HomeMy WebLinkAbout06282001 Min · · · CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES June 28, 2001 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Larry Harbison called the meeting to order át 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. II. ROLL CALL Other members answering roll were Bernie Arthur and Frank Benskin. Lyn Hersey arrived at 7:20 p.m., and Jerry Spieckerman arrived at 7:35 p.m. Jim Irvin was excused. BCD Staff Jeff Randall was also present. III. ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA There was consensus to accept the agenda. IV. APPRO V AL OF MINUTES Motion to approve the minutes of June 14,2001 was made by Bernie Arthur and seconded by Frank Benskin. All were in favor. V. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - There was none. VI. NEW BUSINESS -- Workshop Draft Cottage Housing Ordinance Mr. Jeff Randall made his presentation stating the ordinance is based on the Langley model. He reported the SEP A review is in process, and the deadline is July 12th. Mr. Randall gave a slide presentation and discussed cottages at the Poulsbo Place. Mr. Jim Soules and Mr. Ross Chapin, developers of the Langley Development, also showed slides and discussed their projects. Considerable discussion followed by the Commission, the developers, BCD Staff Jeff Randall and Rob Sears. Mr. Glenn Norcross, local developer, also Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 June 28, 2001 . . . commented. Mr. Randall noted there was no action required tonight. He reminded that the ordinance is under SEP A review and no action can be taken until the end of that time. VII. UPCOMING MEETINGS July 12,2001 Mr. Randall reported there are several other things coming up and will be presented to the Planning Commission as they are ready. VIII. COMMUNICATIONS - There was none. IX. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Frank Benskin and seconded by Ms. Lyn Hersey. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. ~~ Larry Harbison, Chair ~~ Sheila Avis, Minute Taker Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 June 28, 2001 · · · City of Port Townsend Building and Community Development Waterman-Katz Building 181 Quincy Street, Suite 301A, Port Townsend WA 98368 (360) 379-3208 FAX (360) 385-7675 MEMO TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: Chair Larry Harbison and Members of the Planning Commission Jeff Randall, BCD Director Planning Commission W orkshop- June 28 June 22, 2001 Attached is a draft ordinance that would allow cottage housing developments in Port Townsend. We will discuss this draft ordinance and cottage housing issues in Port Townsend at next Thursday's Planning Commission workshop. I will have slides of the Poulsbo Place Cottage development, illustrations of cottage home site design alternatives, and we will invite local contractors interested in the cottage home concept to attend. Cottage homes will be the only item on the workshop agenda. Dave Peterson was unable to attend the meeting so we will delay the discussion on infill strategies in the residential Tier I zones until our meeting in July. Other workshops on future ordinance amendments will also occur in July (SEP A exemption thresholds for residences, dwelling unit definitions, home occupation ordinance, etc.). If you have any questions or requests for next Thursday's meeting, please call me at 379-5081. Have a great weekend. · · · Draft Cottage Housing Ordinance Page 1 Ordinance No. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF TITLE 17 OF THE PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE, ZONING TO ALLOW COTTAGE HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS THROUGH CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WHEREAS, PTMC Title 17, Zoning, sets forth permitted, conditional, and prohibited uses and height, bulk, and dimensional standards; and WHEREAS, the Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan contains policies which encourage a variety of innovative housing types and site designs including cottage type developments (Housing Element, Policy 4.2); WHEREAS, *, * NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the foregoing FINDINGS, and based upon the record before the Port Townsend Planning Commission and City Council, the City Council hereby ordains as follows: SECTION 1. *;* Table 17.16.020 Residential Zoning Districts - Permitted, Conditional and Prohibited Uses X PTMC 17.16.050. Cottage Housing Developments. Section 17.16.050 Cotta2:e Housin2: Developments. The following regulations apply to cottage housing developments (CHDs): A . Density and minimum lot area. 1. In CHDs the permitted density shall be one dwelling unit per 2.857 SF oflot area (14 dwelling units/ 40.000 square feet). 2. The minimum lot area for a CHD shall be 11.428 square feet. 3. On a lot to be used for a CHD. an existing detached single-family residential structure. which may be nonconforming with respect to the standards of this section. shall be permitted to remain. but the extent of the nonconformity may Draft Cottage Housing Ordinance Page 2 not be increased. Such nonconforming dwelling units shall be included in the maximum permitted cottage density. B. Height limit and roof pitch. 1. The height limit permitted for structures in CHDs shall be 18 feet. 2. The ridge of pitched roofs with a minimum slope of six to twelve may extend up to 25 feet. All parts of the roof above eighteen feet shall be pitched. C. Lot coverage and floor area. 1. The maximum lot coverage permitted for all structures in CHD shall not exceed 40%. 2. The maximum first floor or main floor area for an individual principal structure in a CHD shall be as follows: a. For at least 50 percent of the units. the ground floor area may not exceed 650 SF. (need definition of "ground floor area" and "floor area '? b. For no more than 50 percent ofthe units. the ground floor area may be up to 800 SF. 3. The total floor area of each cottage shall not exceed either 1.5 times the area of the main level or 975 square feet. whichever is less. D. Yards. 1. Front yard setback. Shall be an average of 10 feet and at no point shall be less than 5 feet. (is "yard" definition consistent with setbacks in zoning code) 2. Rear yard setback. The minimum rear yard shall be 1 0 feet. 3. Side yard setback. The minimum side yard shall be 5 feet. E. Required open space. 1. A minimum of 400 SF per unit of common open space is required. (need definition of "common open space'? 2. At least 50% of the cottage unit shall abut the common open space. all of the cottage units shall be within 60 feet walking distance of the common open space. and the common open space shall have cottages abutting at least two sides. (need definition of "walking distance'? F. Parking 1. One and one quarter (1.25) spaces per dwelling unit shall be required. 2. Location. Parking shall be on the CHD property. Parking may be-in or under a structure or outside a structure. provided that: Parking is screened from direct street view by one or more street facades by garage doors. or by a fence and landscaping: not be located in the front yard (of anv individual cottage unit): between structures is only allowed when it is located toward the rear of the principal structure and is served by an alley or private driveway: may be located between any structure and the rear lot line of the lot or between any structure and a side lot line which is not a street side lot line. · · Examples: (Insert illustrations) ·