HomeMy WebLinkAbout04301998 Min Ag . . CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AMENDED PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Pope Marine Park Building, 7:00 PM Business Meeting I. ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 12, 1998 III. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail IV. INTRODUCTION OF NIK WORDEN (Mayor's appointment to the Planning Commission) V. OLD BUSINESS VI. NEW BUSINESS April 30, 1998 A. James Rogers (LUP98-17) Third Amendment to the Rosewind Planned Unit Development Agreement 1. Staff Report (Jeff Randall) 2. Commission Discussion and Conclusions VII. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings May 14, 1998 James Duncan Subdivision (open-record public hearing) (Erickson/Johnson) Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Workshop May 28, 1998 Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Open-Record Public Hearing June 11, 1998 June 25, 1998 . VIII. ADJOURN . . . CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Pope Marine Park Building, 7:00 PM Business Meeting April 30, 1998 I. ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 12, 1998 III. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail IV. OLD BUSINESS V. NEW BUSINESS A. James Rogers (LUP98-17) Third Amendment to the Rosewind Planned Unit Development Agreement 1. 2. Staff Report (Jeff Randall) Commission Discussion and Conclusions VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings May 14, 1998 James Duncan Subdivision (open-record public hearing) (Erickson/Johnson) May 28, 1998 VII. ADJOURN > yi ~ . . . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Business Meeting April 30, 1998 I. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Pope Marine Park Building by Chair Pro Tern Lisa Enarson. Other members in attendance were Karen Erickson, and John Boles; Cindy Thayer arrived at 7:18 p.m. Craig Johnson was excused, and Lois Sherwood unexcused. Jeff Randall, staff member, was present. Ms. Thayer asked that Ms. Enarson continue the meeting as Chair Pro Tern. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion to approve the minutes of March 12, 1998 as written and amended was made by Mr. Boles and seconded by Ms. Erickson. All were in favor. III. COMMUNICATIONS: Current Mail There was none. Mr. Randall introduced Mr. Nik Worden, appointee to the Planning Commission who has not yet been confirmed by the City Council. Mr. Worden commented briefly. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Chair Enarson said Mr. Boles had indicated it is his understanding that the comment period for the annual update of the Comprehensive Plan is closed, but he wanted it noted that he has concern regarding having some municipal code covering telecommunications. Mr. Boles said Mr. Randall had since given an update, that City Council is looking at design standards that would apply to the entire city and not just the Historic District. B. Mr. Boles thanked those responsible for the transmittal to City Council from the Planning Commission of the Non-Motorized Plan, that he felt it was balanced and fair. V. NEW BUSINESS A. James Rogers (LUP98-17) Third Amendment to the Rosewind Planned Unit Development Agreement . . . Planning Commission Minutes April 30, 1998 Page 2 I. Staff Report (Jeff Randall) Mr. Randali said this amendment request is from James Rogers, owner and builder of a home under construction on Lot 3. He said the original PlJD for Rosewind specified an automatic sprinkler system would be required in home construction on Lot 3, because an emergency vehicìe turnaround was not going to be provided on 33rd Street where it intersects the Pettygrove right-of-way. Originally, the driveway and the distance of the home from the nearest city street with a vehicìe turnaround did not meet uniform fire code standards. The city fire department recommended an alternative would be to have an automatic sprinkler system as an option to bring that construction up to the fire code. Rosewind Co-Housing also proposed that option and it was incorporated into the PUDA. Since the Rosewind PUu was recorded, the city adopted the engineering design standards. The new standards contained a different specification of 260 feet for the distance of the home from the nearest street with an emergency vehicìe turnaround, and neither the street extension nor the fire sprinkler system are now required. Acting Fire Marshall, Tom Aumock, indicates he does not object to waiving the fire sprinkler standard and supports this amendment. If this amendment is not substantial, it goes to City Council without a public hearing. 2. Commission Discussion and Concìusions MOTION Boies Find that this amendment is not substantiai and the Pianning Commission deUberate on it. SECOND VOTE Thayer 4 in favor by voice vote For the record, Mr. Boies said he had alerted Mr. Randall earlier that he was going to raise the question of being unable to see why Mr. Rogers did not meet the standards in the first place. He said it was uncìear to him if Mr. Rogers should have been charged the fee and should have had to submit this the second time. Mr. Boles referenced Mr. Aumock' letter of February 24, 1998, and quoted from Mr. Rogers' March 26, 1998 letter, "The house being constructed on Lot #3 is about 120 feet from the nearest fire apparatus turnaround." Mr. Randall asked Mr. Rogers if the 120 foot reference in his letter is to Kuhn Street, which Mr. Rogers attlrmed. Mr. Randall explained what he considered to be the Fire Department's original position. Mr. Boles asked the applicant, Mr. Rogers, ifhe agreed with the explanation of the requirement, and if he indeed had a problem the first time. Mr. Rogers indicated he didn't know if the first time they really needed to put in the fire sprinkler system, but they condescended. Mr. Randali and Mr. Boles discussed the measurements used. . . . " Planning Commission Minutes April 30, 1998 Page 3 Chair Enarson opened the hearing to the public: Jim Rogers, 1234 Franklin, Applicant Swore and affirmed that the testimony he was about to give was true, to the best of his knowledge. Mr. Rogers said they were in the construction phase when he started questioning having to have a sprinkler system in his house which he did not want to have. He said he discussed the matter with Tom Aumock and Dave Peterson of BCD who said the requirements had changed. He spoke of it being very easy to get a fire truck right to his front door, and welcomed the opportunity to make this change. There being no other public testimony, Chair Enarson closed the hearing to the public and opened the meeting for Commission discussion. Thayer: Boles: Randall: Boles: Randall: Boles: Randall: Boles: Randall: Thayer: When this first came about there were a lot of unknowns. She said she feels the Fire Department knows best, and recommended approval of the amendment. Draft Findings of Fact, paragraph 4: "Lot 3 is approximately 125 feet from the nearest city street with emergency vehicle access." If that is true, then he did not violate the condition of the 150 feet, and certainly meets the 250 feet. Will discuss with Mr. Aumock to more clearly state the old rule of why it applied then and the new rule of why it does not apply now. Third Amendment draft, the last WHEREAS, 3(ii) -- is it correct that it was Pettygrove initially? When Rosewind was being developed, he believed the Fire Department gave the option to either develop pettygrove or 33rd with only a driveway and a turnaround, or something like a sprinkler system. They chose the sprinkler system and did not develop Pettygrove at all. Is his house the only one that is affected? His house is the only one with a requirement such as this; there are no other lots that have a requirement of a sprinkler system. And the turnaround that is not going to be done is not going to impact anyone else? His house is the furthest distance rrom a nearby street. All the other houses were acceptable to the Fire Department and to be built as conventional homes without special equipment. If the applicant is not at fault, the applicant shouldn't have to pay. Typographical errors were pointed out in both the Draft Findings of Fact and Draft Third Amendment. >Þ " . . . ~ Planning Commission Minutes April 29, 1998 Page 4 MOTION Thayer Recommend approval of the Third Amendment to the Rosewind Property Use and Development Agreement (PUDA); Affecting Lot 3 Only - with Finding of Fact 4 being changed after discussion with Mr. Aumock SECOND VOTE Boles 4 in favor; 0 opposed by roll call vote VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings May 14. 1998 James Duncan Subdivision (open-record public hearing) (Erickson/Johnson) -- Erickson to be absent Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Workshop May 28. 1998 Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Open-Record Public Hearing (Staffto get materials to the Planning Commission ASAP.) June I L 1998 Planning Commission Rules and Procedures - tentative workshop. (McMahan's presence not required.) June 25. 1998 VII. ADJOURN Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ms. Thayer and seconded by Ms. Erickson. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned 8:50 p.m. ~~~ Lisa Enarson, Chair Pro Tem ~tûM Sheila Avis, Minute Taker