plan that needs implementation.
She discussed Draft #3. Exhibit "A" - Workplan and pointed out problems with timelines that could get bogged down:
1) Population projections for horizon year 2024. The County is lead for choosing population and how much goes to
the City under the Rural/Urban split.
2) GIS support. Database update to show work progress. Public Works is limited in time for GIS.
3) Benchmarks to measure progress of Plan.
Products of Task One include:
1) Status of Implementation Report -- external, internal inconsistencies (e-mail her any you see).
2) Position paper -- Eric Toews will write a paper to be presented to the County.
3) DOE Comp Plan Checklist -- Ms. Surber to be responsible.
4) Internal issues memorandum -- overview of all.
Task Four -- Comprehensive Plan Assessment will build on the internal issues memorandum.
Task Five -- SEP A Threshold Determination 1& Scoping; BCD is hoping not to have do another EIS, but perhaps a
supplement or addendum to the 1996 EIS.
Tasks Six - Task Nine are scheduled for 2004. Best available science will be required for environmentally sensitive
areas. Ms. Surber pointed out the SMP would also be incorporated into 2004.
Q Mr. Benskin asked ifthe State would extend the deadline if the State model is not out.
A Ms. Surber thought they could write a letter to show they are making good progress if it is not completed.
Q Ms. Sandoval questioned not having been through this cycle before and the County taking the lead on population.
A Ms. Surber indicated 1) County and City meeting; 2) Eric Toews writing a report; 3) Joint GMA Committee meeting.
Mr. Randall said they are testing the waters with the County, that the County timeline may not be compatible.
Q Mr. Berg asked if they are currently working on the implementation report, if it will be done soon.
A Ms.Surber replied she is working on the Land Use element and checklist, to be done by end of March within a chart.
There was consensus that the Commissioners wanted feedback by element for their consideration.
Q Mr. Arthur asked regarding BCD request for feedback on things not working.
A Ms. Surber suggested there might be text inconsistencies in various places.
Planning Commission Minutes, February 27, 2003/ Page 3
Q Mr. Benskin asked regarding process for reconciling inconsistencies.
A Ms. Surber! Mr. Randall explained it would be lines in/out and underlined, and incorporated next year.
March 13, 2003 -- "Encouraging Small Businesses" Panel
Mr. Kelety spoke of taking proactive steps to forward the Comp Plan issues of Economic Development regarding
small business development and infrastructure, opportunities and barriers. He contacted panelists for the next meeting, and
all three are enthusiastic to meet here. He sent them a formal invitation; they will participate at the next meeting. There will
be an informal time for questions.
Mr. Berg noted the e-mail reports they have been receiving.
Mr. Kelety said regarding review and implementing the Comp Plan, he hopes they can go forward in
implementation. He suggested for the next meeting they talk about how they can do that, setting priorities, or things they see.
He encouraged discussion for the next meeting. Mr. Berg thought the report Ms. Surber is working on will help them figure
what areas they want to focus on. Mr. Randall suggested opportunities and barriers, then move on to something else. Ms.
Sandoval pointed out it is important to work parallel with Council.
XI. COMMUNICATIONS -- included in packets
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Benskin and seconded by Ms. Hersey.
All were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 9:34 p.m.
Richard Berg, Vice Chairman
"Sheila Avis, Minute Taker
Planning Commission Minutes, February 27, 2003 1 Page 4
Meeting of:
Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
February 27. 2003
Name (please print) Address Testimony?
Yes No
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