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City Council Chambers, 7:00 pm
February 28, 2002
I. Call to Order
ll. Roll Call
ill. Acceptance of Agenda
IV. Approval of Minutes
V. Unfinished Business
VI. New Business
A. Welcome New Members:
Position 1 - Alice King
Position 2 - Richard Berg
Position 3 - Cindy Thayer
Position 7 - Michael Hyland
Position 8 - Nancy Dorgan
Position 9 -Frank Benskin
Comprehensive Plan 2002 Update - Workshop
1) Overview of Work plan
Planning vs. Implementation - a two pronged approach (Jeff Randall)
2) Kick-off of Annual Assessment
a) Introduction to Seven Assessment Criteria (BCD Staff)
b) Report on City's Infrastructure (Ken Clow, Public Works Director)
3) Public Comment
4) Planning Commission Discussion
VIT. Upcoming Meetings: Then next regular meeting is scheduled for March 14. Agenda
items include:
Comprehensive Plan 2002 Update - Workshop
Review of Draft GMA Revisions to the Land Use and Housing Elements
VITI. Communications
IX. Adjournment
February 28,2002
BCD Director Jeff Randall called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in the City
Council Chambers.
Members answering roll were Lyn Hersey, Frank Benskin, Richard Berg, Bernie Arthur,
Nancy Dorgan, James Irvin, Cindy Thayer, and Michael Hyland. Alice King was excused. Also
present were BCD Senior Planner Judy Surber and Public Works Director Ken Clow.
Mr. Randall noted the need to elect a new Chairperson. He suggested that since there
were so many new members, a temporary chair be elected for the next couple of meetings and on
March 28 officers be elected for the remainder of the year. There being consensus, Mr. Randall
called for nominations.
Ms. Hersey nominated Jim Irvin, seconded by Michael Hyland.
Mr. Irvin nominated Cindy Thayer, seconded by Nancy Dorgan.
Mr. Arthur asked that nominations cease, seconded by Frank Benskin.
Following discussion, Mr. Irvin withdrew his nomination.
Cindy Thayer was unanimously elected Interim Chair.
Ms. Hersey nominated Jim Irvin, seconded by Michael Hyland.
Jim Irvin agreed to accept the nomination and was unanimously elected Interim Vice
Mr. Randall indicated the agenda was accepted and·there were no minutes to approve.
IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -- there were none.
V. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - There was no unfinished business.
A New members were welcomed and all Commissioners introduced themselves.
Comprehensive Plan 2002 Update - Workshop
Planning Commission MinutesIPage 1
Febrwuy 28,2002
Ms. Surber stated the Comp Plan annual assessment that is to be completed by April 15 is
based on seven criteria. She indicated the State had also mandated requirements and BCD has
determined to take a two-track approach to include the normal update cycle.
Mr. Randall pointed out the reason for their approach is that City Council is interested in
the implementation of Comp Plan related things that can be done any time. State mandated
items must be done according to schedule.
What is being done now is the annual amendment cycle. Track 2 implementation items
can happen any time. Track 3 updating of the Shoreline Master Plan and Critical Areas
Ordinance will include consultant input.
Ms. Surber distributed updates to the Work Plan that she said would change as they
proceed. She introduced discussion of the seven Annual Assessment Criteria:
Criteria #1 Mr. Randall showed charts of growth projections. He said State
projections for Port Townsend growth of2% had not proved true, that historically the growth
rate had been 1.3% - 1.6%, a little slower than projected.
Criteria #2 Mr. Ken Clow handed out and discussed an overview of infrastructure
projections and impacts of accomplishments regarding wastewater, water, streets and
storm water. He spoke of other areas of need and the Capital Improvement Program that has
functional updates different fÌ'om the Comp Plan, including things planned for and those in
response to happenings. .
Criteria #3 Mr. Randall discussed land zoned and showed GIS statistics. He
suggested it does not look as though land needs to be rezoned other than zones R-m and R-IV.
Criteria #4 Ms. Surber said most assumptions are still valid. She suggested others
needed to be watched, that one might be wrong -- the growth rate, and to also watch the County's
plans for the Tri-Area, Urban Growth Area.
Criteria #5 Ms. Surber thought this is difficult, that there has been no comprehensive
survey. She suggested perhaps this be considered for a 10 year update. Staff thinks things are
pretty consistent with the Community Direction Statement.
Criteria #6 Ms. Surber suggested this wbuld be impacted if the mill were to go under
or there was a substantial influx of businesses. Mr. Randall stated there was a lot offoresight in
planning in the original Comp Plan, and the Plan has a lot of good strategies.
Criteria #7 Ms. Surber noted the focus for 2002 update with State Mandated
Mr. Randall reported they would address land use and housing elements at the next
scheduled meeting.
Ms. Hersey asked if they were going to break into committees. Mr. Randall replied that
the Comp Plan is really good, that the Shorelines Master Plan needs to be updated, and that they
will need committees to deal with problems with development regulations (e.g., parking; interim
design standards, etc.). He· suggested a committee for strategies for affordable housing.
Mr. Irvin asked regarding the overall process and suggested they determine what they
need to focus on in the Comp Plan. Mr. Randall noted there are specific elements in Criteria 1,
2, and 3.
Ms. Thayer asked if everyone has copies of the Comp Plan. Mr. Randall replied they
would all be given copies and other things as well.
Planning Commission MinutesIPage 2 Febrwuy 28,2002
Ms. Dorgan questioned Criteria 7 and hiring a consultant, if they are anticipating a fair
amount of activity. She suggested there are inconsistencies between the Comp Plan and the
County's population allocations. Chair Thayer asked Ms. Dorgan to secure that information for
Mr. Randall.
Mr. Randall requested the Commissioners consider any suggested amendments for this
year or the next year. Mr. Arthur spoke of things in the original documents, e.g., family wage
jobs, the relation of land and services available to impact them, and suggested they study goals
and objectives and relate them to any amendments. Mr. Randall concurred. Discussion
Mr. Robert Greenway representing the Dundee Hill Neighborhood
Mr. Greenway said there is a neighborhood movement on the rise regarding the proposed
35th Street Park property, and he wants to be involved in the planning. He said he had given
former Commissioner Jerry Spieckerman material about the 35th Street Park.
Mr. Greenway noted the County's request to have the deed back to provide for low cost
housing. He said that is now moot, that the City plans to purchase the property fÌ'om the County.
He continued by saying they want to be vividly in support of the City buying this land, that by
buying the land there will be a modest park. He thanked the City, submitted and read a petition
signed by neighbors fÌ'om the Dundee Hill neighborhood.
Ms. Nancy Dorgan suggested that since the model agenda in the Bylaws for the Planning
Commission has no designated place for public comment, the Bylaws be amended to coordinate
with the Staff work plan for the Comp Plan review process. Chair Thayer stated that would be
considered at the next meeting.
March 14, 2002
There were none.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Jim Irvin and seconded by Ms. Lyn
Hersey. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
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Cindy ayer, Chair :/
Sheila Avis, Minute Taker
Planning Commission MinutesIPage 3
Febrwuy 28,2002
City of Port Townsend
Department of Building and Community Development
Waterman-Katz Building
181 Quincy Street, Suite 301, Port Townsend, WA 98368
(360) 379-5081 FAX (360) 385-7675
. ill.
Staff Report
February 26, 2002
Port Townsend Planning Commission
Jeff Randall, BCD Director
Judy Surber, Senior Planner
2002 Comprehensive Plan Update - Annual Assessment Workshop
This workshop meeting is intended to:
Introduce new Planning Commission members
Provide a brief overview of the annual update process
Explain the "Planning vs. Implementation Approach"
Review the W orkplan
Begin the Annual Assessment
Comprehensive Plan Annual Update Process
Attachment A, provided to Planning Commission members at the January 31, 2002 joint
workshop with City Council, provides an overview of the process.
Planning vs. Implementation Approach
During the January 31 Joint Workshop, the group discussed various options for proceeding
with the Comprehensive Plan update. Some described an intensive, page-by-page review of the
Plan with numerous public workshops over a two-year period. Others supported an update that
focused strictly on the state mandated requirements with the balance of the committee's energy
spent on drafting of implementation ordinances.
The solution? A two pronged approach that implements both strategies. This strategy have
been reviewed and approved by the City Council Community Development Committee. Jeff
will provide an overview.
IV. Work Plan
Attachment B is the proposed workplan for the 2002 update.
V. Annual Assessment
Chapter 20.04 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code (PTMC) sets forth seven criteria, which
form the basis of the annual assessment. The criteria are listed herein followed by an outline of
the information we intend to provide over the next few meetings. The following information is
intended to provide an introduction to the annual assessment. As you can see on the pr~osed
workplan (attachment B) the Planning Commission's workshops held on March 14th, 28 , and
April 11 th may also be used for gathering data on which to base the annual assessment findings.
Staff Memo
January 26, 2002
Page 2
The Planning Commission is scheduled to make their final recommendation for the annual
assessment on April 11th.
Annual Assessment Criteria:
1. Is growth and development as envisioned in the comprehensive plan occurring faster or slower
than anticipated. or is it failing to materialize?
Staff will be provide and overview of the population data that compares anticipated growth as
identified in the 1996 Comprehensive Plan with the most recent data available from the Office
of Financial Management (OFM) based upon the 2000 census.
2. Has the capacity to provide adequate services diminished or increased?
Public Works staff will report on:
· Service Capacity (water, sewer, streets, stormwater)
· Change in Service Area
· Inftastructure constructed in 2001
3. Is sufficient land designated and zoned to meet proiected demand and needs?
GIS and BCD staff are gathering data that reflects development trends in Port Townsend since
adoption of the Comprehensive Plan in 1996.
4. Are the assumptions upon which the plan is based invalid?
Fifteen assumptions for Port Townsend's future influenced the formation of the Comprehensive
Plan (Page 11-9, Introduction, Comprehensive Plan). BCD staff has reviewed the assumptions
and found the majority of them to be accurate. One, however, may prove incorrect given the .
slower rate of population growth we are currently experiencing. Draft text will be provided for
the Planning Commission's review.
5. Are there changes in community wide attitudes that necessitate amendments to the goals and
purposes of the comprehensive plan and the basic values embodied within the comprehensive
plan community direction statement?
Always a difficult one to assess without benefit of a scientific survey. We welcome the
Planning Commissioners thoughts on this criterion.
6. Is there sufficient change or lack of change in circumstances to dictate the need for an
This is a broad question that may include a review of issues surrounding specific salmon
species listings under the Endangered SpeCies Act, growth rates, actions by the County,
revisions to the GMA, etc. Again, we welcome your thoughts.
7. Do inconsistencies exist between the comprehensive plan and the GMA or the countywide
planning policy for Jefferson County?
The city plans to retain a consultant to analyze the plans consistency with recent GMA
amendments and Growth Management Hearings Board decisions.
Overview of Annual Comprehensive Plan Update Process
Suggested Planning Commission W orkplan
City of Port Townsend
Department of Building and Community Development
Waterman-Katz. Building
181 Quincy Street, Suite 301, Port Townsend, W A 98368
(360) 379-5081 FAX (360) 385-7675
Overview of Annual Comprehensive Plan Update Process
An overview of the annual update process is provided in the following text and on the attached
flowchart. For a complete explanation, please refer to Chapter 20.04 of the Port Townsend
Municipal Code (PTMC).
Planning Commission Annual Assessment of the Comprehensive Plan.
The Planning Commission is charged by the Municipal Code to conduct an annual assessment of
the comprehensive plan, and to make recommendations as necessary to keep the plan current.
This task must be completed by April 15 of each year. Any recommended amendments must be
forwarded to the BCD Director by May 1st.
Seven review criteria are to be considered by the Commission in their annual assessment:
1. Is growth and development as envisioned in the comprehensive plan occurring faster or
slower than anticipated. or is it failing to materialize?
2. Has the capacity to provide adequate services diminished or increased?
. 3. Is sufficient land designated and zoned to meet proiected demand and needs?
4. Are the assumptions upon which the plan is based invalid?
5. Are there changes in community wide attitudes that necessitate amendments to the goals and
purposes of the comprehensive plan and the basic values embodied within the comprehensive
plan community direction statement?
6. Is there sufficient change or lack of change in circumstances to dictate the need for an
7. Do inconsistencies exist between the comprehensive plan and the GMA or the countywide
planning policy for Jefferson County?
Forming the Docket
Each year, the city accepts applications for amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. There are
two basic types of proposed amendments: "formal" and "suggested." Formal amendments are
site specific, quasi-judicial requests requiring a fee to be paid by the landowner. This type of
amendment is automatically placed on the final docket for review.
Suggested amendments may be made by anyone. They do not require a filing fee, but are not
guaranteed a place on the City's final docket. Planning Commission and Council review the
"need, urgency, and appropriateness" of each suggested amendment (§20.04.060) to determine
which warrant placement on the final docket.
Applications for Comprehensive Plan Amendments are accepted through May 1 of each year.
By May 31st, BCD complies the list of suggested amendments into a "preliminary docket" and
forwards it, along with staff's recommendation, to the Planning Commission. The Commission
in turn, forwards their recommended docket to Council. Council must consider the
Commission's recommendations by the second meeting of June each year.
Recommendation on Proposed Amendments
Amendments placed on the Final Docket are reviewed under SEPA. Workshops and public
hearings are typically scheduled in the late summer months. Ultimately, the Commission
develops findings and conclusions and a recommendation on each amendment placed on the
final docket. Both the Planning Commission and City Council must consider the following
Whether circumstances related to the proposed amendment and/or the area in
which it is located have substantially changed since the adoption of the Port
Townsend comprehensive plan;
Whether the assumptions upon which the Port Townsend comprehensive plan is
based are no longer valid, or whether new information is available which was not
considered during the adoption process or any annual amendments of the Port
Townsend comprehensive plan; and
Whether the proposed amendment reflects current widely held community values.
Eight additional findings are applied to site-specific formal amendments. (Section 20.04.080 A .
. (4) a-h PTMC).
The City Council must adopt any amendments to the Comprehensive Plan by the second Council
meeting of November of each year.
February 20 First Public Notice - Call for Suggested/Formal Amendments
February 28 Planning Commission Workshop
Annual Assessment - Monitoring our Progress .
Review of Growth Rates
Overview of Land Use Development Patterns
Public Works Report on Service Capacity and Level of Service
Review of Assumptions and Circumstances
March 6
March 14
March 28
April 11
.MAY 1
May 1- 31
May 15
May 22
May *
May 30
June 1
Public Comment
Second Public Notice - Call for Suggested/Formal Amendments
Planning Commission Workshop
Review Draft GMA Revisions
Land Use and Housing
Public Comment
Planning Commission Workshop
Review Draft GMA Revisions
Transportation, Capital Facilities & Utilities
Public CoIIUrient
Planning Commission Workshop
PC Finalize the Annual Assessment (April 15 deadlme)
PC Memo to BCD Director re: Recommended Amendments (20.04.050 C (2)
(Focus is on GMA Compliance)
DEADLINE for Applications
BCD Compile the Preliminary Docket and staff recommendations?
Publish Notice (10 day) Planning Commission Hearing (and if needed, workshop)
Planning Commission Packets
Optional Workshop - "Overview of Suggested Amendments" (Joint?)
Planning Commission Hearing on Docket
Staff drafts Planning Commission Transmittal to Council
June 13
June 17
June 19
June 21
June 26
June 27
Planning Commission approves transmittal on recommended docket
Council Hearing- adopt final docket
BCD Letter to Applicants - projects which made final docket
Complete SEPA Checklist- Notice to Leader
Notice of Pending SEPA (20 day comment period) & Planning Commission
Workshops (10 days prior)
Planning Commission
Update on Final Docket
Develop schedule * *
July Staff Ground truth
Draft SEP A Threshold Determination
Form BCD recommendations for all suggested amendments
o Letter to CTED - 60 day review period
July 11
July 16
July 25
July 31
Aug 29
Sept. 12
Sept 25
Sept. 26
Oct. 2
Planning Commission Workshop
GMA Revisions
Comment Period on Pending SEP A expires
Planning Commission Workshop
Suggested Amendments
Notice of Planning Commission Hearing and SEPA Threshold Determination
(DNS - 15 days; EIS see WACs)
Planning Commission Workshop-
Formal Amendments
Planning Commission Hearing
GMA Revisions
Suggested Amendments
Planning Commission Hearing
Formal Amendments
Notice Council 10/7 Workshop
Planning Commission Finalize Findings & Conclusions
Notice Council Hearing(s) to Pam for publishing
Council Packets due for Workshop
Oct. 7
Oct. 16
Oct 21
Oct. 30
Council Workshop (optional)
Council Packets Due for 10/21
Council Hearing
Council Packets Due for 11/4
Council Hearing
November 13 Draft Ordinance in Council Packets
November 18 Council Adopt Ordinance
Nov. 22
Maps to Tyler
Pages to Pam
Transmittal to DCTED (within 10 days)
To: David Timmons, City Manager
Port Townsend City Council
Port Townsend Planning Commission
Transmission of Petition Re 35th St. Park
February 25, 2002
Almost 8 and 1/2 years ago, on October 17, 1993, Woody Dennis sent to
then Mayor John Clise and the City Council a letter requesting that "the
6.12 acres of woodland near the top of Umatilla Street" be held as a
reserve "until such time as the city could afford to develop it as a park . . .
when this area of town is filled with houses, there will be that many more
people glad to have a park."
By November 3rd of that year, 1993, the County, who owns the land,
announced its intention to sell the land as surplus, at auction, with
an assessed valuation of $60,000.
Now, finally, after at least 47 meetings and the expenditure of tens of
thousands of dollars, the discovery of storm-water and wetland issues
with the land, and the intense concern of neighbors hoping that this
surplus land would be used in a way that wouldn't destroy the peace and
quiet of the neighborhood -- now, finally, it appears that the City
is buying the land from the county, and there will indeed, someday,
be a modest park in this most quiet corner of Port Townsend.
Those of us who have worked for these 8 1/2 7 years to achieve this
wish to express our deep thanks to the City Manager, David Timmons,
for working out with the county the purchase of this land. Surely it
is a win-win situation for all concerned: the county gets its money
for the land; the city meets the promise of the City's Comprehensive
and Park Plans to locate a park within 1/2 mile of every citizen
in town; vast amounts of money mitigating the severe problems with
the site need not be spent.
We wish also to thank the City Council for it's decision; and the
Parks and Recreation Committee for deciding a few weeks ago that
the current land-use zoning of parks and open space should be kept
on that parcel.
* * * *
This petition, directed to the Planning Commission, with 143 names
of people living within 1/2 mile of the park, was underway when we
heard the news that the City intended to purchase this land from the
county. Because, as we understand it, the deal has not been completed,
and because we want the City Council and Planning Commission to have
· no doubts about the opinion of the majority of people living close to that
.. .
land, we decided to complete the petition, gather it together, and submit
it to you, anyway.
So here it is, to be made a part of the permanent record of the
"35th Street Park".
Finally, we wish it known that there is strong sentiment to participate
with the city in finding solutions to low-cost housing -- in the Dundee
Hill neighborhood as well as other areas of the city.
The petition reads as follows:
Respectfully submitted,
The Dundee Hill Neighborhood