HomeMy WebLinkAbout10011998 Min Ag . . . CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA (Amended) Council Chambers, 7:00 PM Workshop Meeting October 1, 1998 I. ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 17, 1998 and September 24, 1998 III. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Parks & Recreation Functional Plan (Draft Plan distributed 9/21/98) 1. Staff Presentation (Paula Mackrow) 2. Commission Discussion V. NEW BUSINESS A. Schedule 10/22/98 special meeting for public hearing (LUP98-30) Jefferson County PUD #1, Comprehensive Plan Amendment VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings October 8, 1998 October 15, 1998 October 22, 1998 1998 Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Public Hearing Finalize Comp Plan Amendment Recommendations to CC PUD #1 Compo Plan Amendment, Public Hearing (pope Marine Park Building) Parks & Recreation Functional Plan, Public Hearing October 29, 1998 VII. ADJOURN . . . CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Council Chambers, 7:00 PM Workshop Meeting October 1, 1998 I. ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 17, 1998 and September 24, 1998 III. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Parks & Recreation Functional Plan (Draft Plan distributed 9/21/98) 1. Staff Presentation (Paula Mackrow) 2. Commission Discussion V. NEW BUSINESS VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings October 8, 1998 October 15, 1998 October 29, 1998 1998 Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Public Hearing Finalize Comp Plan Amendment Recommendations to CC Parks & Recreation Functional Plan, Public Hearing VII. ADJOURN . . . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Workshop Meeting October 1, 1998 I. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.l11. in the Council Chambers of City Hall by Chair Cindy Thayer. Other members in attendance were Karen Erickson, Lois Sherwood, Craig Johnson and Nik Worden. John Boles was excused. Staff members present were Paula Mackrow, Bob Wheeler, Tim McMahan and Bruce Freeland. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chair Thayer indicated they had just tonight received the minutes from September 17 and September 24, 1998 and had not had opportunity to read them. She recommended postponing approval until the next meeting. MOTION Postpone approval of minutes for September 17 and September 24, 1998 to the meeting of October 8, 1998 Mr. Worden SECOND VOTE Ms. Sherwood Unanimous - 5 in favor Mr. Freeland noted City Council would need the September 17th minutes that include the Tides Inn and Fay variance for their consideration, and he suggested forwarding the minutes from September 17th as draft minutes. MOTION Ms. Sherwood Forward to City Council the September 17th minutes marked "draft" SECOND VOTE Ms. Erickson Unanimous -- 5 in favor III. COMMUNICATIONS: Current Mail Packet for next week. IV. OLD BUSINESS Chair Thayer stated she had requested Ms. Mackrow to give an elementary staff presentation since they had previously presented the material. She indicated the purpose of this workshop is to go through the Plan in preparation for the hearing, and reminded that since this is a workshop they would not be taking any public testimony at this meeting. . . . Planning Commission Minutes October 1, 1998 Page 2 A. Parks & Recreation Functional Plan 1. Staff Presentation (Paula Mackrow) Ms. Mackrow said they had worked with comments from the attorney, Park & Recreation Commission, and the Planning Commission for this new version. She discussed changes from the previous presentation pointing out that Goals and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan are in the introductory chapter, stating that the purpose of the Functional Plan is to implement the Comprehensive Plan. She outlined things that had not been addressed, but said that in some way or other they addressed most of the Park and Recreation and Open Space Goals in the Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Mackrow outlined changes from the Comprehensive Plan: ~ Level of Service (LOS) of7.6 acres per person; recommended as adequate for the future. ~ Impact of additional property acquired by the City since the 1994 inventory. ~ Refined map. ~ Analysis on LOS for multi-family and commercial open space. Recommended criteria be developed to allow future development required through SEP A. Ms. Erickson asked about the comparison of the commercial district to the Port Townsend Industrial Park and the size requirements for pocket parks. Ms. Mackrow said they feel criteria needs to be addressed in another venue, through the ordinance process. Mr. Wheeler said their recommendation is to develop that criteria. Ms. Mackrow said they also wanted to stress how these types of facilities tie in with the Stormwater Plan to become landscaped areas in larger developments. 2. Commission Discussion Chair Thayer asked how to proceed. CONSENSUS: Go through the whole Plan, page-by-page. Pai,{es chanKed: I - Introduction 1-8 para 3 Change to ". . . Olympic Mountains, Cascade Mountains and marine vistas. . ." 1-9 para 2 "pedestrian oriented" changed to "The City is oriented towards developing a system of trails, and bikeways." Mackrow suggested they leave something about walk and exercise. 1-19 RewritelRemove Sentence 2. . . . Planning Commission Minutes October 1, 1998 Page 3 n - Parks Park history Ms. Thayer noted extensive history for some, less for others, and she suggested changes: Golden Age Club: What use. Mr. Welch has information. Skateboard area: When started (1994). Adams Street Park: No longer a gravel lot -- has been landscaped. Union Wharf: When Union Wharf fell in 1981, -- no longer used. Bell Tower: Built in 1890, and original use. Rota¡y Park: (Mr. Wheeler to see who maintains.) Gateway (Triangle Mini-Park II): Add -- private donations that originally helped purchase the park. Master Gardener's Dahlia Demonstration Garden (Triangle Mini-park I): Started in 1989 by private individuals and volunteers from the master garden. Kah Tai Lagoon Nature Park: (Clarify what Master Plan is; "the Master Plan recommends. . .") II-8 para 4 Change to "The master plan recommends. . ." para 5 The Jefferson Transit Authority constructed a "park and Ride" facility in (1995). Mr. Wheeler will check for accuracy. LaII:y Scott Memorial Trail: Change to, "A section of abandoned railway grade has been converted. . ." Numbering -- Keyed with maps. Will renumber and reference map numbers. Port Townsend Community Center: Was formerly the high school. Fort Worden State Park Conference Center, para 3: "The Olympic Rhododendron Society demonstration garden planted in 1989 . . ." Seal Bench at Pope Marine Park: Change to: "Created by artist Mike Ryan of Port Hadlock, the sculpture, carved from a driftwood log, rests at the edge of Port Townsend Bay in Pope Marine Park." Renumber map to II-19 Last sentence. "... Parks Department, placing increased pressure. . ." (Also typo in line 5 -- usd.) m - Recreation & Pool ill-4 Typo Line 5, "community=s) ill-18 Ms. Mackrow said the calculations are all 1997 figures, and are therefore not accurate. IV - Open Space Plan Title Ms. Erickson questioned why the Functional Plan is not entitled, "Parks, Recreation and Open Space?" Due to many references, Ms. Thayer suggested changing to Parks and Recreation (including Open Space) Functional Plan. para 2 -- Rewrite sentence 2. II-9 II-13 II-15 II-17 II-22 IV-5 . . . Planning Commission Minutes October 1, 1998 Page 4 IV-ll para 3 -- Ms. Mackrow to clarify "Requiring dedicated. . . "CONSENSUS: Remove last sentence. IV-13 Froggy Bottoms: Remove last sentence. IV -16 Change to, "Private Open Spaces" V - Description of the Process - No changes VI- Recommendationsl Action Plan VI-12 Last para, last sentence. Eliminate final word "and" to end sentence with "development. " 12. Priorities for Park Acquisition -- first bullet. Correct typo: Secure the ntegrity. 15. Guidelines for City Park Development -- bullet two. Delete "has" to read, "The Park includes. . ." VI-14 VI-15 MAPS VI-ll VI-21 Define circles -- green and purple; trails. Elmira -- Inventory says not planned for development. Ms. Thayer stated that park is at the end of a city-owned street that is used by lots of kids, but the city makes the property owners maintain it; recommended resolving. Mr. Wheeler suggested removing entirely. Map of Proposed Capital Facilities Plan for Neighborhood Parks, and accompanying text -- how adoption of this Plan fits in with the Comprehensive Plan: Mr. Freeland said anything coming out of this Plan that needs to be on the Comprehensive Plan needs to go into next year's Comp Plan update cycle. He said the CIP Capital Facilities Plan is meant to be an ongoing document that is periodically updated in the Plan; they really should be beginning that cycle, it is now a couple of years old, but they are not planning to do it until about year 2000. Mr. Wheeler also related it to the LOS. Kah Tai Lagoon inholdings: arrow should be pointing to the purple. Memorial Field: Remove from map CFP 8. Acquire Kah Tai inholding parcels -- rewrite. CFP 18. Street end beach access improvements - research and rewrite. Correct typo -- RECREA nON CAPITAL FACILITIES "RECOMEDA nONS" 0-1 -- Rewrite to Comp Plan definition. 0-8 -- Correct typo to read: ". . .open Open Space" VI-26 VI-27 VI-31 VI-33 VI-35 Chair Thayer asked if there is enough to go forward. It was determined they would come back with lines in and lines out. She recommended a copy ofthe audio tape be made for John Boles before the Functional Plan public hearing. . . . Planning Commission Minutes October 1, 1998 Page 5 V. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Freeland noted they had difficulty completing the environmental assessment of the PUD Comp Plan request for the Kah Tai Lagoon property. He said they canceled that part of the October 8th special public hearing, and he asked to reschedule it for October 22nd, if they can have the SEP A threshold determination made by October 8th so the comment period would close on October 22nd. Mr. Freeland noted a new Planning Commission member was recommended to be appointed at the next City Council meeting. Mr. Craig Johnson also agreed to continue for the additional time and make his resignation effective at the completion of Comp Plan deliberations. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings October 8. 1998 1998 Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Public Hearing (Quasi-iudicial items will be scheduled first: the all the legislative will be considered following) Finalize Comp Plan Amendment Recommendations to CC PUD #1 Comp Plan Amendment, Public Hearing (Pope Marine Park Building) 6:30 p.m. Joint City Council and Planning Commission Comp Plan Amendments Parks & Recreation Functional Plan, Public Hearing October 15. 1998 October 22. 1998 October 26. 1998 October 29. 1998 VII. ADJOURN Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ms. Sherwood and seconded by Ms. Erickson. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m. /-, // . ( ~JJ~.. ./~ ,e ,e 'J '1~ · / ~ .-.---'Cindy, ee Cayer, Chair ß¿~d Sheila Avis, Minute Taker · · · Guest List Meeting of:' (J¿AIt¡1/ /1/(; CO/4I'(/S'S'IO/f/ Purpose: (J1I£k9 ..¡...f~c. Fqll/C.-rIOA/AL Pt.If/Y - (¡)OJeK5'110P Date: /(J It hI' I Name (,I... "~In"~ I Address I T~~~mr~~ I , - . ~ I I I I __~~/ -I