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October 12, 2000
Vice Chair Larry Harbison called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the City
Council Chambers.
Other members answering roll were Jerry Spieckerman, Bernie Arthur, Jim Irvin
and Frank Benskin. Christine Ota and Karen Erickson were excused. Also present were
BCD staff members JeirRandall and John McDonagh.
Appointment of a new Chair for the Planning Commission was questioned and
added to the agenda as New Business Item 3.
All were in favor of accepting the agenda as amended.
Motion to approve the minutes of September 28, 2000 as written and corrected
was made by Mr. Arthur and seconded by Mr. Irvin. All were in favor.
V. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - There was none.
1. Proposed Amendments to PTMC Chapter 2.72 -- Public Hearing
Chair Harbison pointed out this proposed amendment is regarding the structure of
the Historic Preservation Commission. He called for BCD Stair Planner John McDonagh
to make the staff presentation.
Mr. McDonagh reported the proposed ordinance would amend Port Townsend
Municipal Code Chapter 2.72. He noted two previous workshops with the Commission
in June and September and stated the intent of the changes is to qualify the City for
recognition as a Certified Local Government (CLG). He reminded that CLG status
. Establish a local register of historic places. This would allow the Historic
Preservation Committee (HPC) functions to be expanded to accept nominations
and to vote whether to include specific properties that lie outside of both the
special Urban Waternont District and the National Historic District which also
Planning Commission Minutes
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October 12, 2000
extends into uptown. It would basically allow any properties that lie within the
city limits of Port Townsend that met certain criteria based on their architectural
integrity, significance, etc., and allow the City to apply for grants from the State
Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation. Currently those grants are
typically pretty small and are usually limited to educational types of brochures,
repayment costs involved with conducting surveys, etc.
· Extend the special valuation process the City currently has for properties within
the Historic District to those properties that would be listed on the Historic
Mr. McDonagh distributed replacement pages 4 and 6 of the draft ordinance with late
recommendations from City Attorney Watts. He highlighted changes:
· Page 4, Paragraph 5, HPC authority - changed to clearly say the committee
initiates recommendations for listing on the Port Townsend Register of Historic
Places. (This change is in response to Mr. Arthur's question regarding what
happens when HPC makes a nomination - is that final, or is that something that is
ultimately the BCD Director's call? It is a recommendation to BCD just as it is on
any of their other current decisions.)
· Page 6, 2.c., line 4, -- to correct typographical error, "the" is stricken. Also added at
the end ofline 4," ... for the BCD Director's decision on the nomination, ..."
Mr. McDonagh stated although he invited HPC members, none had been able to
attend this meeting, but this is draft ordinance was reviewed by the HPC. The CLG
coordinator from the State Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation has also
reviewed this draft~ she has indicated if this worked out, it would satisfy their criteria for
granting CLG status to Port Townsend.
Chair Harbison asked if any Commission members wished further review.
Questions trom Planning Commission:
Mr. Spieckerman: You have removed the word "maintained." Who now maintains the list?
Mr. McDonagh: It would be BCD -- the HPC via the Building and Community
Development Department. We could modify that paragraph 5 a little further to make
Mr. Spieckerman: The previous writing said it would be the Historic Preservation
Committee that would maintain the list. So what do you do with "maintain"?
Mr. McDonagh: It would be BCD. Maybe some additional clarification in that
paragraph would be good -- " . . . the official register shall be . . . "
Mr. Harbison: So it would not be the committee?
Mr. McDonagh: Really anything HPC does and maintains anyway is in effect.
Mr. Harbison: If this refers to the Historic Preservation Committee, in essence we are
talking about that responsibility in the end lying with BCD.
Mr. Spieckerman: Does that seem necessary to be included there?
Mr. McDonagh: It is something of a minor point.
Mr. Spieckerman: Is there wording now of who maintains it?
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Mr. Randall: We don't have one. We could simply add a sentence at the end of the
paragraph saying, "The list shall be maintained by BCD."
Mr. Spieckerman thought it would probably be worthwhile to clarify who is the holder of
the list.
Mr. Randall: The HPC, much like yours, acts as a committee. It is rather difficult for a
committee to maintain the list.
Mr. Irvin: Would it be more appropriate to put that under the register of historic places,
2.72.65 on Page 5?
Mr. Harbison: Or is it related to the structure of the committee that needs to be referred
Mr. Randall: That may not be a big issue for HPC, but it might be an issue for CLG
status, that the city is clearly going to maintain those records.
Mr. McDonagh suggested adding to Page 4, second line of#5 -" . . .This official register
shall be maintained by BCD and compiled of buildings, . . . "
Mr. Spieckerman: The only thing I would have against that is that this section is talking
about the authority of the HPC. I would suggest that line be added under Section
2.72.65 as paragraph 5, bottom of Page 6, and simply list it there as one line saying,
"This list shall be maintained by BCD." Essentially that paragraph is discussing
register of historic places and is essentially the list there.
Mr. McDonagh suggested adding a new Section 5 to 2.72.65, Register of Historic Places,
saying, "The list of properties on the local Register of Historic Places shall be
maintained by BCD."
Public Testimony:
At 7: 17 p.m. Chair Harbison called for Public Testimony. There was no public
testimony~ Chair Harbison closed public testimony and asked for Commission discussion.
Commission Discussion:
Mr. Arthur: We had talked about dispute resolution.
Mr. McDonagh: HPC recommendations, as changes have indicated, go to the BCD
Director for his final approval. BCD Director's Type IA decisions on HPC
recommendations may be appealed to the Hearings Examiner.
Mr. Arthur: So we don't need anything in here. There is a structure.
. 2.72.65, Register of Historic Places, adding a new Section 5 saying, "The list of
properties on the local Register of Historic Places shall be maintained by BCD."
. Ordinance Title changed to read " . . . State Office of Archeology . . ."
Mr. Spieckerman
Send the ordinance to City Council as amended this
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October 12,2000
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Mr. Arthur
Passed unanimously, 5 in favor
Mr. McDonagh reported there has been discussion the federal Department of
Interior proposed in its budget and it just passed Congress to have a substantially greater
sum of money that would trickle down to state governments for their CLG programs. It
looks like they are going to have more monies for capital projects or larger projects than
just simple brochures and educational types of grants.
2. Workshop on amendments to:
a. PTMC 17.78, Wireless Facilities
Mr. McDonagh introduced Mr. Ned Schuman, a local businessman and owner of
OL YMPUSNET, and he said a lot of these changes have actually come about with
suggestions trom Mr. Schuman who served on the Wireless Facilities subcommittee and
was very involved when the city was working on drafting its ordinance.
Mr. McDonagh stated the purpose of the changes is to help deal with the wireless
technology which is changing very rapidly and new technology which is emerging.
He spoke of impacts and outlined changes needed to the Port Townsend Wireless Facility
ordinance by this changing and emerging technology.
Mr. Schuman showed a sample of the very small antennas, approximately 16
inches square, that would make wireless internet, fax, modem and data services available
at your home. Mr. McDonagh explained that if the City makes these exempt from our
Wireless Facilities code, it is going to be exempt trom SEP A review. He said that
someone could go to a provider, sign up and follow the instruction manual on how to
mount this antenna under the eave of their roof and point it in the proper direction to
receive this service. Most antennas, microcells, on the horizon of this type of service fall
well within the size definitions spelled out in the WACs. They cover a wide range of
services, beyond just the type service OL YMPUSNET may expand into.
Mr. McDonagh turned the workshop over to Mr. Schuman who distributed copies
of his comments and made his presentation. Mr. Nick Worden who also served on the
committee was present and joined in the discussion following the presentation.
It was noted, Mr. Worden and Mr. John Watson, also of the committee, reviewed
the draft changes. Mr. McDonagh indicated this is being put out for Commission
information~ BCD will be refining it and bringing it back around the end of year.
Chair Harbison requested Commission members to contact BCD of any
comments they have in reading through the material. Mr. McDonagh and Mr. Randall
PTMC 18, Land Division
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McDonagh stated the proposed changes regarding phased development more or
less mirror those in Clark County.
Mr. Randall spoke to the issues of time limitation on final plat submittals and time
extensions. He spoke of two PUD's which would very soon be affected by impacts of the
current time limitations, Lynsfield and Hamilton Heights.
During discussion that followed, Mr. Arthur stated that developers in Port
Townsend don't have unlimited resources and without extended time limits, you
sometimes put development in the hands of large developers who can put it into the
existing time frames. He suggested if it is not flexible enough for small developers to
develop, they might end up just infilling vacant lots.
Mr. McDonagh spoke of the need to act quickly to effect the proposed changes.
c. Expansion of a public utility located in the C- III zone.
Mr. Randall stated u.s. WEST, now QWEST, has requested expansion of their
uptown building located in a C-III zoning district. He said nothing in the zoning code fits
their use.
Impacts of the current zoning and rezoning were discussed.
3. Appointment of a new Chair for the Planning Commission
Vice Chair Harbison said it was requested that consideration be given to election
of a new Chairperson for the Commission, in granting the wishes of current Chair Karen
Erickson to step down.
It was determined it is appropriate to conduct an election of officers, but since Ms.
Ota is not present it was felt to withhold an election for a time when the full Commission
would be available.
October 26, 2000 - Possibly cancelled
Mr. Randall introduced Jean Walat, new BCD Staff Planner. Ms. Walat comes to
Port Townsend from New Jersey.
Chair Harbison again reminded Commissioners to contact BCD with any
suggested changes to the proposed amendments considered at this meeting.
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Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Spieckerman and seconded by
Mr. Irvin. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Larry Harbison, Vice Chair
Sheila Avis, Minute Taker
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October 12, 2000
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