HomeMy WebLinkAbout08271998 Min Ag CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Council Chambers, 7:00 PM . Workshop Meeting I. ROLL CALL August 27, 1998 II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 11, 1998 III. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Planning Commission Rules of Procedures 1. Formal Action B. 1998 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 1. Staff Presentation (Bruce Freeland) 2. Commission Discussion V. NEW BUSINESS A. Schedule Special Meetings for the following dates: 1. September 17, 1998 , Open-Record Public Hearings a. Kimm & Larry Fay, Variance b. Ron Pak, Shorelines Conditional Use Permit for Tides Inn Motel . 2. October 1, 1998, Workshop Meeting a. Parks & Recreational Plan 3. October 15, 1998, Comprehensive Plan Amendments a. Recommendations to City Council VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings September 24, 1998 October 1, 1998 October 8 r 1998 October 15, 1998 October 29, 1998 Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Workshop Kimm & Larry Fay, Variance Application LUP98-47 (Erickson/Johnson) Ron Pak (Tides Inn), Shorelines CUP LUP9211-03 (Boles/Sherwood) Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Workshop Parks & Recreational Plan, Workshop 1998 Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Public Hearing Finalize Comp Plan Amendment Recommendations to CC Parks & Recreational Plan, Public Hearing September 10, 1998 September 17, 1998 . VII. EXECUTIVE SESSION VIII. ADJOURN Copied to PCOMM ?3! /}..D 19 B ~ ~ ;. . . . k, ., , CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Workshop Meeting August 27, 1998 I. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall by Chair Cindy Thayer. Other members in attendance were John Boles, Craig Johnson and Nik Worden. Karen Erickson was excused and Lois Sherwood unexcused. Staff members present were Bruce Freeland and City Attorney Tim McMahan. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion to approve the minutes of June 11, 1998 as written was made by John Boles and seconded by Craig Johnson. All were in favor. III. COMMUNICATIONS: Current Mail ~ Copy of Ms. Lisa Enarson's letter of resignation as Planning Commissioner, dated August 18, 1998 addressed to Mayor McCulloch. Chair Thayer spoke of the need for all Planning Commissioners to be present for the upcoming meetings. ~ City Council minutes. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. PlanniDP Çpmmission Rules of Procedures Discussion with the following amendments: Suggested amendments: Page 2 Para 3.2 Mr. Boles: If there is no other business, do they have to meet? Suggested -- change to "once each year in November." Mr. Freeland: The intention is to be a tickler file. CONSENSUS: Leave unchanged Page 3 Quorum Mr. Boles: Change minority to majority. Page 4 Para 12.2 Mr. Boles: Strike agenda items in the last line and change to read "no new business will be taken up . . ." CONSENSUS: Change to "no new business" Page 5 Para 12.5 Mr. Boles: First line change "In the event to. . ." to read "In the event of. . ." Add to "persons in attendance at a public hearing. . ." "( including Planning Commission members)" Copied to Council /c!xQ!91 5S \. .~y' · · · .-.. . Planning Commission Minutes August 27, 1998 Page 2 Page 6 Mr. Boles: Requested brief discussion -- Planner prepare a report, disagreeing with the Planning Commission. Mr. Freeland: important to have in there -- Actions are sometimes in contradiction to public law, etc. Para 13.3 Planning Commission Public Hearings Procedures Page 4 Para 2.13 Mr. Boles: quasi judicial -- change to "Once the public testimony portion of the hearing. . ." (Two places) CONSENSUS: Change to "public testimony portion of public hearing" (two places) Page 6 Para 2.20 Mr. McMahan -- clarify for public testimony of the public hearing. Important to reopen. Page 7 Top of page Mr. Boles: "(written materials received by the Planning Commission)" presumably means subsequent to the decision. Does this need clarification? 1. Formal Action MOTION Mr. Boles Approve Planning Commission Rules of Procedure and Procedures for Quasi-Judicial Public Hearings as amended and forward to City Council for adoption. SECOND VOTE Mr. Worden Unanimous - 4 in favor by roll call vote B. 1998 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 1. Staff Presentation (Bruce Freeland) Mr. Freeland discussed the schedule for this meeting. (See August 14. 1998 letter to the Planning Commission regarding the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update - Organizin~ 'Uie process. August 27, 1998 Workshop: ~ Set (Approve) Schedule Mr. Freeland pointed out the need to set the schedule for forthcoming regularly scheduled meetings and also special meetings. Suggested purpose: September 10th workshop - Get enough direction for draft language. Review major I .; · · · . . Planning Commission Minutes August 27, 1998 Page 3 policy proposals needing zoning changes to back up policy changes, e.g., CIIIMU-II zoning district; Greenway, Agriculture, etc. Consider legislative information only. Discussion by a panel potentially including: Mr. Eric Toews who helped craft the Comprehensive Plan; a successful developer ofCIIIMU (Winslow-Greens Project); a North Sound Bank representative; and a local buildey who passed up on CIIIMU. Discussion: Panel might take too much time. Perhaps bring in Eric Toews and an alternative voice. Mr. Boles asked about Home Occupations (previous zoning --live in or not). Mr. Freeland responded he sees this as the next step up the ladder. September 24th Workshop -- Consider draft language; look at site specific recommendations ~ Review Draft Plan Text for Minor Amendments Simple policy changes. (Legislative) Initial Review of Site-Specific Proposals (Project Description; Approval Criteria; Review documentation from applicants) Quasi judicial -- need changes to zoning Initial review -- (no debate tonight) Introducing for information: need SEPA, etc. SEP A Documentation (Environmental Checklist -- FYI; no action needed by Planning Commission) ~ ~ 2. Commission Discussion ~ Set (Approve) Schedule Chair Thayer asked if the Parks & Recreational Plan needs to be dealt with now, and if only one workshop would be sufficient to discuss the Plan. Mr. Steve Hayden responded to questioning that it was his understanding the Parks & Recreational Plan was to be ready for the Parks Commission the first Wednesday in September. Consensus: If Commissioners have received a draft Parks & Recreational Plan by September 21st, make the decision at the September 24th meeting regarding holding the October 1st Parks & Recreational Plan Workshop. Mr. Freeland asked ifthe Comp Plan meeting dates were acceptable. Ms. Thayer replied sbe may be out of town September 24th, but may be able to work around it. Consensus: Comp Plan meeting dates acceptable ~ Review Draft Plan Text for Minor Amendments Mr. Freeland asked if this it the right information, the right language, to take into public hearing? . .. · · · '.' Planning Commission Minutes August 27, 1998 Page 4 Consensus: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Yes, with the following recommendations: Seattle to Port Townsend Passen~er Ferry -- O.K. Transit Connection to Passenger Ferry -- O.K. Seattle Ferry, last line -- Mr. Boles: add "ferry" to read ". . . Port Townsend to Seattle ferry service. . . ." Proposed text for proposals: Page VI-8, Transportation Element Para 1 -- Mr. Worden: wording contradictory. Mr. Freeland will rework. Para 3 -- Mr. Worden: add "vehicle" to read ". . . direct vehicle ferry. . ." in last line. (Mr. Freeland: thinks #1 is a passenger only ferry, and #3 a vehicle ferry.) Finding -- Mr. Worden: reference other Comp Plan notations. Port's Transportation Role -- O.K. Shoreline Clarification -- O.K. MII(A) Height Limit - O.K. Maritime Center Proposed Text: Page VIII-4, Economic Development Element Policy 3.7 -- Mr. Boles: change to "a" Northwest Maritime Center. Finding -- Mr. Worden: reference goals and policies in findings. Mr. Freeland: will be in an ordinance. Mr. Boles requested a shake out for Commission use. Endangered Species Para 1, line 4 -- Mr. Boles: change to ". . . sensitive marine habitat. . ." Para 2, clause beginning in line 3 -- Mr. Boles: change wording. Mr. Freeland: Agree -- not absolute. Para 4, last 2 lines -- Mr. Boles: make capitals uniform. (sewer, water, Stormwater) Findings -- Mr. Worden: Wording needs change. Mr. Freeland to rework. Request by Barbara and Michael Anderson (Street Utility Fund) -- Para e (ii) block 2 -- Mr. Worden: Too specific. Mr. Freeland to generalize. Pare e (ii) block 3 -- Mr. Worden: Change wording, i.e. "Consider whether to exempt. . ." Mr. Freeland to rework. ~ Initial Review of Site-Specific Proposals (Project Description; Approval Criteria; Review documentation from applicants) 1. LUP98-07 Harper Application -- M-I manufacturing zone prior to 1996; zoning eliminated in the Comp Plan. Went from a manufacturing designation to a f ,. · · · . . Planning Commission Minutes August 27, 1998 Page 5 2. marine designation. Request cn zone to be consistent with existing uses. Q Mr. Worden: Is all of the land to the east of Benedict Street zoned CII already and chosen as the boundary between marine related and the CII zone? Mr. Freeland: Yes. Mr. Worden: So the property across Jefferson Street is within the marine related business zone? Mr. Freeland: Yes; across Benedict Street, the R & D Nursery is in the CII zone. Q Mr. Worden: This is within 200 feet of the shoreline management zone? Mr. Freeland: No it is not within 200 feet. Q Mr. Boles: Page 10, para E, Port ownership - Are there limitations in what the Port can do with the property they own~ is that something that we should have? LUP98-16 Evans Application -- This complicated zoning does not presently conform to the parcel boundaries. A zoning change would clear the discrepancy between the Gateway Plan and the zoning map and would end the forested buffer where the Gateway Plan designates. Mr. McMahan distributed Resolution 97-111 approving a real estate exchange agreement regarding the Roger Evans property should the change in zoning be agreed to. Mr. McMahan noted details could be discussed in Executive Session at the conclusion of the meeting if desired. Q Mr. Boles: Would like to know what rights-of-way exist and potential of losing them. Q Mr. Worden: Page 13, para D, "pressure to change other sites" -- is there something to suggest this? Mr. Freeland: The proposal is they would live with this. Q Mr. Boles: Page 12, reference to wetland buffer. Mr. McMahan: That is a different kind of wetland; part of it has been expanded and part of it filled. Mr. Freeland: Basically, the wetland has been relocated -- extensive addition and restoration of the wetland. LUP98-30 PUD -- Land on either side ofthe trail at Kah Tai Lagoon is zoned P/OS. The land proposed for change is designated PI, is next to Kah Tai Lagoon, environmentally very sensitive -- a large portion is wetland, and a large portion a wetland buffer. When the Environmental checklist was put out, BCD received a letter from Friends ofKah Tai and Steve Hayden, referring to that property as part ofKah Tai Park. Mr. Freeland researched and believes the packet information needs to be corrected. There is a 1991 Parks Plan, and this is considered part of the Kah Tai Lagoon Park; furthermore, both PI parcels are under lease to the city to the year 2012. There are major, substantive issues that have not been adequately addressed, but it is the City's belief that land is leased to the City to the year 2012. With the wetland information, this site is heavily constrained and believed to be part of the park at this point in time. 3. · · · '-- .,.-. .. Planning Commission Minutes August 27, 1998 Page 6 4. Q Mr. Worden: Page 14, para C -- 12 lots could be replatted to consolidate. Mr. Freeland: Under Lots of Record review, there is a requirement, if someone owns 9 or more lots that are contiguous, they cannot be certified as pre-existing lots but would have to go through subdivision, unless lots were sold off individually. The issue will have to be addressed. Q Mr. Boles: Both this and the Evans property -- at the time of the Comp Plan and the CIP 2 years ago, the Henniger and Ray traffic study talked about putting Howard Street through and widening Kearney Street. Is there a consistency with this? Mr. Freeland: The Henniger and Ray Study is a back-up document to the 1996 Comp Plan. I will review it. Q Mr. Boles: Page 14, para B -- "It appears that the 1996 Plan incorrectly assumed that public ownership would continue." -- pointed out need in the future to look at joint jurisdiction ownerships, since there are now two that appear to be incorrect. Are there specific provisions for public ownership of land that we need to know about and consider? ("No other governmental agency has plans to acquire the site. ") In the case of federal lands disposal, there is a process that must be followed to determine if there is another jurisdiction that wants it, and to determines how to get it. In the case of the PUD, is there a pecking order for who receives it? LUP98-31 Rite Aid -- Request change from ClI-MU to ClI. Currently the bowling alley is a non-conforming use. There are complications due to pursuing development, as well as Comp Plan change. Because environmental documents talk about the details of the project, you will be seeing more project-specific information. Asked to concentrate on looking at the Comp Plan issues. What is the right land use on this site? Q Ms. Thayer: Asked that when this comes before the Commission again it include a statement about the effects for Planning Commissioners who are absent. Q Mr. Worden: Isn't it true that what we are looking at is the whole ClI-MU zone that extends to Lawrence Street, not just this site? Mr. Freeland: No. That is the other complication for this application. You are also looking at the whole ClI-MU zone, as well as the ClI-MU zone that exists on Discovery Road. You need to look at this on the merits of this site. You might conclude that all of that ClI-MU, really ought to be ClI, but that is a different question. This question is, what is the right land use for this particular property and this particular location; is CII a better designation than any other designation? Q Ms. Thayer: If we decide on the designation of the whole area, this becomes moot. Mr. Boles: Then we are not being asked to piecemeal and only consider the designation for this comer? Mr. Freeland: If you should conclude that all of the CII-MU should be CII, then that is bound to carry over into your reasoning " · · · f . Planning Commission Minutes August 27, 1998 Page 7 about this, but you might conclude something different on the ClI-MU, in which case, you still need to determine which is the correct use for this individual site, ClI or ClI-MU. ~ SEP A Documentation (Environmental Checklist -- FYI; no action needed by Planning Commission) V. NEW BUSINESS A. Schedule Special Meetings for the following dates: 1. September 17, 1998, Open-Record Public Hearings a. Kimm & Larry Fay, Variance (Erickson/Johnson) b. Ron Pak, Shorelines Conditional Use Permit for Tides Inn Motel (Boles/Sherwood) Mr. Johnson noted he has a conflict with the Kimm & Larry Fay variance. He declared he needs to be recused and to have someone else assigned. It was determined to reverse the order of hearings a. and b. Mr. Boles suggested confirming designations beforehand and offered to assist in those contacts. Mr. Worden asked regarding site visits. Mr. McMahan explained that a driveby visit would be appropriate if they had not been on the property, but it should be disclosed. 2. October 1, 1998, Workshop Meeting a. Parks & Recreational Plan Chair Thayer requested having a draft plan well enough in advance to consider for this meeting. It was suggested that perhaps more than one meeting might be required to discuss the Parks & Recreational Plan and cause delay of its public hearing. Status of the October 1 Workshop and October 29 Public Hearing will be presented at a later meeting. 3. October 15, 1998, Comprehensive Plan Amendments a. Recommendations to City Council B. Procedures for the September 10th regularly scheduled meeting. Mr. Freeland noted this meeting would be entirely devoted to legislative issues. He suggested bringing in Mr. Wheeler regarding the Parks Plan; also representatives including a fj -.. · · · ~ '. Planning Commission Minutes August 27, 1998 Page 8 drafter ofthe Comp Plan, Mr. Eric Toews, to discuss issues relating to Comp Plan Mixed Use designations. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings September 10. 1998 September 17. 1998 September 24. 1998 October L 1998 October 8. 1998 October 15. 1998 October 29. 1998 Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Workshop Kimm & Larry Fay, Variance Application LUP98-47 (Erickson/Johnson) Ron Pak (Tides Inn), Shorelines CUP LUP9211-03 Boles/Sherwood) Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Workshop Parks & Recreational Plan, Workshop 1998 Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Public Hearing Finalize Comp Plan Amendment Recommendations to City Council Parks & Recreational Plan, Public Hearing VII. EXECUTIVE SESSION -- Not required. VIII. ADJOURN Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Worden and seconded by Mr. Johnson. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 9: 10 p.m. biJrM t~ Thayer, Chair Sheila Avis, Minute Taker Guest List . Meeting of:.1?kM\ü,rc¡ C"Inrr,íS;'.\Qfi Purpose: Date: 8121·/ qß . '. 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