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Council Chambers, 7:00 PM
Workshop Meeting
I. Call to Order
II. Introduction of new Planning Commission Member: Christine Ota
III. Roll Call
IV. Acceptance of Agenda
V. Approval of Minutes: January 14, 1999
VI. Reports of Committees (not related to applications under consideration)
. VII. Unfinished Business
VIII. New Business
Change in Government (Stan McNutt, City Manager)
IX. Other Business
Next Scheduled Meetings
March 25, 1999
April 8, 1999
April 29, 1999
X. Communications
XI. Adjournment
March 11, 1999
Workshop Meeting
March 11, 1999
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall by Chair Cindy
II. Introduction of new Planning Commission Member: Christine Ota
Chair Thayer introduced Christine Ota, new Planning Commission member.
III. Roll Call
Members in attendance were Chair Cindy Thayer, Karen Erickson, Lois Sherwood, Nik Worden,
Larry Harbison, Len Mandelbaum and Christine Ota. Staff members present were City Manager
Stan McNutt and Judy Surber.
Acceptance of Agenda
Motion to approve the agenda as written was made by Ms. Erickson and seconded by Mr.
Mandelbaum. All were in favor.
V. Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes of January 14, 1999 as written and amended was made by Ms.
Sherwood and seconded by Mr. Mandelbaum. All were in favor.
VI. Reports of Committees (not related to applications under consideration)
There were none.
VII. Unfinished Business
A Ms. Surber gave a reminder of the AP A Conference, April 24 - 28, Seattle.
Planning Commission MÌnutes
March 1 I, 1999
Page 2
VIII. New Business
A Change in Government (Stan McNutt, City Manager)
Mr. McNutt reported that wìth the recent change to Councìl-Manager system there wìIl
be virtually no change for the Plannìng Commission, wìth the exception the Council Rules being
reworked provide for better communication and a liaison to the Planning Commission. He
pointed out it does not change how the Planning Commission works, but changes the capability
of communicating wìth the City Councìl to provide better understanding.
Mr. McNutt said this is one commission where there is no ordinance change necessary
and asked if there was anything the Planning Commission wìshed to have changed. Chair
Thayer asked regarding the liaison appointed to the Planning Commission. Discussion is to
Mr. McNutt suggested that in years ahead, though there is nothing really pressing, the
Planning Commission might want to evaluate wìth BCD and others, the process of
comprehensive planning, etc., and the role of quasi-judicial hearings that could be done by the
Hearings Examiner. He said there are some things being referred to the Planning Commission
that a Hearings Examiner would normally do. Ms. Surber enumerated Type ill, conditional use
permits, full sub-divisions, planned unit developments, etc. that could go to a Hearings
Examiner. Mr. McNutt again pointed out there is nothing critical now, but if it becomes
burdensome it is something to consider, especìally if there is a potential of having to serve as a
body that prepares, then serves as jury. Things that could result in law suites, the Hearings
Examiner process is often easier to defend because you don't get into as much conflict of
Chair Thayer asked if those types of conditions go to a Hearings Examiner, then basically
is the role of the Planning Commission only comprehensive planning? Mr. McNutt suggested
that ordinances, and things relating to land use are big issues. Ms. Surber pointed out there is no
longer a Land Use Committee, and now those issues wìIl come before the Planning Commission.
Mr. McNutt said his experience has been that land use issues always started wìth the Planning
Commission; that is why they are commissioned by law.
Mr. McNutt discussed the draft and said this is all being done on a test basis.
4.2 ". . . Communications, from such boards, commissions and bodies to the City Councìl
shall be acknowledged by the Council and receipt noted in the minutes. . . ." Mr. McNutt
said even informal communications, if you see the need for an ordinance change that you
only suggest, and it is put in your minutes, that gets read and the entire communication is
Planning Commission Minutes
March 1 I, 1999
Page 3
noted in the minutes so there is a record that the City Council has received the
4.1(b) Mr. McNutt stated the Planning Commission is statutory. He noted the citizen's task
force groups and went on to state the liaison role is the assignment of a member of the
Council to boards and commissions with the purpose to occasionally attend when it is
appropriate, not participate in any way, but as a communications matter between Councìl
and the board or commission.
Chair Thayer asked how Planning Commission vacancies are filled. Mr. McNutt replied
that policy recommending bodies are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by Council.
VI. Other Business
A Chair Thayer reported three Planning Commission Members attended a recent
Planning Conference.
B. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Process
Ms. Surber pointed out 20.04 states the Planning Commission should be reviewing the
revision that might be required on an annual basis and that the suggested revisions by done by
mid-April. She said the GMA has since been revised to say you can review annually, but you are
only required to every 5 years and said Mr. McMahan is planning to discuss the benefits of
putting certain labor intensive items off to 5-year increments. Mr. McMahan proposes having an
ordinance that will set out criteria. Ms. Surber said at present the annual review is still in effect
and formal applications have to go forward. No formal applications have been received; they
are due by May 1. There are some suggestions that will probably need to be considered.
C. Next Scheduled Meetings
March 25, 1999 (Waterman-Katz Building, 3rd floor)
April 8, 1999 (City Hall) -- Comprehensive Plan
April 29, 1999 (City Hall)
X. Communications
Current Mail -- there was none.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 1 I, 1999
Page 4
XI. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Mandelbaum and seconded by Mr. Worden.
All were in favor. The meeting adjourned 8: 10 p.m.
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Sheila Avis, Minute Taker
Cindy fhayer, Chair