HomeMy WebLinkAbout03131997 Min Ag . . . CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Council Chambers, 7:00 PM Workshop Meeting I. ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 27, 1997 and March 6, 1997 III. COMMUNICATIONS: Current mail IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Title 17, PTMC (Zoning) 1. Staff Report, (Tim McHarg/Tim McMahan) 2. Commission Discussion and Conclusions B. Title 18, PTMC (Subdivisions) 1. Staff Report, (Tim McHarg/Tim McMahan) 2. Commission Discussion and Conclusions V. NEW BUSINESS VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings March 20, 1997 Final recommendation to Council (re: Titles 17 and 18) March 27 r 1997 Gerald and Barbara Rainwater, Variance Application #LUP97-00002 VII. ADJOURN March 13, 1997 -- ~' . . . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Workshop on Draft Zoning, Subdivision, PUD Standards March 13, 1997 I. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Cindy Thayer. Other members in attendance were Lois Sherwood, Lisa Enarson, Karen Erickson, Cindy Thayer and John Boles. Linda Clifton was absent. Staff members present were Judy Surber, Tim McMahan, Tim McHarg and new BCD Director Bruce Freeland. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion to approve the minutes of February 27, 1997 as written and amended was made by Boles and seconded by Sherwood. All were in favor. Motion to approve the minutes of March 6, 1997 as written was made by Enarson and seconded by Erickson. All were in favor. III. COMMUNICA nONS: Current Mail Thayer pointed out errors of term expiration dates on the Port Townsend Planning Commission roster and advised the rosters would be returned for corrections. IV. OLD BUSINESS Surber distributed a memorandum of Revisions to the Zoning Code per the meeting of March 6. REVISIONS DISCUSSED: Zo.ning Map Include residential densities to. the legend o.n the Zoning Map and also. include a disclaimer. Substantial impact facilities, Page 45 Add electrical substations Incidental uses Add definitio.n - "A use which is subo.rdinate and accesso.ry to. a use which is clearly permitted in the zo.ning district." . . . Planning Commission Minutes March 13, 1997 Page 2 Section revisio.ns: 17.16.020 Residential zoning districts -- Permitted, conditional and prohibited uses 17.18.020 Mixed use zoning districts .. 17.20.020 Commercial zoning districts 17.22~020 Marine related and Manufacturing 17.24.020 Public, park and open space as follows: ~ "Incidental uses which are identified in this Title as pro.hibited o.r conditio.nal uses within the applicable zo.ning district shall be co.nsidered co.nditional and pro.cessed as a mino.r CUP (Type ll) in acco.rdance with Chapter 20.01 subject to. the appro.val criteria co.dified in Chapter 17.84." .. MOTION SECOND VOTE Bo.les Change "shall be co.nsidered" to. "may be co.nsidered." Erickson 5 in favo.r, 0 o.ppo.sed Setbacks fro.m Public ria:ht-of-way Revisions no.t required. (Definitions clarity, alleys do not require the same setbacks as streets.) MOTION Bo.les Appro.ve revisions to. Zoning Map, Substantial impact facilities, Setbacks fro.m Public right-of-way, and amended revisio.ns to. Incidental uses. SECOND VOTE Erickso.n 5 in favo.r, o o.ppoSed CHANGES PRESENTED BY MCMAHAN: Page 57 Table 17.16.020 ~ Add Multi-family dwellings under Multi-Family Residential Uses (permitted in Zones R-m and R-IV) .. Add foo.tno.te to. each page identifying P, X, C and M .. To.wnho.use and ro.who.use. McMahan said will be left ìn the tables and treated as multi-family development, but clarified ìt has nothing to do with ownershìp of a strip of land separating units. McMahan to rework definitions and will change to remove the imprint that there is a structural wall that coincides with the lot line. .. Multi-family -- Change R-N from X to P. (Control of structure type rather than density; could have fourplexes if they meet minimum density.) Consensns.: Change to. P(permit) in Multi-family o.n Table 17.16.()20. (Include in vario.us o.ther tables) . . . Planning Commission Minutes March 13, 1997 Page 3 Page 70 Table 17.18.030 Change "Minimum commercial building. . . ." to. read "Minimum gro.und flo.o.r no.n- residential building. . . ." Page 81 Table 17.20.030 ~ Add new ceU: "Maximum Building size." (Would allow room for expansion but preclude regional retail from C-Il.) ~ "75,000 square fo.ot" in C-II o.nly; aU o.thers - "No.ne." (Vo.te taken to. aUo.w 75,000 square fo.o.t Maximum Building size in C-ll o.nly: 4 in favo.r; Boles o.ppo.sed.) OTHER ISSUES: ~ McHarg asked regarding confectionaries, Page 14 (defined and not in use tables. ) Previo.usly agreed to. include co.nfectionary. .. Enarson asked regarding a definition for trellis. Thayer asked Surber to. bring a definitio.n o.f trellis next week fo.r discussio.n. Chapter 17.22 PORT CONCERNS - Table 17.22.020 M-ll(A) and (B) -- change fro.m "X" to. "M" .. Apparel and o.ther finished products manufactured and assembly ~ Light manufacturing or processing no.t o.therwise named M-ll(A) and (B) - Revisit after definitio.n co.mplete .. Lumber and Wo.o.d pro.ducts pro.cessing M-ll(A) and (B) - Change fro.m C to. P .. Marinas .. Do.Cks and piers fo.r pleasure craft M-ll(A) and (B) .. Child day care centers and facilities -- leave as C .. Mini-sto.rage and mini-wareho.use facilities - leave as X ~ Warehousing o.peratio.ns - leave as X M-ll(A) ~ Solid waste handling facilities - leave as X .. Water and wastewater treatment facilities --leave as C . Planning Commission Minutes March 13, 1997 Page 4 M-ll(B) -Change to. M .. Government o.ffices ~=:~~~~~R THAN PORT ÇQNf.;!1;RNS ~~L ~ The question was raised about scrutiny of M-I an M-III ones (Glen Cove). McMahan noted the goal is to implement the intent to the direc 1 of the Growth Management Steering Committee regarding a UGA. He said the Commission could make sure the Staff hasn't made some mistakes and has followed through in those areas, but he also suggested the Commission might leave that to Council. .. It was proposed to leave M-I and M-III areas to Staff for now and readdress them when there is actually land in the City that is zoned that way. A caveat was added that a paragraph to that effect be included in the conveyance to the City Council. It was noted that for the same reason the matter was not considered in the joint Land Use meeting, and if it keeps going there will be no record that it has been considered. Co.nsensus: Do no.t co.nsider M-I and M-Ill Zo.nes at this time. Page 86 . Move: Auto.mo.bile towing services from Manufacturing Service Uses to. Co.mmercialUses Page 89 Add definition - Freight Distribution Centers Page 91 Table 17.22.020 -- M-ll(A) .. Appro.ve 50' Maximum Building Height. (Property owners above Port not affected.) .. Setbacks -- Leave as is. MOTION SECOND VOTE Enarso.n Accept Chapter 17.22 as amended. Erickso.n 5 in favo.r, o o.ppoSed Chapter 17.24 PORT CONCERN: Zo.ning Map: (City Reso.lutio.n 97-08) Designatio.n ofPo.rt--owned pro.perties at Kah Tai and Fo.rt Worden. Change: Land Use Map with a cross-hatch overlay on next iteration, but not the Zoning Map. . . . . Planning Commission Minutes March 13, 1997 Page 5 NON-PORT CONCERNS: Page 94 Change: Co.mmunity centers to. "c" in P/OS(A) Page 95 Change: .. Institutio.ns, educatio.nal to. "C" in P/OS(A) .. Offices, go.vernment including public buildings and public facilities to. "C" in P/OS(A) Page 96 Revisit - Satellite dishes and antennae in P/OS(A) and P/OS(B) when definition is complete. (McMahan will have for 3/13.) Page 98 Change Maximum Fence Height per regulations in P/OS(A): Fro.nt = 4'; Side = 8'; Rear = 8' MOTION SECOND VOTE Erickso.o Accept Chapter 17.24 as amended. Sherwoo.d 5 in favo.r, o o.pposed Overlay Districts - Chapters to. be rewritten Chapter 17.26 Page 103 17.30.030.B (needs wo.rk) Page 108 17.30.050.B.l (no.t complete) Chapter 17.32 Page 112 McMahan -- Staff amendments not fully drafted. Page 113 McMahan -- Clarificatio.n needed: ~ 17.32.020 R-II District -- some permitted uses could include multiple family ~ 17.32.020 Commercial . . . Planning Commission Minutes March 13, 1997 Page 6 Page 116 17.32.070 - Maximum Bonus Density Co.nsensus: Lo.wer Maximum Bo.nus Density to. 20% with a height restrictio.n. (Page 119) Page 117 17.32.080.B.l -- Clarity that it is beyond local, state, and federal codes or regulations. 17.32.080.B.4 - Change "private" to "public" MOTION SECOND VOTE Erickson Change "private" to. "public" in 17.32.080.B.4 Sherwo.o.d 4 in favo.r, Bo.les o.ppo.sed 17.32.080.B.5 -- Clarity that it is beyond local, state, and federal codes or regulations. Page 118 McMahan noted the Comp Plan stated there should be a PUD process that allowed bonus densities, etc. for commercial and industrial uses if they meet certain criteria; they have not had time to work on that and will have to do it in the future. Page 119 17.32.090.A.l. Building setbacks; (McMahan will redo building setbacks interior to the PUD) Co.nsensus: Agree in Co.ncept 17.32.090.A.2. Add: "Height o.f building o.r structure in mixed use zo.nes no.t to. exceed 40 feet" 17.32.090.B Add paragraph 5 to. read: "Height o.{ building o.r structure in all residential zo.nes; Page 122 17.32.130 Strike "preliminary" to. read: "Mo.difications to. an approved PUD." MOTION SECOND VOTE Enarso.n Accept Chapter 17.32 as amended. Erickso.n 5 in favo.r, Oo.pposed . . . Planning Commission Minutes March 13, 1997 Page 7 Chapter 17.36 McMahan will change to create a Type I permit process for reviewing multiple-family projects to meet these criteria. Page 125 17.36.020 Change to. read: " . . . shall apply to. aU multi-family projects regardless o.f their locatio.n or fo.rm o.f o.wnership . . ." Page 126 Diagrams to be reworked and brought back. Page 128 17.36.070.A. -- Delete the fo.IIo.wing: " . . . and to. reduce the visibility o.f multi-family buildings o.n the ho.rizo.n o.r skylines." 17.36.070.C. and diagrams - Co.nsensus to. delete. Page 135 McMahan to look into crafting a definition to bring back for "defensible open space." MOTION SECOND VOTE Bo.les Accept Chapter 17.36 as amended. Enarso.n 5 in favo.r, Oo.ppo.sed Chapter 17.40 Page 136 17.04.040 Binding site plan required. - Eliminate MOTION SECOND VOTE Sherwo.o.d Accept Chapter 17.40 as amended. Erickso.n 5 in favo.r, o o.PPo.sed Chapter 17.44 Pages 137 and 138 .. 17.44.030 will mo.ve to. Commercial tables; remainder to. Marine Manufacturing tabes. .. 17.44.040 change to.: " . . . and vegetative barrier that will attain a height o.f no.t less than eight feet and a width o.fno.t less than 10 feet, for screening purpo.ses and co.ntroHing access." . . . Planning Commission Minutes March 13, 1997 Page 8 (McMahan pointed out this has not gone through environmental review. It was suggested that Staff rewo.rk to. be co.nsistent with the intent.) Chapter 17.48 - Accessory Dwelling Units Will move to below Residential on Page 56. Chapter 17.60 Page 148 17.60.020.B. Change to.: "The pro.perty o.wner o.r o.wner's agent may apply.. . " Page 149 17.60.060 Change to.: " ...180 calendar days... " 17.50.070 Change to.: " . . . tempo.rary use permit 60 days. . ." Page 150 17.60.090 Change to: " . . . granting the city permissio.n to. summarily enter the pro.perty with reaso.nable advanced no.tice and abate. . . " MOTION SECOND VOTE Enar8o.n Accept Chapter 17.60 as amended. Sherwood 5 in favo.r, 0 o.ppo.Sed Chapter 17.84 Page 201 17.84.050.D. Standard requirement -- (McMahan win check and bring back.) 17.84.050.F. Eliminate Co.nsider the cumulative effect o.f precedence - (Surber to check.) Page 202 17.84.090.A. Strike: "five days" 17.84.090.B. Add"... if applicable. . ." to. read, " . . . o.r o.ther necessary develo.pment permit if applicable. . ." Co.rrect: " . . . fails to. files . . . " to. read, "... fails to. file . . ." 17.84.090.B.1. Change Sectio.n number to.: "Section 17.84.100 PTMC; MOTION SECOND VOTE Sherwood Accept Chapter 17.84 as amended. Enarso.n 5 in favor, 0 o.ppo.sed . . . , ' Planning Commission March 13, 1997 Page 9 Chapter 17.86 Page 204 Sectio.ns: 17.86.040 Change to. "Permit review pro.cess." 17.86.030.A. McMahan to craft submittal requirements. MOTION SECOND VOTE Bo.les Accept Chapter 17.86 as amended. Enarso.n 5 in favo.r, o o.pposed Chapter 17.88 -- No.nco.nfo.rming Lo.ts, Structures and Uses To be concluded next meeting. v. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings March 20. 1997 March 27. 1997 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. -- Rainwater Variance Hearing VII. ADJOURN Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Sherwood and seconded by Erickson AU were in favor. The meeting adjourned 10:00 p.m. ~âv0 4~~~ Cin Thayer, Chair Sheila Avis, Minute Taker